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Egyptian Actors on a prank show

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Wow, man you just described your own people, you took the words right out of my mind. I can't remember the last time i considered a Jew, Christian, Buddhist, Shintoist, or any one else below me due to them having different religious beliefs from mine.
DF, I used to consider you a total nutcase but I see there is a teeny kernel of self-reflection after all. Add some self-doubt to it, please.

The fact that you lot can call someone "subhuman" -
Except I've never called anyone subhuman.

Blatant hypocrisy and double standards.
"Double standards" is a charge people often throw out when they incorrectly compare deeds and ignore their context. As for "hypocrisy" - the need to charge Zionists with this is what drives the distortions.
I expected isreals to be wiser than that you know that peace between us is fragile but it lasted for a long time do you know why ?not because we have let the past go but because peace is have benefited us and you
lets see what have pretended to forget
1 the savage killing of our pow s in the 67 war and i know and you know very well what happened you can compare this to how we treated our pow s in 73 war and you will know who is savage
2 bombing schools and killing egyptians civilians
3 ethiopia everyone knows what you are doing there
4 shooting at our border guards just because you couldnt control your hatred
@PteX and MadDog: I will not reply to your comments, all I will say is that I stand by what I said. Both of you can patiently wait and let time be the judge of everything.


“I don't know something called International Principles. I vow that I'll burn every Palestinian child (that) will be born in this area. The Palestinian woman and child is more dangerous than the man, because the Palestinian childs existence infers that generations will go on, but the man causes limited danger. I vow that if I was just an Israeli civilian and I met a Palestinian I would burn him and I would make him suffer before killing him. With one hit I've killed 750 Palestinians (in Rafah in 1956). I wanted to encourage my soldiers by raping Arabic girls as the Palestinian women is a slave for Jews, and we do whatever we want to her and nobody tells us what we shall do but we tell others what they shall do. (Ariel Sharon, current Prime Minister, In an interview with General Ouze Merham, 1956)

Notice how Cloakedvessel and Solomon totally ignore this post of yours, as if they are purpoesly trying to ignore anything they know that they can't repsond to.
DF, I used to consider you a total nutcase but I see there is a teeny kernel of self-reflection after all. Add some self-doubt to it, please.
There has always been self reflection in me, unlike you lot i'm not arrogant and hypocritical. I'm willing to admit my short comings and have never considered myself to be superior to anyone.

Except I've never called anyone subhuman.
But your brethren from israel did, and he justified it, look back at his post. Maybe he should justify "untermenschen".

"Double standards" is a charge people often throw out when they incorrectly compare deeds and ignore their context. As for "hypocrisy" - the need to charge Zionists with this is what drives the distortions.

Calling anyone a "Untermenschen" is not justified no matter what they do or how they behave, its a racist term used by evil Hitler and Nazis to describe anyone who's not "Aryan" (according to mainstream accepted history), after all isn't that what you people stood for??? Or the rules only apply to others and you have a free pass to call someone whatever you want whenever you want?

Now coming to hypocrisy part, the hypocrisy is pretty much apparent, its just that people are afraid to point it out due to the fear of being labeled a "racist" and "anti-semite".

While it doesn't give any excuse for the actor to behave that way, that Israeli producer should not have provoked him in the first place.

Idiocity knows no bounds.
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There has always been self reflection in me, unlike you lot i'm not arrogant and hypocritical. I'm willing to admit my short comings and have never considered myself to be superior to anyone.
Catch me in an error or give me a good countering source and I eat humble pie. It just doesn't happen very often here. As for "hypocritical" be specific but if it isn't related to the thread topic vm me.

your brethren from israel did...Calling anyone a "Untermenschen" -
You're hanging onto falsified quotes here. Take them out and re-state your case, please.

And what does a Yahoo rant prove? Nothing. Nice try though.
It was better than a "nice try" since the Yahoo bit referenced the Camera article which disproves the quote. Try your own internet sleuthing and find the source of the false quote yourself.

The Pakistanis here are STILL stuck with confronting the deep issue I pointed out earlier:

"...Having been raised in such a ragout of overweening pride it's very difficult for most Muslim Pakistanis to accept that not only are they not automatically better than everyone else (for some do accept that) but they don't have to be so bad and horrible and that the moral example of other nations like Israel should be studied and emulated as something to strive for, rather than reflexively and mindlessly reject."

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/197610-egyptian-actors-prank-show-7.html#ixzz21fi3Vxhv

While it doesn't give any excuse for the actor to behave that way, that Israeli producer should not have provoked him in the first place.

Idiocity knows no bounds.

There was no israeli producer, it was just a prank played on Egyptian celebrities by Egyptians pretending to be israelis. The dude got aggressive and violent which was totally uncalled for. If i were him i would've just left. Something tells me this prank had another motive, which was to show the deep intolerance towards Jews within the Egyptians society and it seems they were successful in doing so.
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egyptians are true patriots...after mubarik regime...the truth is coming out......people of egypt are very much aware of who their real enemy really is....
a time will come when stones and trees and will speak that a jew is hiding behind them....
Catch me in an error or give me a good countering source and I eat humble pie. It just doesn't happen very often here. As for "hypocritical" be specific but if it isn't related to the thread topic vm me.

Well, you did state that we Muslim Pakistanis consider ourselves "automatically" better than others, and you were generalizing all Muslim Pakistanis (which includes me) by saying such a thing, therefore i replied by giving you the same reply, ie in my opinion its you Zionist who believe you are superior and that we "Goyim"'s are your cattle, meant for you to use however you want.

As for "hypocritical" be specific but if it isn't related to the thread topic vm me.
I've elaborated this point countless time on countless threads already, and i do remember you commenting on those threads as well so i'm sure you've read my post concerning Zionist hypocrisy.

You're hanging onto falsified quotes here. Take them out and re-state your case, please.

"Falsified quotes"??? You mean to tell me i'm making this up?? Your own fellow Zionist referred to the people in the video as "creatures" and "subhumans" in his post#82.

You live in paranoia. Pakistan is not a threat to Israel, as Israel is not a threat to Pakistan. We have our own individual enemies to think about, and they are not each other.

@ Cloakedvessel

I`m not surprised about the Jew hatred.What revolted me was the fact the woman was beaten shamelessly and sexually harassed, then she apologized and all the men were laughing and smiling. These creatures are sub-human.

If one has the audacity to call others such degrading words then one should not feel offended from the fact that Nazis allegedly referred to their kind as such as well.
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