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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

from tribune.com.pk comments
Nikos Retsos
6 hours ago
It was apparent from the beginning of Mr. Morsi’s election that the U.S. was not happy with him, nor with his trip to Tehran, Iran, afterward to join a conference of 123 anti-American and pro-Iranian states. From that point on, Mohammed Morsi became a Salvador Allende-like political figure that the U.S. would do anything to overthrow, and return Egypt to a Mubarak-like figure that it could control. Even though the U.S. pretends publicly to support Morsi – because he was elected, and the U.S. pretends publicly to support democracy, I have no doubt as a historian that the opposition to Morsi has been orchestrated, funded, and designed by the U.S. This is not just my opinion; this has been standard U.S. policy after WWII.

The U.S. would never have accepted a government in Egypt headed by the Muslim Brotherhood which the U.S. had forced Mubarak to hunt, prosecute, jail, and torture – including the famed Egyptian cleric Abu Omar that the CIA kidnapped in Italy, and turned over to Egypt to be tortured and kept in prison.

He was released from prison only after Italian judge Joseph Spataro issued arrest warrants for the 12 CIA agents who kidnapped him. The warrants are still in force, but the U.S. refused to extradite the 12 CIA agents to Italy.
Now. Can anyone believe that the U.S. would have allowed Morsi to govern Egypt, when the U.S. had forced Mubarak to prosecute Morsi and stuff him in prison for years? What happens today in Egypt is a U.S. funded, armed, and supported Egyptian army as it what happened in Venezuela when U.S bribed and supported Venezuelan Generals arrested and overthrew the elected leader, the late Hugo Chavez. Fortunately for Chavez, General Morales, the commander of the army’s armored (tanks) division refused to take a large bribe – as he told the CBS News, 60 Minutes Paul Simon- to join the coup, and send helicopters with commandoes to free Chavez by force, then arrested the coup plotters. This scenario is playing now in Egypt against Morsi, but the U.S. has prepared the ground with funding of the opposition parties to make the Egyptian Army’s overthrow of Mr. Morsi as “a demand by the Egyptian people!”

It also happened in Greece back in 1974 when a CIA instigated military coup overthrew the anti-American prime minister Andreas Papandreou and then the caretaker prime minister Mr. Kanelopoulos.

I predict there would be bloodshed in Egypt, and by funding the subversion of Mr. Morsi, the U.S. can pretend its an internal matter. If anybody doubt, keep this in mind: “When the U.S. identifies the European ambassadors of its allies as “targets”, and spies on all their activities – as Mr. Snowden’s documents proved, would it be possible that the U.S. would allow a Muslim Brotherhood – a jihadist and formerly deemed terrorist organization to the U.S. – president to govern Egypt? Not a chance! All the turmoil in Egypt is not ingrown; it is designed in Washington! Nikos Retsos, retired professor
from tribune.com.pk comments

My friend, stop this USA nonsense. This has nothing to do with US and US has been an ally of Morsi. Funny thing is, both sides blame USA. Anti-Morsi supporters blame USA for not interfering and pro-Morsi supporters blame USA because of conspiracy theories.
We will shoot the terrorists, forget about Bahrain, trust me you can't help it.

The question should rather be when the toothless and harmless Persians/Iranians will rise up and remove their fake Wannabe-Arab Mullah's that rule from Qom and Mashhad - ironically both cities founded by Arabs.

It's not in their blood to rise up to the occasions like us Arabs who revolt whenever we feel like that. Hence why non-Persians in Iran had a field day conquering/invading/settling or even ruling all of Iran.

Should we sponsor a Free Iranian army or do the Mullah's have too many zombies to rely on? Last they tried even women were gunned down in daylight and people were stabbed/shoot by Basjis or what the hell their name is who were driving past on motorbikes.

At least I heard that some Iranian Arabs were protesting and damaging posters/pictures of the satanical and heretical fake Mullah's. Maybe more minorities will wake up such as the Kurd and Baluch who have already resistance movements.

Bangladesh ??Already 20+ coups, counter coups and failed cops and counter counter coups.

YES....and the longest serving dictator lasted 7(compare to other dictators) years before WE the PEOPLE forced him out of power.The coups happened in the first 20 years of our creation from a bloody war and genocide.
Egyptians in Jordan celebrating ousting MB:




Very happy that our fellow Muslim and Arab/Semitic brothers and sisters in Egypt have conducted a relatively peaceful regime change. Let us hope that the new constitution will be approved by the vast majority, that all parties of Egypt will reach a consensus and that the MB will not be isolated since they represent nearly 50% of the Egyptian people and it could be very dangerous to totally exclude them from power.
Egypt faces extremely many problems and people should unite on improving ALL of Egypt and not just stick to their own ideological dreams.
Anyway we need a stable Egypt in the Arab world and we, at least those in KSA trust our neighbors across the Red Sea to do the right things especially the Egyptian military whom we have had tremendous relations with for decades and just conducted a big military exercise in Hejaz together with our Pakistani brothers and sisters.:pakistan:
Oh, King Abdullah of KSA just congratulated the Egyptian people and Egypt with their choice and the new interim-president.:yay:
Saudi king congratulates Egypt's new interim president - Alarabiya.net English | Front Page
KSA being the biggest Arab economy will surely help our brothers and sisters and neighbors across the Red Sea if Egypt wishes.
Qatar is annoying the whole Arab world.

Your very happy that a democratically elected government has fallen? By a Coup? Sorry, Generals telling Morsi to leave since there are a couple of thousand protesters in Tahrir?

What if protesters occupied Riyadh? Would you support the Military telling the House of Saud to leave? And hold democratic elections in Saudi Arabia?

There were #Occupy protests in London, Rome, All over the US did the military's of these nations tell the President or Prime Minister "You have 48 hours or else"? No these Militaries are civilized.

The Egyptian Military didnt ****** about having more powers under the new Constitution. The only reason Morsi would have given them the power would be to get them on his side. We'll find out how much power the military wants with the new constitution.

I seem recall something similar trying to happen in Bahrain only to be squashed by Saudi, Qatari and UAE troops. I dont blame the troops as they were just following orders.

Good to see you support the Muslim "Umma" even though we all know at heart it's pretty much dead with everyone caring more about power or money than Islam.
Thəorətic Muslim;4483181 said:
Your very happy that a democratically elected government has fallen? By a Coup? Sorry, Generals telling Morsi to leave since there are a couple of thousand protesters in Tahrir?

What if protesters occupied Riyadh? Would you support the Military telling the House of Saud to leave? And hold democratic elections in Saudi Arabia?

There were #Occupy protests in London, Rome, All over the US did the military's of these nations tell the President or Prime Minister "You have 48 hours or else"? No these Militaries are civilized.

The Egyptian Military didnt ****** about having more powers under the new Constitution. The only reason Morsi would have given them the power would be to get them on his side. We'll find out how much power the military wants with the new constitution.

I seem recall something similar trying to happen in Bahrain only to be squashed by Saudi, Qatari and UAE troops. I dont blame the troops as they were just following orders.

Good to see you support the Muslim "Umma" even though we all know at heart it's pretty much dead with everyone caring more about power or money than Islam.

If most Saudis were against the Al-Saud family (they are not) then why not? If 1/3 of Saudi Arabia's population went out and demanded change and if the Al-Saud were as bad rulers as the MB (which they are not - KSA is the biggest ecnomy in the Arab world and only growing on all fronts just as all of KSA) then sure, I would support their ousting. Already stated many times that the day they do something similar to what the Child-Murderer in Syria is doing then I hope and pray to Allah (swt) that we will do jihad against them and that Muslim Arabs and non-Muslim Arabs from across the world will come to KSA and fight alongside us.

We trust the Egyptian military and the will of the Egyptian people.

This has nothing to do with a "Ummah". The MB are dangerous people. Just see what they tried to do in Jordan. We do not trust that organization. We do not need a organization named "Muslim Brotherhood". We are all Muslims or nearly all. Especially us Arabs on the Arabian Peninsula.

There is no need for a Muslim Brotherhood in KSA, Yemen or other Arab countries.

The Muslim Brotherhood is a Egyptian organization.

I respect others opinion but just remember that Egypt will remain a Muslim country and by far the vast majority of all Egyptians will remain practicing Muslims. Islam will continue to play a big role in the daily life of Egyptians and in the politics. But let the Egyptians chose themselves.

I also said that the MB need to be included in a future dialog since they have a LARGE support in Egypt. Isolating them would create a huge problem and a possible civil war/political conflict.

Let them mature and find a solution that can make as many Egyptians happy as possible.
Thəorətic Muslim;4483181 said:
Your very happy that a democratically elected government has fallen? By a Coup? Sorry, Generals telling Morsi to leave since there are a couple of thousand protesters in Tahrir?

What if protesters occupied Riyadh? Would you support the Military telling the House of Saud to leave? And hold democratic elections in Saudi Arabia?

There were #Occupy protests in London, Rome, All over the US did the military's of these nations tell the President or Prime Minister "You have 48 hours or else"? No these Militaries are civilized.

The Egyptian Military didnt ****** about having more powers under the new Constitution. The only reason Morsi would have given them the power would be to get them on his side. We'll find out how much power the military wants with the new constitution.

I seem recall something similar trying to happen in Bahrain only to be squashed by Saudi, Qatari and UAE troops. I dont blame the troops as they were just following orders.

Good to see you support the Muslim "Umma" even though we all know at heart it's pretty much dead with everyone caring more about power or money than Islam.

Anyone with half a brain realizes that ousting an elected Govt in this manner will only create more trouble in Egypt and everyone is happy for their own reasons. Funny how both Saudis and Iranis are cheering for this event as MB was not dancing on their tunes.

Precisely the reason why Pakistan should defang Irani and Saudi groups in Pakistan and focus on Indonesia and Malaysia both functional societies.
If most Saudis were against the Al-Saud family (they are not) then why not? If 1/3 of Saudi Arabia's population went out and demanded change and if the Al-Saud were as bad rulers as the MB (which they are not - KSA is the biggest ecnomy in the Arab world and only growing on all fronts just as all of KSA) then sure, I would support their ousting. Already stated many times that the day they do something similar to what the Child-Murderer in Syria is doing then I hope and pray to Allah (swt) that we will do jihad against them and that Muslim Arabs and non-Muslim Arabs from across the world will come to KSA and fight alongside us.

We trust the Egyptian military and the will of the Egyptian people.

This has nothing to do with a "Ummah". The MB are dangerous people. Just see what they tried to do in Jordan. We do not trust that organization. We do not need organization named "Muslim Brotherhood". We are all Muslims or nearly all. Especially us Arabs on the Arabian Peninsula.

There is no need for a Muslim Brotherhood in KSA, Yemen or other Arab countries.

The Muslim Brotherhood is a Egyptian organization.

You have some wierd sense for allies-
You have some wierd sense for allies-

Why? A legitimate Jihad does not care about nationalities. You don't think that Muslims from across the world would come to KSA if the rulers suddenly started to carpet bomb whole cities, villages or Allah (swt) forbid Makkah or Madinah? Of course they would. Especially if they fought injustice.

Anyway this is a stupid discussion since that will never happen in KSA. So no need to discuss it. But the people will always be the most important thing like in every country.

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