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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

When have you seen Islamicians ruling Pakistan?

Zia a bright example, MMA, is another recent example.

No one should be against Islam or people who propose Islam, but the problem is using Islamic credentials to play politics.

Its more dangerous than the so called liberals using liberalism to play power politics.
Meaning...Well exaggerated. For the Muslims, it is unthinkable that they may have contradictory views, even when there is an obviously odious character like Saddam Hussein. Any opposition by any Muslim against any Muslim could only come from the CIA-Zionists alliance. Now THAT is the biggest yawn of them all.

Always entertaining when you perform according to script.

First it was the anti-Semitism victim card.
Now it's your usual 'Moooslims are evil" rant.

I don't want to derail this thread by talking about CIA's role in Mossadeq's ousting. The American media itself has done a good enough job exposing it. Oh, but they are "evil liberals" like Bill Moyers and all, so you will also dismiss them as "closet Mooslims".
I am still amazed to see that many people here don't understand that democracy isn't about electing someone and that guy does whatever he wants until next elections,you have to rule within rules and respect the minority.

What the other side doesn't appreciate is that, when an elected leader transgresses the rules, there are established procedures to address the problem. As I mentioned before, you can have no-confidence votes, impeachment or early elections. The one thing you DON'T do is to call in the army.

How would the hypocrites here react if a secular leader had been ousted by Islamist mobs and the army?

This is what they were busy doing so the army had enough standing back and watching the show of country going down the drain...


The President, on taking the chair each day, shall read the following prayer:

Almighty God, we humbly beseech Thee to vouchsafe Thy special blessing upon this Parliament, and that Thou wouldst be pleased to direct and prosper the work of Thy servants to the advancement of Thy glory, and to the true welfare of the people of Australia.

Our Father, which art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.

People need to get past their hysterical reactions to anything Islamic.

Share prices in Egypt have leapt higher after the ousting of Mohammed Morsi as the country's president.

Stocks in Cairo rose by 7% on Thursday, their largest one-day percentage gain in over a year.

Traders are hoping that Egypt's prospects will improve in the absence of Mr Morsi, even though the country's battered economy remains in crisis.

Some analysts said a long-stalled loan from the IMF may now be possible, although others remained sceptical.

"The technocrats will know how to deal with institutions - they will help the country financially because they have a clear agenda," said Sebastien Henin, portfolio manager at The National Investor, an Abu Dhabi-based investment firm.

"There will be a definitive change to the business environment for international and domestic investors," he added.
Window of opportunity

However, for Dina Ahmad, a strategist at BNP Paribas, the initial optimism shouldn't be overplayed.

"While essentially this takes Egypt back to square one and delays any chance of economic progress and an IMF deal even further, we think that ultimately it creates a window of opportunity for a more stable government to be put in place," she said.

This window of opportunity brought about by the protests that saw Mr Morsi removed from office has, at least in part, been created by the Egypt's dire economic performance over the past two years.


The Arab Spring revolution that removed Hosni Mubarak from power did not translate into the economic change many had hoped for.

Instead, over the past two years, political instability in Egypt has ensured that inflation and unemployment rose, while foreign investment and tourist revenues fell.

Government debt has grown from $30bn before Mr Mubarak was ousted to around $40bn today. Inflation, which two and a half years ago was 3%, now stands at between 13% and 18%. Unemployment has climbed to a record 13.2% under Mr Morsi.
Gradual change too slow

Caroline Freund from the Peterson Institute for International Economics said when Mr Morsi came to power two years ago, he squandered the short 'grace period' he had to implement changes that might have improved the economy, while he had the support of a newly liberated people.

"It's very typical for economies to decline in the year around transition, but what we've seen is that countries that are able to demonstrate a clear programme both politically and economically are able to rebound much more quickly than countries that do it gradually," she said.

"While gradual sounds good, gradual usually end up being gradual by default, rather than by design, which is a real problem for the economy because it leaves investors, tourists and consumers on the sidelines waiting to see where things are going."

The political instability has made it increasingly difficult for the government to raise taxes from Egypt's 80m-strong population.

So, as Egypt's debt ballooned, Mr Morsi's government continually dipped into the country's cash reserves, which at $16bn today are less than half what they were before Mr Morsi took office.

Because he battled to raise money from his own people, tourists stopped coming and the IMF loan became stalled, Mr Morsi often relied on cash from other sources to balance the books.

Qatar and Saudi Arabia loaned at least $3bn each, Turkey put in another $1bn and Libya stumped up $2bn. And while the IMF loan of $4.8bn failed to materialise, the United States kept up its annual grant of more than $1.3bn.

But it wasn't nearly enough.


In May, the United Nations said that poverty and food insecurity had escalated severely over the past three years. It estimated 17% of the population battled to put food on the table, up from 14% in 2009. In addition, the UN calculated that the malnutrition rate had risen to 31% of children under five, up from 23% in 2005.
From bad to worse

Analysts say that under Mr Morsi, Egypt's economy went from bad to much worse and is now close to collapse. Electricity and water supplies are sporadic and in some places even basic foods like bread are hard to come by.


However, such a picture shouldn't detract from the fact that Egypt economy was in dire straits before the revolution that ousted Hosni Mubarak. Unemployment was running at 10% and a quarter of young people were out of work.

In the absence of the Muslim Brotherhood in control of the government, the willingness on the part of donors like Qatar may be in question.

Also, there's no guarantee that any replacement authority will be able to prise cash out of the International Monetary Fund. Mr Morsi's government did sign the much-needed IMF's $4.8bn loan deal last November, but failed to ratify or implement it.

His reluctance to sign the deal was, in part, down to the austerity measures that were conditional on it. Taxes would have increased and, more importantly, fuel and fuel subsidies would have been cut.

Such moves would have made the government extremely unpopular and, no doubt, would have resulted in mass protests.

But by not implementing the strings that were attached to the IMF loan, the economy deteriorated further and the enviable ousting happened anyway.

Where next?

It's almost impossible to have any sort of economic stability in the face of political turmoil. By taking control, the Egyptian army may provide the degree of stability necessary to bring the donors and investors back, if only in the short-term.

Hence, the jump in Cairo's stock market. The cost of insuring financial exposure to Egypt in the Credit Default Swap (CDS) market has also fallen.

However, this initial euphoria may be short-lived - underneath the harsh economic realities remain.

Karim Shafaei is the chairman of Al Ismaelia for Real Estate Investments, a firm that refurbishes old buildings in Cairo.

He told the BBC it's almost impossible to do business under conditions of such uncertainty.


"Without knowing where the laws of country are going, what form the economic policy is coming I'm unable to make investments without knowing what the risks are that I'm taking," he said.

As an example of the difficulties facing any authority that replaces Mr Morsi, analysts point to the issue of fuel subsidies.

Currently, the cost of keeping the price of fuel low gobbles up nearly 8% of the country's GDP. So, any formula implemented to permanently boost and stabilise Egypt's economy has to address this through a subsidy cut.

The trouble is, any government replacing Mr Morsi's will be only too aware that Egyptians would be more than willing to take to the streets if their lives are made any harsher.

Nonetheless, many, like Karem Shafaei, remain optimistic.

"The hope we have is that, whatever is happening now, the turmoil and the inability to do business, will result in a better society that is able to set more healthy economic policies, have more transparency politically that will allow more investors to come in and eventually see a society that flourishes."

BBC News - Egyptian stock exchange jumps on Morsi ousting
Just an example to say why don't you tell Sudan or Pakistan to cut the relations with Iran.

I hardly think it will be necessary to dictate what an X or Y nation should do.

Well, the world will be better off for such regime like the aforementioned, not to mention when they're using a piece of land of a sovereign country. So logically, it's been a bad marriage already.

The army had set up reconciliation talks between the brotherhood and the opposition for the past 6 months. The presidency refused to attend and then the opposition followed suit after the insult. The military also gave a week for reconciliation before the 30th of June, the presidency refused and Mursi came out with a 3 hour speech which was frankly insulting to the nation and the institution itself. After that the military gave 48 hours for reconciliation and the presidency didn't act. They released another speech which was insulting and threatened violence. The MB and the presidency had chances they didn't act.

His speech was utterly outrageous.
I failed to see anything Morsi did that requires a take-down by the military regime. He may have went back on a promise or two, but that is basic politics. Obama went back on multiple stance and pledges.
I hardly think it will be necessary to dictate what an X or Y nation should do.

Well, the world will be better off for such regime like the aforementioned, not to mention when they're using a piece of land of a sovereign country. So logically, it's been a bad marriage already.

His speech was utterly outrageous.

As an other example UAE is the main good exporter to Iran and earns billions of dollars by that but asks Egypt to have no relations with Iran at all.

But should that have induced a coup and abrogation of the constitution of Egypt? Egypt is not a city state like Singapore where you can topple an entire govt at the drop of a hat.

Egypt is the largest country in the Arab world ok.

If negotiations failed, they should have tried again and again.

Egyptian army has conducted an unconstitutional act and has demolished democratic institutions.

The people from which the legitimacy of the presidency and all elected institutions as per the (disastrous) Egyptian constitution practiced their democratic and constitutional right to demonstrate in their millions (17 million+) against the regime and thus removing the Egyptian presidents legitimacy. Now, the army intervened as the Egyptian constitution had no bands or a constitutional process by which compromise or early presidential elections can occur (if there are mass demonstrations). Egypt could not have lasted another 3 years with Mursi. No economic or social reform plus power grabs every few weeks would leave Egypt with an theocratic government. Democracy is a continuous process not a one time in every four years thing.
Speaking of BS, I'm not sure if you're confusing MB with Saudi regime. Again, MB hate GCC regimes guts except for Qatar. And come here, how dare you talk in the name of Egyptians? Egyptian uprising is to great to get soiled with this BS.

now your talking about @muse right?

Is that why MB won the election?

i have no idea
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As an other example UAE is the main good exporter to Iran and earns billions of dollars by that but asks Egypt to have no relations with Iran at all.

As far as my knowledge is concerned, The UAE complied by the sanctions being imposed by the UN against Iran. It's India though the main exporter of gold.

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