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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

Erdogan supports democratically elected governments that reflect their people's decision rather than being foreign-sponsored stooges.

Morsi wasn't perfect, but he was a step in the right direction for the Egyptian people. Now, with a military coup, it's not clear if Egypt will descend into civil war.

Also, I don't understand Iranians. Morsi was in favor of improving relations with Iran, but the Egyptian politics is riddled with anti-Iranian factions, and he had to slow down to avoid antagonizing them too much. One of his ministers resigned with a rant just because Morsi wanted to ease visa restrictions on Iranian tourists.

The only anti-Iranian faction within the (former)Egyptian government were Salafi parties. wonder why?:cheesy:

Salafis to lobby against rapprochement with Iran | Egypt Independent
Erdogan supports democratically elected governments that reflect their people's decision rather than being foreign-sponsored stooges.

Morsi wasn't perfect, but he was a step in the right direction for the Egyptian people. Now, with a military coup, it's not clear if Egypt will descend into civil war.

Also, I don't understand Iranians. Morsi was in favor of improving relations with Iran, but the Egyptian politics is riddled with anti-Iranian factions, and he had to slow down to avoid antagonizing them too much. One of his ministers resigned with a rant just because Morsi wanted to ease visa restrictions on Iranian tourists.

Winning at the ballot box is not the end all be all. You have to respect and honour democratic obligations, which means respecting the constitution and the limits of your authority and power.
Which is the opposite what Morsi did. He issued a judicial decree last year to grant him immunity and significantly more power.
Tried to change or draft a constitution in a way that would not be inclusive to all political parties.

So I think this argument that "Morsi won elections at ballox, so now no one should question his authority/legitimacy" is getting extremely thin and weak.
Democracy is not only votes at ballot box. Its about knowing your place, respecting institutions and and constitution.
Morsi won elections, but he got greedy and overreached.
Largest revolution in human history. I think that speaks for itself.

And this isnt about Iran.
it is from the people... he wouldn't be in office without the Syrian people...

Syrian Rallies - YouTube

The only "rally" that counts is an actual free and fair election.

The only anti-Iranian faction within the Egyptian government were Salafi parties. wonder why?:cheesy:

Salafis to lobby against rapprochement with Iran | Egypt Independent

Moris was bucking the trend and his own party to mend relations with Iran. He was trying to move Egypt away from being an American puppet and improving relations with China and Russia.

If you guys think the next guy -- who is almost certainly going to be more pro-West than Morsi was -- will be better for Iran, good luck!
The only "rally" that counts is an actual free and fair election.
then stop saying it is a military coupe in Egypt, because Egyptians were against Morsi... thus the army sided with the people, same story in Syria, the army sided with the people... and the people said their word... Allah, Souria, Bashar...
He issued a judicial decree last year to grant him immunity and significantly more power.

He reversed that decree.

Tried to change or draft a constitution in a way that would not be inclusive to all political parties.

Again, there are democratic avenues to address such excesses of authority. Military coups are not the way to go.

then stop saying it is a military coupe in Egypt, because Egyptians were against Morsi... thus the army sided with the people, same story in Syria, the army sided with the people... and the people said their word... Allah, Souria, Bashar...

Because it is a military coup.

Election results gave a Morsi win.

Loud, tantrum throwing mobs are no substitute for a proper election.

Don't you guys find it interesting that the West and GCC are amongst the biggest cheerleaders of this coup?
Whatta bulls¡t rolling here! A few pro-Assad supporters came here and say it's democratic of the army for doing a coup. You guys say people don't want him. But at the same time when it comes to Syria. You say it's not democratic for people to resist.
I think you are shocked by the rapid fall of two Muslim brotherhood governments plus turmoil of the third one in Turkey.
No one is killed and Egyptians are happy.
How can this lead to Pakistanization of Egypt? I think GCC will hep them to build their economy and get on the track.

no any a sensible comment from any member yet..
Two MB goverment?..which was the oher one.. i didnt remember now?

AKP gov. successfully got over the western backed protests..now it iss the winner side..we have a deep experinces of 105 years of parliamentary elections, internal confilicts, millitary coups and external interventions..No one can so easily break our national common sense.

bro, let me elaborate a little that,

1- i know KSA is one of the key external actor of toppling MB..But every external actors have different goals and plana about Egypt. Some foreign actors desire Egypt constantly to be in turmoil. events arent under control of a single actor or side.

2-MB is the largest politic front of Egypt..Excluding or without convincing MB you may not manage to provide stability in Egypt..lets excluding MB..but how will you get comprimisng between numerous other politic circles to establish an joint front againist MB?

3-What is your plan B if next election MB win again ?? did you take it into account well?

4- and one of the main reason that makes me too anxious is TIMING. Timing of toppling MB is terrible for the FSA and other opponents that fighting againist Assad regime..That military coup could break morale of FSA ..as you know in syria also the largest oppotion group is MB...Salafis party didnt support MB againist protests and m.coup in Egypt...So that may cause some resentment between MB and Salafi group in Syria..
Whatta bulls¡t rolling here! A few pro-Assad supporters came here and say it's democratic of the army for doing a coup. You guys say people don't want him. But at the same time when it comes to Syria. You say it's not democratic for people to resist.

The majority of countries in the Middle East agree with this "Coup", including majority of Egyptian people.

Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Jordan.

Iran+Syria+Iraq are all celebrating tonight!
:rofl: France helped his grandfather and his father take over Syria. Not themselves, the Suuni majority would never allow and Alawk to do that but thanks to the French who helped the tyrants.

If Assad is really unpopular, the rebels should have no problem in accepting the Syrian governments offer of holding an election.
The flow of money was coming from Iran in the much worse situation. Now hamas is left with erdogan. You already know it. I like palestinians no matter what even though I hate MB but you gotta accept the fact.

The flow is right back to where it used to be and money comes from elsewhere as we'll. I'm here in Gaza and I know where the money comes from, lots of donations come in too.

The flow of money was coming from Iran in the much worse situation. Now hamas is left with erdogan. You already know it. I like palestinians no matter what even though I hate MB but you gotta accept the fact.

The flow is right back to where it used to be and money comes from elsewhere as we'll. I'm here in Gaza and I know where the money comes from, lots of donations come in too.
A big respect to the AKP for opposing this publicity infront of those who supported the coup and that would the anti Muslim governments including the Khawraji (bad Muslim) Arab monarchies.

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