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Egyptian Actors on a prank show

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I liked how after hitting her, he came over and said she brought it all on herself. Some real class there.
Catch me in an error or give me a good countering source and I eat humble pie. It just doesn't happen very often here. As for "hypocritical" be specific but if it isn't related to the thread topic vm me.

You're hanging onto falsified quotes here. Take them out and re-state your case, please.

It was better than a "nice try" since the Yahoo bit referenced the Camera article which disproves the quote. Try your own internet sleuthing and find the source of the false quote yourself.

The Pakistanis here are STILL stuck with confronting the deep issue I pointed out earlier:

"...Having been raised in such a ragout of overweening pride it's very difficult for most Muslim Pakistanis to accept that not only are they not automatically better than everyone else (for some do accept that) but they don't have to be so bad and horrible and that the moral example of other nations like Israel should be studied and emulated as something to strive for, rather than reflexively and mindlessly reject."

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/197610-egyptian-actors-prank-show-7.html#ixzz21fi3Vxhv

The rant is by an Israeli, obviously, you won't find a one-sided argument biased at all if the argument is in your favor.

The summary given for that statement was "Summary: Fabricated quote, fabricated source". So, according to you, the statement is false because the Camera article said so.

@PteX and MadDog: I will not reply to your comments, all I will say is that I stand by what I said. Both of you can patiently wait and let time be the judge of everything.


Notice how Cloakedvessel and Solomon totally ignore this post of yours, as if they are purpoesly trying to ignore anything they know that they can't repsond to.

I did not ignore it... What kind of respond do you expect? You want me the give an opinion about anti-Muslim bias by Israeli's, based on a known lie?
I'm sure if you dig deep enough, you''ll find some hate statements made by Israeli's, but just like I said before, I doubt that's the popular opinion voiced in the mainstream Israeli media. If you think this not the case, you're welcome to proof otherwise.
But don't count on me for accepting a recognized falsehood.....
Well, you did state that we Muslim Pakistanis consider ourselves "automatically" better than others, and you were generalizing all Muslim Pakistanis (which includes me) by saying such a thing -
Well, it should be easy to disprove my words, then. Just find one instance when a Muslim Pakistani defends, publicly, a Jewish Israeli vs. his Muslim opponent.
, therefore i replied by giving you the same reply, ie in my opinion its you Zionist who believe you are superior and that we "Goyim"'s are your cattle, meant for you to use however you want..."Falsified quotes"??? You mean to tell me i'm making this up?? Your own fellow Zionist referred to the people in the video as "creatures" and "subhumans" in his post#82.
I'm not convinced it's genuine. I suppose there could be Zionists who have such feelings but I've never met one. You can be absolutely certain that it has no impact on Israeli policies simply because if so then the Israelis would be utilizing Palestinians as slave labor rather than doing their best to leave them alone, yes? The divide between what is said by fringe elements and how the nation actually acts is a good measure of its resistance to extremism.

I've elaborated this point countless time on countless threads already, and i do remember you commenting on those threads as well so i'm sure you've read my post concerning Zionist hypocrisy.
Sorry, no. Like I said, before today I didn't take you seriously. The Nazi avatar, I suppose.

If one has the audacity to call others such degrading words then one should not feel offended from the fact that Nazis allegedly referred to their kind as such as well.
There was nothing "alleged" about it. You forget, or try to equate, the key Nazi crime wasn't from a fringe element calling names but the mainstream leadership degrading and slaying almost an entire people.

The summary given for that statement was "Summary: Fabricated quote, fabricated source". So, according to you, the statement is false because the Camera article said so. Brilliant.
Yes. For now, the ball is in your court.

And you still have to deal with this:

"...Having been raised in such a ragout of overweening pride it's very difficult for most Muslim Pakistanis to accept that not only are they not automatically better than everyone else (for some do accept that) but they don't have to be so bad and horrible and that the moral example of other nations like Israel should be studied and emulated as something to strive for, rather than reflexively and mindlessly reject."

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/197610-egyptian-actors-prank-show-9.html#ixzz21g9g7mwC

Not so easy to denounce once you take out the falsifications and meaningless fringe elements, is it? I know Pakistanis who have done so but they're too freakin' scared to try teaching this stuff to youngsters.
There was no israeli producer, it was just a prank played on Egyptian celebrities by Egyptians pretending to be israelis. The dude got aggressive and violent which was totally uncalled for. If i were him i would've just left. Something tells me this prank had another motive, which was to show the deep intolerance towards Jews within the Egyptians society and it seems they were successful in doing so.

Okay, that is messed up :sick:
Well, it should be easy to disprove my words, then. Just find one instance when a Muslim Pakistani defends, publicly, a Jewish Israeli vs. his Muslim opponent.
I have defended Jews and Christians against my own both in real life and on this very forum countless times, and i'm sure countless other Muslims have too, its called self criticism and realization of your own shortcomings rather than blaming others, which i will admit many Muslims lack but Zionists are no different either in this regard.

I'm not convinced it's genuine. I suppose there could be Zionists who have such feelings but I've never met one. You can be absolutely certain that it has no impact on Israeli policies simply because if so then the Israelis would be utilizing Palestinians as slave labor rather than doing their best to leave them alone, yes? The divide between what is said by fringe elements and how the nation actually acts is a good measure of its resistance to extremism.

The fact that owning a slave in israel is legal for as long as he/she isn't a Jew doesn't support your statement.

Eastern European White women trafficked into israel, lured by the promises of "jobs" but instead their passports confiscated from them and they are held as hostages, forced against their will to serve their israeli clients day in and day out, pimped by israelis (i wonder where the so called "human rights" and "Women's activist" organizations are while this is taking place? Or do they only come into action when it comes to invading a Muslim country?):

Russian women are bought and sold by pimps in Israel for prices ranging from US$5,000 to $20,000. (Police sources, "'Invisible' Women Shown In Russia's Demographics," Martina Vandenberg, St. Petersburg Times, 13 October 1997)

A small brothel with ten women can make up to 750,000 shekels a month (US $215,000). (Michael Specter, "Traffickers’ New Cargo: Naive Slavic Women," New York Times, 11 January 1998)

Women trafficked from Eastern Europe, were stripped and sold naked as slaves to Tel Aviv traders for US$500-1,000. Smuggling, fraudulent documents, collaboration between police and brothel owners are involved. There are routine brutal beatings and sexual abuse. (New York Times 11 January 1998)

Also harvesting organs of Palestinian Goyim (cattle) for Israeli patients, and that too without the consent of the relatives of the deceased Palestinian Goyim:

Israel has admitted pathologists harvested organs from dead Palestinians, and others, without the consent of their families – a practice it said ended in the 1990s – it emerged at the weekend.

The admission, by the former head of the country's forensic institute, followed a furious row prompted by a Swedish newspaper reporting that Israel was killing Palestinians in order to use their organs – a charge that Israel denied and called "antisemitic" ("anti-semitism" is one of the most overly abused and wrongly used terms, used primarily to defame israel's critics).

The revelation, in a television documentary, is likely to generate anger in the Arab and Muslim world and reinforce sinister stereotypes of Israel and its attitude to Palestinians. Iran's state-run Press TV tonight reported the story, illustrated with photographs of dead or badly injured Palestinians.
Doctor admits Israeli pathologists harvested organs without consent | World news | The Guardian

Above an article that quoted claims made by Palestinians, Aftonbladet, Sweden's largest-circulation daily newspaper, carried the headline: "Our sons are plundered for their organs". The article alleged Israeli authorities sanctioned such acts because of a shortage of organs in the country.

Daniel Seaman, who heads Israel's government press office, said the article played on "vile anti-Semitic themes".

Yigal Palmor, a foreign ministry spokesman, said officials had met Sweden's ambassador to Israel and had "protested" about the article.

He said a formal complaint would be issued soon.
Israel furious at claim it harvests Palestinian organs - Telegraph

The habit of labeling anyone who criticizes you (even over crimes that you have committed) as a "anti-semite" is a strong indicator that Zionists are a intolerant movements, racist, extremist, don't believe in self criticism and consider themselves above everyone else and that no one has the right to question them, even their own Jews, therefore hiding behind their facade of a victim mentality and their alleged genocide to gain sympathy, but quite frankly a lot of people are getting tired of that nonsense and are beginning to see Zionism for what it truly is.

Sorry, no. Like I said, before today I didn't take you seriously. The Nazi avatar, I suppose.
But didn't you say Rommel didn't subscribe to Nazi views? Not that it affects me whether if he did or did not since he still did serve Germany under Hitler.

There was nothing "alleged" about it. You forget, or try to equate, the key Nazi crime wasn't from a fringe element calling names but the mainstream leadership degrading and slaying almost an entire people.
Degrading, maybe, "slaying"? Sorry but i beg to differ on that.
I have defended Jews and Christians against my own both in real life and on this very forum -
Links and details, please. If you insist on an avatar of a Nazi you're going to have to work hard to get this Jew to respect you.

The fact that owning a slave in israel is legal for as long as he/she isn't a Jew doesn't support your statement.
Can you fast-forward from 2,500 years ago, please?

Eastern European White women trafficked into israel -
Who is denying that Israel has problems with crime? Unlike Pakistan, however, Israel has a justice system that works, one where people get their day in court rather promptly and with good legal representation - just look at the "Palestinian struggle" sticky for the details. The biggest weakness anti-Zionists have is that Israel is, truly, a society where justice is done and to obscure that the anti-Zionists have to damage their own minds and those of their followers - like yourself, since you believe Jews in Israel currently own slaves.

The habit of labeling anyone who criticizes you (even over crimes that you have committed) as a "anti-semite" -
At best you are confusing me with someone else as I don't recall ever employing the term "anti-semite" at this website, at least not in the fashion you cite.

...is a strong indicator that Zionists are a intolerant movements, racist, extremist, don't believe in self criticism and consider themselves above -
That's the conclusion you want. But I've shot down all your supporting arguments. Can't you figure out what that means?

Sorry but i beg to differ on that.
I didn't ask you to beg but the answer is no. As late Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan said, people are entitled to their own opinions but not their own facts.
Links and details, please. If you insist on an avatar of a Nazi you're going to have to work hard to get this Jew to respect you.

Sorry to interrupt bro, but that is the pic of Erwin Rommel, one of the greatest commanders in World War 2. Granted, he was a Nazi but he was more well known/respected for his skill in the battlefield. Perhaps that is why the poster chose to use that pic as his avvy rather than any particular hatred towards Jews.
Links and details, please. If you insist on an avatar of a Nazi you're going to have to work hard to get this Jew to respect you.

Sorry to interrupt bro, but that is the pic of Erwin Rommel, one of the greatest commanders in World War 2. Granted, he was a Nazi but he was more well known/respected for his skill in the battlefield -
And his victories gave the SS unhindered access to work its will upon conquered areas inhabited by Jews. Please write with more sensitivity, thoughtfulness, and tact.

True, not as high a proportion died in Africa as in Europe but that was a matter of politics-driven logistics and the constraints of the battlefield; the S.S. was there, killing in the rear area. Rommel worked for a bad cause and Nuremberg established that just because an officer followed orders didn't mean the officer was under the obligation to obey them if they were against the laws of war
Had he succeeded in conquering Egypt and Palestine the persecution would have been given full swing. link Had Rommel survived WWII he would have ended up in Nuremberg and been judged there. So you see I consider my revulsion fully justifiable.

As for Rommel's reputation: if the Brits hadn't made idiotic mistakes (sloppy orders to the garrison commander) at Tobruk Rommel would have had to surrender or withdraw his army for lack of supplies.
And his victories gave the SS unhindered access to work its will upon conquered areas inhabited by Jews. Please write with more sensitivity, thoughtfulness, and tact.

True, not as high a proportion died in Africa as in Europe but that was a matter of politics-driven logistics and the constraints of the battlefield; the S.S. was there, killing in the rear area. Rommel worked for a bad cause and Nuremberg established that just because an officer followed orders didn't mean the officer was under the obligation to obey them if they were against the laws of war
Had he succeeded in conquering Egypt and Palestine the persecution would have been given full swing. link Had Rommel survived WWII he would have ended up in Nuremberg and been judged there. So you see I consider my revulsion fully justifiable.

As for Rommel's reputation: if the Brits hadn't made idiotic mistakes (sloppy orders to the garrison commander) at Tobruk Rommel would have had to surrender or withdraw his army for lack of supplies.

If he wanted to convey his hatred of the Jews, he could have done a lot worse than Rommel, just saying. Also, regarding Africa don't you think he was in an impossible situation? What was he supposed to do,lose wars for his country in order to spare the Jews from Hitler's depravity? And regarding your link it is possible to argue that he was pretending to be Hitler's 'poodle' in order to cover up for the fact that he was conspiring against him. Remember it was not just his neck on the line here but that of his family's as well.
Valek, that's interesting but we've gotten wayyy too far away from this thread topic: the behavior of Egyptian actors when they were pranked, Pakistanis' response, and the implications for Pakistan.
Valek, that's interesting but we've gotten wayyy too far away from this thread topic: the behavior of Egyptian actors when they were pranked, Pakistanis' response, and the implications for Pakistan.

Ya ,you're right.On topic: Prank or no this was just downright disgusting. In my opinion this fat **** is little better than the lunatics who blow themselves up in front of civilians. People like this fellow are fully aware of the fact that they can't do anything against Israel and take out their frustration on hapless women and innocent bystanders.
Ya ,you're right.On topic: Prank or no this was just downright disgusting. In my opinion this fat **** is little better than the lunatics who blow themselves up in front of civilians. People like this fellow are fully aware of the fact that they can't do anything against Israel and take out their frustration on hapless women and innocent bystanders.
It goes beyond that. Just see how he tried to apologize for his conduct: by inviting the woman he hit to a private rub-down. Such misogyny is all of a piece with the televised reports of Egyptian gangs raping any Western woman they see not wearing a chador.

What more proof is needed that Egypt, the oldest nation on Earth, has to learn to be civilized all over again?
"...Having been raised in such a ragout of overweening pride it's very difficult for most Muslim Pakistanis to accept that not only are they not automatically better than everyone else (for some do accept that) but they don't have to be so bad and horrible and that the moral example of other nations like Israel should be studied and emulated as something to strive for, rather than reflexively and mindlessly reject."

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/197610-egyptian-actors-prank-show-9.html#ixzz21g9g7mwC

Not so easy to denounce once you take out the falsifications and meaningless fringe elements, is it? I know Pakistanis who have done so but they're too freakin' scared to try teaching this stuff to youngsters.

I've seen that before. I will not reply to ignorance.
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