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Egypt protesters breach US embassy over anti-Islam film

Classifying the Holocaust and Islam as being the same category, what a laugh!
Why not the same? You care about your holocaust and we care about our belief and religion. It's all about sensitivities. Our religion is sensitive to us and Holocaust is sensitive to you. As the member above said, you guys should be the last to criticize us with your appaling human rights records and level of bigotry.
hope the above indian and International websites are enough :blah:

No brother this thread is not about "anger among Muslims" its about a local Egyptian issue in which both christen and Muslims are protesting together against a movie.

It is u my friend who is giving it the Indian/Communal touch.

only ppl of week faith convert there religion.

A muslim will prefer death over conversion to other religion.

lol! Who wants conversion, I am telling to revert to real true faith. the original failth which is older than Isalm and cristianism. Revert to the root. Revert to the peace...

lol! Who wants conversion, I am telling to revert to real true faith. the original failth which is older than Isalm and cristianism. Revert to the root. Revert to the peace...


I just showed u how Peaceful ur religion is check the links i have given.

to revert is also a conversion to another religion.

to revert or covert is a test of how strong ur faith is........ and u just showed how strong ("U") ur religion is.:wave:
Why not the same? You care about your holocaust and we care about our belief and religion. It's all about sensitivities. Our religion is sensitive to us and Holocaust is sensitive to you. As the member above said, you guys should be the last to criticize us with your appaling human rights records and level of bigotry.
First of all, there are plenty Holocaust denial books and videos and no one killed over them.

Secondly, this "movie" is not in cinemas. This "movie" is not broadcasted on any TV channel. So what they are protesting against? :rolleyes:
First of all, there are plenty Holocaust denial books and videos and no one killed over them.

Secondly, this "movie" is not in cinemas. This "movie" is not broadcasted on any TV channel. So what they are protesting against? :rolleyes:
I dont know anything myself and for your information, i am not defending their way of protest.
Why not just cut off the whole Internet, like North Korea?

It would prevent future unwanted breaches...

Afghanistan bans YouTube to block anti-Muslim film | Reuters

Afghanistan bans YouTube to block anti-Muslim film

(Reuters) - Afghanistan banned the YouTube website on Wednesday to stop Afghans watching a U.S.-made film insulting the Prophet Mohammad that sparked protests in North Africa and the killing of the U.S. ambassador to Libya.
haha. You Jews are the most uncivilized people on Earth. Take a look at your retarded settlers. Lolz.

You shouldn't talk about yourself that way. Quite frankly I was surprised as you were that the US would let you in, but I guess DeVry college was running low on applicants.
This is typical Middle Eastern logic, 1 person does something so they blame the entire population of the country that 1 person is from and use horrific violence in response.

It's only in Middle Eastern countries where mobs of savages gather together and storm foreign embassies for retarded reasons.

While the rest of the world modernizes, specifically Asia, the Middle East will be left behind to live in the 1300's
Why not the same? You care about your holocaust and we care about our belief and religion. It's all about sensitivities. Our religion is sensitive to us and Holocaust is sensitive to you. As the member above said, you guys should be the last to criticize us with your appaling human rights records and level of bigotry.

Where did I say the Holocaust was more special? Show me. You can't, because I never said that. I said "classifying the holocaust and Islam as being the same, what a laugh" Implying that saying something negative about a religion is the same as saying something negative about an event. To put it into a concept you can understand it would be like me saying "LOL the invasion of Afghanistan is fake, no civilians died as a result of the US making drone strikes" vs saying "Afghanistan has laws that allow kids to have guns, I disagree with that" One is making light of a tragedy, the other is a difference of opinion.
Good job egyptians.:tup: Some of the zionist terrorist inside the embassy should have been dragged into the streets beat up like Dogs which would have sent a much more clearer message across the Atlantic.
Why I sense that every bit of these incident are pre-planned... Israel is going to provoke Muslims in surrounding countries... and would unleash their (never seen before) WAR over those countries in-order to make the Greater and promised Israel... and would show it to the world that I was provoked, and hence I declare WAR on these countries for my ultimate survival. And that too happening on 9/11??? and why those people in one of the protest covering their faces with funny masks??? and if you guys watch the clips from the movie, it was made with Handheld cameras... and is full of some nasty stuff there???

How clever is that - Greater Israel? Hun!
How many of them have actually watch the movie?

It would have been better to respond in an intellectual manner in stead of destroying property and using violence.

But then again, these are the same type of people who went a rampage after the Muhammad cartoons, while none of them could point Denmark on a map, so a more rational response could very well be just idle hope.
I'm sorry, but 100% of the rednecks ranting about nuking Iran or Pakistan can't point at it on a map - the whole world does not=USA, we actually study geography.
You're from denmark, USians think that's a city in a country called europe
I'm sorry, but 100% of the rednecks ranting about nuking Iran or Pakistan can't point at it on a map - the whole world does not=USA, we actually study geography.
You're from denmark, USians think that's a city in a country called europe

Wrong. Most Americans are not dumb as you people like to portray, if they were they would be a failed state.
This is typical Middle Eastern logic, 1 person does something so they blame the entire population of the country that 1 person is from and use horrific violence in response.

It's only in Middle Eastern countries where mobs of savages gather together and storm foreign embassies for retarded reasons.

While the rest of the world modernizes, specifically Asia, the Middle East will be left behind to live in the 1300's


Thats why Arabs and Muslims are so bitter and jealous at the utter failures of their societies versus the West.
Good job egyptians.:tup: Some of the zionist terrorist inside the embassy should have been dragged into the streets beat up like Dogs which would have sent a much more clearer message across the Atlantic.

A clear message to whole world, that will give them an idea how backward and sick minded the people in middle east they're facing.
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