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Egypt's Mursi says Israel attacks on Gaza "unacceptable"


Jan 7, 2012
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Egypt's Mursi says Israel attacks on Gaza unacceptable | Reuters

(Reuters) - Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi condemned Israeli air strikes on the Gaza Strip as unacceptable on Thursday, in his harshest public criticism of Egypt's neighbour since taking office in June.

Mursi's televised address came as a stand-off deepened between Israel and militant groups in Gaza. A Hamas rocket killed three Israelis north of the Strip and the Palestinian death toll from Israeli attacks rose to 13.

Looking more subdued and downcast than in previous speeches, Mursi looked ill at ease as he listed steps he had taken to recall Egypt's ambassador in Israel and appeal to the United Nations Security Council.

"We are in contact with the people of Gaza and with Palestinians and we stand by them until we stop the aggression," Mursi said. "The Israelis must realise that this aggression is unacceptable and would only lead to instability in the region".

It was the first time Mursi mentioned Israel by name in a public address. Ties between the two neighbours were never warm but have cooled further since Mursi's predecessor Hosni Mubarak, a staunch U.S. ally, was deposed in a street revolt last year.

Israel is wary of the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood, the group that won most seats in post-Mubarak elections and which propelled Mursi to power.

The Brotherhood, which also inspired Hamas, describes Israel as a racist and expansionist state, although Mursi has pledged to respect a three decade-old peace treaty that ended a succession of wars with Israel.

The head of the Brotherhood, the country's most organised group, called on Egyptians to hold protests across the country to support Gaza on Thursday. Protests are also planned for Friday.

Mursi faces an uncomfortable dilemma in his relations with Israel. While keen to acknowledge widespread popular antipathy to the Jewish state, he also needs to persuade Western powers that they need not fear an Egypt governed by Islamists.

Mursi said he had spoken by phone with U.S. President Barack Obama and discussed "ways to reach calm and end the aggression".

He said he told Obama of "how keen we are (to maintain) relations with the United States but also our absolute rejection of this aggression and the spilling of blood and the blockade of Palestinians".

He said U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon had promised to relay his demand for an end to the violence to the Israelis.

(Editing by Tom Pfeiffer)
Israelis put all their chips in with Romney and now finds themselves with a fairly cool Obama.

Mursi must turn up the heat on Israel.... Short of a war Obama wont give a damn if netanyahoo is completely isolated and vilified. May lead him to loose the upcoming election. It's to win the election that netanyahoo has started this bombing.... They know Iran is out of question, they wanted to take down Abbas but has been told no.... So they are trying to bully the only place where they can the gaza strip.... The game is so transparent ...... It's a shame Israeli elections are won with Palestinian blood.
Democrat or Republican, America will always stand for Israel's atrocities. Its Israel which is going to take US down with it.
Unfortunately have to agree with you.... That odious women lipnzi or whatever started operation cast lead and bombed UN compound... So even if netanyahoo loses its bad news as usual for palestinians
^^ We are not weak; we are (not me) idiots and we totally divided. You can't fight the enemy when you hate your own brothers and sisters more than you hate the enemy that is bent on destroying you.

Is Hizbullah weak? All praise be to God, they defeated the Zionist army, taught them a good lesson. Imagine, if the rest had only 1% of their sense of dignity and honour. It has absolutely nothing to do with being "weak". We could end it in one day if we wanted. Kick out all American bases and embassies in Muslim countries. Stop using the Dollar immediately without notice. Don't put a cent in any western bank. Stop selling them oil altogether. Establish a strong economic, political and military alliance with Muslim countries.
Basically we should all follow Iran's example, but much better. Iran is actually not doing enough anti-imperialist work in my opinion with the resources and capabilities they have. But still by far the best Muslim country in that regard.
^^ We are not weak; we are (not me) idiots and we totally divided. You can't fight the enemy when you hate your own brothers and sisters more than you hate the enemy that is bent on destroying you.

Is Hizbullah weak? All praise be to God, they defeated the Zionist army, taught them a good lesson. Imagine, if the rest had only 1% of their sense of dignity and honour. It has absolutely nothing to do with being "weak". We could end it in one day if we wanted. Kick out all American bases and embassies in Muslim countries. Stop using the Dollar immediately without notice. Don't put a cent in any western bank. Stop selling them oil altogether. Establish a strong economic, political and military alliance with Muslim countries.
The problems in our countries are way more complicated than you make it seem.
Basically we should all follow Iran's example, but much better. Iran is actually not doing enough anti-imperialist work in my opinion with the resources and capabilities they have. But still by far the best Muslim country in that regard.
Iran has a lot of problems itself. I like someone of the things they do, but even Iranians complain from their leaders policies whether internal or foreign policies. We are really weak. Socially, economically, military, politically, culturally, scientifically ect.. Even if we unite all the Muslim countries armies in one army, we would still be weak.
I am just very sad because we are really weak. All of us Islamic nations are very weak.

^^ We are not weak; we are (not me) idiots and we totally divided. You can't fight the enemy when you hate your own brothers and sisters more than you hate the enemy that is bent on destroying you.

Is Hizbullah weak? All praise be to God, they defeated the Zionist army, taught them a good lesson. Imagine, if the rest had only 1% of their sense of dignity and honour. It has absolutely nothing to do with being "weak". We could end it in one day if we wanted. Kick out all American bases and embassies in Muslim countries. Stop using the Dollar immediately without notice. Don't put a cent in any western bank. Stop selling them oil altogether. Establish a strong economic, political and military alliance with Muslim countries.

Basically we should all follow Iran's example, but much better. Iran is actually not doing enough anti-imperialist work in my opinion with the resources and capabilities they have. But still by far the best Muslim country in that regard.

The problems in our countries are way more complicated than you make it seem.

Pan-Islamism doesnt work..period!
Its interesting to note the timing of all this.

Israel takes out that Weapons Factory in Sudan and then starts this offensive in Gaza.

I think this whole thing was pre-planned, first take out the Weapons Factory in Sudan so that Iran cannot re-supply Hamas in Gaza and then launch an offenisve on Gaza.
^^ We are not weak; we are (not me) idiots and we totally divided. You can't fight the enemy when you hate your own brothers and sisters more than you hate the enemy that is bent on destroying you.

Is Hizbullah weak? All praise be to God, they defeated the Zionist army, taught them a good lesson. Imagine, if the rest had only 1% of their sense of dignity and honour. It has absolutely nothing to do with being "weak". We could end it in one day if we wanted. Kick out all American bases and embassies in Muslim countries. Stop using the Dollar immediately without notice. Don't put a cent in any western bank. Stop selling them oil altogether. Establish a strong economic, political and military alliance with Muslim countries.

Kudos to your intellect sir..Now, why dont you start this holy endeavour by leaving your comfortable chair in Holland(West?) and be an example for all of us? I am sure many intelligent people like you would follow you..But yeah how could an American puppet, Zionist lover like me would know that

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