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Egyptian Actors on a prank show

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There is no excuse for hitting a woman and he did it with brutality and pride, did not feel remorse but triumph.

This is not a human being, and yet i see so many "men" here defended his actions because the word "Israel" is mentioned.
I won't say what you are because apparently no one taught you how to be men.
He went after the woman because she was the only one who could not defend herself, simple as that.

He is a coward and i would personally, gladly, show him what it must have felt like for that woman.

Let me repeat again but first
Calm down, you people even made Moses mad, that he broke the 10 commandments. and you don't understand why he got mad that he even hit the woman, being on an ISRAELI CHANNEL that people will watch is a DISGRACE ( scandal) , ITS A SHAME THAT EVERY ARAB WILL HAVE, YES HE WILL BE CALLED A TRAITOR, HE FEARED HIS NAME WILL BE RUINED. enough said.

Now he attacked the man first, and the woman came in front of him , he was in anger mode, if the show said they were Jews, nothing would have happened, but they said they are Israeli, that's something else right there.
and stop bs, you have already killed millions of Palestinian women and kids, do you remember Muhammed Aldurah?

The women was hot so the amn wad probably sexually fustrated and took his stisfaction out on the women by being an animal. It is common in the middle east as forced marrying or fathers giving thier daughters to cousins are common. Lets not forget pre islamic practices of arabs like honor killing of female offsprings because they wanted males or putting your sisters on pit for not being a virgin. Only 1&% of scientific puplications are made.by arab nations. Despite being 300 million. Harvad does more accounted R&D than all arab uni put together. But hey its the jews fault. Its the jews fault that the morrocan burn holland like animals on rapies. Its the jews fault that yhey are too succesful despite their numbers. Its the fault that malmo sweden is a ghetto no go zone. Its jews fault fault for killing 12 million people for the past 30 years. Ia the jews fault for the oil addiction of gulfs and mistreatment of south asians. Its the jews fault for being used as an example by the far right in europe that multicultralism is faliure.
You live in paranoia. Pakistan is not a threat to Israel, as Israel is not a threat to Pakistan. We have our own individual enemies to think about, and they are not each other.

@ Cloakedvessel

I`m not surprised about the Jew hatred.What revolted me was the fact the woman was beaten shamelessly and sexually harassed, then she apologized and all the men were laughing and smiling. These creatures are sub-human.

See, now if a White European German or any other White person said the words you just called Egyptians/Arabs, he would have been labeled a "racist NAZI scumbag". Since you're a israeli and a Jewish you therefore have a clean pass to make racist degrading remarks about anyone and get away with it.

Though i do agree that he should not have put his hands on the woman but by no means are they "subhuman" as your not so racist self put it, its just the way they were brought up to think (culture, upbringing, etc).
Chick is fucking hot. She needs to relocate. We treat such gems better.
See, now if a White European German or any other White person said the words you just called Egyptians/Arabs, he would have been labeled a "racist NAZI scumbag". Since you're a israeli and a Jewish you therefore have a clean pass to make racist degrading remarks about anyone and get away with it.

Though i do agree that he should not have put his hands on the woman but by no means are they "subhuman" as your not so racist self put it, its just the way they were brought up to think (culture, upbringing, etc).
See, the difference between you and i is that i do not judge a man by his race or religion.
I judge them by their actions and these creatures are no men and deserve nothing but the worst for their barbaric behavior.
See, the difference between you and i is that i do not judge a man by his race or religion.
I judge them by their actions and these creatures are no men and deserve nothing but the worst for their barbaric behavior.
They're not taught that, PteX. They're taught that because they are born Muslims they are automatically better than non-Muslims regardless of deeds and because they are born in the Land of the Pure they are probably better than everyone else, save perhaps the Saudis who bankroll the madrassas. And if you doubt that, hey, Pakistan has The Bomb, corrupt officials, and "non-state actors" to help convince you!

Having been raised in such a ragout of overweening pride it's very difficult for most Muslim Pakistanis to accept that not only are they not automatically better than everyone else (for some do accept that) but they don't have to be so bad and horrible and that the moral example of other nations like Israel should be studied and emulated as something to strive for, rather than reflexively and mindlessly reject.
They're not taught that, PteX. They're taught that because they are born Muslims they are automatically better than non-Muslims regardless of deeds and because they are born in the Land of the Pure they are probably better than everyone else, save perhaps the Saudis who bankroll the madrassas. And if you doubt that, hey, Pakistan has The Bomb, corrupt officials, and "non-state actors" to help convince you!

Having been raised in such a ragout of overweening pride it's very difficult for most Muslim Pakistanis to accept that not only are they not automatically better than everyone else (for some do accept that) but they don't have to be so bad and horrible and that the moral example of other nations like Israel should be studied and emulated as something to strive for, rather than reflexively and mindlessly reject.

Muslim Pakistanis claim to be God's chosen people...... Oh wait that's you guys. :rolleyes: Next

this video shows which side is belligerent.

Yeah because that fat retard represents Arabs in whole.
Whats that womens name? So funny when he said he will cream her back , hahah , i would have creamed it :D
Muslim Pakistanis claim to be God's chosen people...... Oh wait that's you guys.
Jewish "chosenness" is one of additional duties, not the birthright to feel superior or automatically in the right over others.

:rolleyes: Back
If I was there....I would have kicked his *** big time for hitting that beautiful woman....that a bozo
They're not taught that, PteX. They're taught that because they are born Muslims they are automatically better than non-Muslims regardless of deeds and because they are born in the Land of the Pure they are probably better than everyone else, save perhaps the Saudis who bankroll the madrassas. And if you doubt that, hey, Pakistan has The Bomb, corrupt officials, and "non-state actors" to help convince you!

Having been raised in such a ragout of overweening pride it's very difficult for most Muslim Pakistanis to accept that not only are they not automatically better than everyone else (for some do accept that) but they don't have to be so bad and horrible and that the moral example of other nations like Israel should be studied and emulated as something to strive for, rather than reflexively and mindlessly reject.

“I don't know something called International Principles. I vow that I'll burn every Palestinian child (that) will be born in this area. The Palestinian woman and child is more dangerous than the man, because the Palestinian childs existence infers that generations will go on, but the man causes limited danger. I vow that if I was just an Israeli civilian and I met a Palestinian I would burn him and I would make him suffer before killing him. With one hit I've killed 750 Palestinians (in Rafah in 1956). I wanted to encourage my soldiers by raping Arabic girls as the Palestinian women is a slave for Jews, and we do whatever we want to her and nobody tells us what we shall do but we tell others what they shall do. (Ariel Sharon, current Prime Minister, In an interview with General Ouze Merham, 1956)
“I don't know something called International Principles. I vow that I'll burn every Palestinian child (that) will be born in this area. The Palestinian woman and child is more dangerous than the man, because the Palestinian childs existence infers that generations will go on, but the man causes limited danger. I vow that if I was just an Israeli civilian and I met a Palestinian I would burn him and I would make him suffer before killing him. With one hit I've killed 750 Palestinians (in Rafah in 1956). I wanted to encourage my soldiers by raping Arabic girls as the Palestinian women is a slave for Jews, and we do whatever we want to her and nobody tells us what we shall do but we tell others what they shall do. (Ariel Sharon, current Prime Minister, In an interview with General Ouze Merham, 1956)

I'm not entirely unsympathetic to the cause of the Palestinian people and their right for self-determination, but do some fact-finding before you post such things. This quote ascribed to Ariel Sharon is a known hoax.

Israeli society is not perfect, but in some ways far better than its neighbors. Look at this (and other) video's.
If these tv segments are of any indication of the general state of mind of the political and arts culture and popular opinion in Egypt, than it's one God forsaken place. The sphere is almost medieval with the anti-semitic accusations and rants, instinctive madness and hatred. The torches and pitchforks have been replaced by pistols and revolvers.
Israel has a size-able Arab population, but I can't imagine Israeli's trash and treat their Arab citizens so badly.

Maybe it's a good thing that there are no Jews left in Egypt, in such a climate it would be Nazi-Germany all over again for the Egyptians Jews, this I can imagine.
See, the difference between you and i is that i do not judge a man by his race or religion.
I judge them by their actions and these creatures are no men and deserve nothing but the worst for their barbaric behavior.

Lol, so you're accusing me of judging people based on their race and religion while you're the one who's referring to the Egyptians and Arabs in general as "subhumans". Perhaps apply your words to yourself.

They're not taught that, PteX. They're taught that because they are born Muslims they are automatically better than non-Muslims regardless of deeds and because they are born in the Land of the Pure they are probably better than everyone else, save perhaps the Saudis who bankroll the madrassas. And if you doubt that, hey, Pakistan has The Bomb, corrupt officials, and "non-state actors" to help convince you!

Having been raised in such a ragout of overweening pride it's very difficult for most Muslim Pakistanis to accept that not only are they not automatically better than everyone else (for some do accept that) but they don't have to be so bad and horrible and that the moral example of other nations like Israel should be studied and emulated as something to strive for, rather than reflexively and mindlessly reject.

Wow, man you just described your own people, you took the words right out of my mind. I can't remember the last time i considered a Jew, Christian, Buddhist, Shintoist, or any one else below me due to them having different religious beliefs from mine.

The fact that you lot can call someone "subhuman" and then get away with it while if anyone else were to say that he would be labeled a NAZI, fascist, Islamist, etc makes you no different from the people whom you were supposedly "persecuted" by.

Blatant hypocrisy and double standards.

That women is hot , baby come to me.

I will treat you better honey.


She was scared when he said that. :lol:

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