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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

Egyptian and Egyptian army wants no part of being involved in sectarian wars.Pakistanis Love of destroying ones country to please the Arabs is not shared by civilized people.

my point was it will not stop by new leader he will be a stooge and such coups don't happen in civilized countries so dont kid your self
I was talking about general situation in Egypt.

Mursi was acting all dictatorial and forcing a conservative constitution on Egyptians, a substantial portion of whom 49% at least does not supported.

As i have pointed out to another pakistani poster before, Democracy does not end at ballot box. An elected government has to keep it's end of bargain of social contract.

So under such circumstances an unconstitutional method of removing an elected government becomes acceptable?- what good a resultant democrazy will be when installed by dictatorial rule?-
One step forward for Egypt and two steps backwards.

Now that some Egyptians have allowed Army to topple a democratically elected Government, the Egyptian Army will be back again and again whenever they feel like it.

Just ask our Bangladeshi brothers - 27 military coups in its 42 year history.

All the best people.
Egyptian and Egyptian army wants no part of being involved in sectarian wars.Pakistanis Love of destroying ones country to please the Arabs is not shared by civilized people.

Pakistani people will rise above this sectarian BS. People who support Extremist on both sides of sectarian divide are a minority and they are on the losing end because Pakistanis will not tolerate that kind of exremist behavior from either side.
Pakistani people will rise above this sectarian BS. People who support Extremist on both sides of sectarian divide are a minority and they are on the losing end because Pakistanis will not tolerate that kind of exremist behavior.

not gona happen while nawaz is in government and those baloch sardars supporting lashkar against hazara and shias
nope.. this is transition... sh*t happens during transition.. you cant just run in one day.... first few times you will fall down..
the idea that muslims do not like democracy is a myth..

A myth cannot be a reflection of real time events- in this case it is-
hmmmm I don't know about Pakistanis and Indians. But for Iranians, Egypt is very important, it's the most important Arab country near Iran.

Okay if you talk about the Middle East, India does not come anywhere near geographically.

Pakistan at least borders Iran and faces Oman in the Gulf of Oman. We could deploy troops towards your border and or keep our Navy active in the shores of the Arabs. But we are not going to do it because we are neutral. We believe Sunnis and Shias are Muslim and are our friends

You Iranians and Arabs look at each other importantly because you want your own influence. I think both of you need to sort out your problems and stop playing proxies.
White house is pissed off, the necons are cyring! their dream for a wider Shia/Sunni war is crushed!

I don't think your Ayatollahs will let this Shia Sunni divide simmer.

Iran has been exporting its Shia Revolution for last 34 years.
Turks have been secularized for over 80 years now.

Iran is not really a middle eastern country, I see our culture more as something close to central Asia!

Pakistani used to be chilled too, until very recently.

Iran can be democracy, but it will be in chaos for at least couple years, because different factions will kill each other!

Everything else is okay . But Pakistan ? It has been a dictatorship right since the beginning. Just now they completed their first democratic term.
President al-Assad in interview to al-Thawra newspaper: what is happening in Egypt is fall of so-called "Political Islam"​

Jul 04, 2013


President Bashar al-Assad said that what is happening in Egypt is the fall of so-called "political Islam", adding that those who use religion for political interests or for the interests of one group will fall anywhere in the world.

In an interview to al-Thawra newspaper, President al-Assad said, "You cannot deceive everyone all the time, particularly the Egyptian people who have a civilization dating back to thousands of years and clear pan-Arab nationalist thought."

The President added that after a year the image has become clear for the Egyptian people and the performance of the Muslim Brotherhood helped them uncover the lies made by the Brotherhood in the beginning of the popular revolution in Egypt."

President al-Assad said the experiment of the Muslim Brotherhood's rule failed even before it started because this kind of rule is not consistent with the nature of the people and the project of the brotherhood is hypocritical that actually aims at creating sedition in the Arab world.

The President stressed that sedition cannot last in societies that possess knowledge, adding "this is why from the beginning I said their project is a failure before it began and this is what made the Muslim Brotherhood's experiment fall quickly because it is wrong, and what is built on a wrong principle will definitely fall."
So under such circumstances an unconstitutional method of removing an elected government becomes acceptable?- what good a resultant democrazy will be when installed by dictatorial rule?-

Pretty much OK,

Democracy is not superior to other form of rules under all circumstances. It is just one of the systems which some Lefties have elevated to the position of religion along with their other mumbo-jumbo.
A myth cannot be a reflection of real time events- in this case it is-
you are taking a very small time frame to arrive at conclusion.. the transition happened only recently.. if you were posting it during 1800s you would have said.. indians only like to be ruled by foreigners ...
what do you think about buddist countries then.. majority of them live under authoritiarian regimes.. or strong military ..does not mean they like it...
Can you differentiat between these two with your biased eyes?- can you?-
For your likes anything Muslim but non Shia is a Wahhabi-

Exactly, because he takes his marching orders from Iranian Ayatollahs instead of realizing that people like him are being used by these Ayatollahs and their opponents for having a PROXY WAR in Pakistan.

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