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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

The majority of countries in the Middle East agree with this "Coup", including majority of Egyptian people.

Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Jordan.

Iran+Syria+Iraq are all celebrating tonight!

Nope. it's all about changing sides. Mursi or however it's spelled was pro-Turkey. And from my perspective People of Egypt or the army is either pro-Iran or non of them. Which is an independent state which it won't stand long.
@Hazzy997 salam , where is coming from money now ? which countries donate more ?
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Whatta bulls¡t rolling here! A few pro-Assad supporters came here and say it's democratic of the army for doing a coup. You guys say people don't want him. But at the same time when it comes to Syria. You say it's not democratic for people to resist.

Post #27

it is from the people... he wouldn't be in office without the Syrian people...

Syrian Rallies - YouTube

Post #32

then stop saying it is a military coupe in Egypt, because Egyptians were against Morsi... thus the army sided with the people, same story in Syria, the army sided with the people... and the people said their word... Allah, Souria, Bashar...
Don't you guys find it interesting that the West and GCC are amongst the biggest cheerleaders of this coup?
The West hates Islam so they wanted MB out and the Arab monarchies are anti MB, everyone knows it. I want to know what is you or the Pakistani's opinion on the Pakistan coup in 1999?
The West hates Islam so they wanted MB out and the Arab monarchies are anti MB, everyone knows it. I want to know what is you or the Pakistani's opinion on the Pakistan coup in 1999?

but Obama supported Morsi?? also the west is the biggest ally of GCC (Muslim countries and etc)
Whatta bulls¡t rolling here! A few pro-Assad supporters came here and say it's democratic of the army for doing a coup. You guys say people don't want him. But at the same time when it comes to Syria. You say it's not democratic for people to resist.

If you really want to get into Syria, ok.
Syrian government has agreed to participate in negotiations, in Geneva (unlike the opposition)
Iran has suggested a very comprehensive 5-point plant which includes cease-fire and pursue genuine elections (supervised by international bodies), and have a power-sharing formula. This has been welcomed by China, Russia and the countries of non-aligned movement which is more than half the world.

The problem is that democracy in Syria is conflicting with Western Interests. Because they know Assad would win (as recent CIA report suggested, where over 70 % of Syrians want Assad).
So instead Turkey and West arm Al-Qaeda terrorists.

So Turkey is against democracy in Syria.

But lets keep the discussion about Egypt, shall we?
The West hates Islam so they wanted MB out and the Arab monarchies are anti MB, everyone knows it. I want to know what is you or the Pakistani's opinion on the Pakistan coup in 1999?

the only true part of what you say is some Arab monarchies hate MB
because MB doesn't agree with monarchy when some other movments accept conveniently about accepting kings
Post #27

it is from the people... he wouldn't be in office without the Syrian people...

Syrian Rallies - YouTube

Post #32

then stop saying it is a military coupe in Egypt, because Egyptians were against Morsi... thus the army sided with the people, same story in Syria, the army sided with the people... and the people said their word... Allah, Souria, Bashar...
Hafez Assad was the responsible of the killing the Suuni majority in 1979 Aleppo school massacre, 1980 Jisr al Shighour massacre, 1980 the Seige of Aleppo Massacre, 1981 Tadmor Prison Massacre and 1982 Hama Massacre. All combined total death of over 50,000. Bashar Assad is doing the same by destroying the entire cities by using every military capabilities he owned or brought from Tehran and Moscow and was responsible of killing over 100,000 Suuni majority civilians. Syria is a Suuni majority and look at the genocide Hafez and Bashar had done? Do you think they'll forgive him moron?
What is Happening in Egypt?

The July 3 move by the Egyptian military to stabilize the country signals the collapse of Obama’s Middle East policy.

Washington’s present interventionist regional policy began during the George W. Bush administration and was fatally flawed from the start. The Obama administration simply compounded the mistakes while moving it forward.

Vice President Dick Cheney and his neo-con team created a crusade against the Shia branch of Islam targeting Iran, its ally Syria, and Hizbullah in Lebanon. The strategy called for a coalition of Sunni Saudi Arabia and the Sunni Gulf states plus Israel plus Turkey.

Sounds familiar doesn’t it? Neoconservative fellow-traveler Republicans, like Senator John McCain, have blown trumpets for the policy for years. The Obama White House adopted it as its own. The basic idea is to crush if not Balkanize Syria, go after Hizbullah, and then go to war against Iran.

While the pro-Israel Lobby in Washington DC is gung ho, some Israeli military and intelligence officials have grave doubts about all this. They believe with good reason that this reckless and destabilizing strategy will make the security situation much worse for Israel in the near, medium, and long term.

The Obama administration threw itself behind the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt after the January 25 Revolution in 2011. The White House ignored the millions of Egyptians, moderate Muslim and Christian, who hoped for modernization of the economy and the political system.

The fundamentalist Muslim Brotherhood was created in 1928 as a secret militant political organization. Its long-term goal has always been to create an Islamic dictatorship in Egypt. In such an outcome, the country’s minority Coptic Christians would be savagely repressed just as the world is witnessing the fate of Syrian Christians at the hands of the Islamic terrorists. Moderate Muslims and members of various minority sects would share the same fate.

Washington’s regional strategy included using the Muslim Brotherhood as a tool to control Egypt and also as a factor in the crusade against Iran, Syria, and Hizbullah. As early as 2005, the Bush administration was in contact with the Brotherhood to work out behind the scenes cooperation.

The Brotherhood’s leadership fully backed this strategy as they saw it as a way to power in Egypt and a way to regional influence. Years ago, they had established secret Brotherhood organizations in Syria and in Palestine. The Hamas organization, for example, is a branch of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood.

The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood established friendly relations with the House of Saud in Saudi Arabia as far back as the 1930s. During the Nasser years, when the Egyptian government cracked down on them for being subversive, many of their leaders and intellectuals got asylum in Saudi Arabia. Osama bin Laden’s favorite teacher in college was an Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood leader in exile in Saudi Arabia.

In recent years, Qatar linked with the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood and its branches in Syria and in Gaza. The spiritual leader of Qatar is a member of the brotherhood’s Egyptian branch.

Washington supports the so-called Free Syrian Army in the crusade against Syria and its people. The Free Syrian Army is well-known to be controlled by the Syrian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. This Syrian branch, in turn, over the years has interfaced with al-Qaeda and terrorist organizations in Iraq. The US military and intelligence community know this full well.

Because the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood’s policy to create an Islamic dictatorship in Egypt brought the country to ruin, the military moved in this week after a warning. The military was concerned not only about the increasingly extremist behavior of the brotherhood in Egypt but also by President Mursi’s recent very public declaration of jihad against Syria and reckless foreign policy.

The Obama White House and its neo-conized Republican allies have gravely undermined long term US national interests in the Middle East with their reckless interventionism.

It’s time for a real change.

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : What is Happening in Egypt?
Hafez Assad was the responsible of the killing the Suuni majority in 1979 Aleppo school massacre, 1980 Jisr al Shighour massacre, 1980 the Seige of Aleppo Massacre, 1981 Tadmor Prison Massacre and 1982 Hama Massacre. All combined total death 60,000-65,000. Bashar Assad is doing the same by destroying the entire cities by using every military capabilities he owned or brought from Tehran and Moscow and was responsible of killing over 100,000 Suuni majority civilians. Syria is a Suuni majority and look at the genocide Hafez and Bashar had done? Do you think they'll forgive him moron?

oh please, look up MB terrorism in Syria, which is why Alasad cracked down on those terrorists...

anyways to answer you :

If you really want to get into Syria, ok.
Syrian government has agreed to participate in negotiations, in Geneva (unlike the opposition)
Iran has suggested a very comprehensive 5-point plant which includes cease-fire and pursue genuine elections (supervised by international bodies), and have a power-sharing formula. This has been welcomed by China, Russia and the countries of non-aligned movement which is more than half the world.

The problem is that democracy in Syria is conflicting with Western Interests. Because they know Assad would win (as recent CIA report suggested, where over 70 % of Syrians want Assad).
So instead Turkey and West arm Al-Qaeda terrorists.

So Turkey is against democracy in Syria.

But lets keep the discussion about Egypt, shall we?

Whoa whoa whoa. My plan was kinda different actually. Like bombing every naughty mid east state that makes trouble :devil:

Joke aside, I take no sides in both Egypt and Syria. What I want is seeing Secular democratic states in Mid-East. As from now. It proved that it is impossible for any middle eastern country.
The West hates Islam so they wanted MB out and the Arab monarchies are anti MB, everyone knows it. I want to know what is you or the Pakistani's opinion on the Pakistan coup in 1999?

Let's keep Islam out of it.

The West, and East and North and South, all want a regime who is favorable to their agenda. There are lots of institutions in Egypt which are a legacy of the Mubarak decades, and which want Egypt to remain in the pro-West camp.

As for Pakistan, the military coup was wrong but the democratic system in Pakistan is also deeply flawed. Most of the people are either illiterate, or poor, or both, and are easily controlled by feudal landlords who tell them how to vote.

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