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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

i didnt say that this is the young lady fault the brotherhood did and you know arabic you can be see the brotherhood history in egypt to know who they are

تقعدش تلعب لعبة يعني عشان الأجانب امصدقين الخاين السيسي
يا صاحبى انا مايهمنيش الاجانب يصدقو ولا ما يصدقوش

بس جيشك ولاخبار الدولي يعمل كدا....انت إنسان في حالك لأكن انا كنت بمصر في ثمنية الشهر السنا الفات و كل التلفريونات احنا نقاتل ارهاب و دي فضيع اشياء ركبتها الأجناب
The journalist arrest epidemic continues rapidly, they missed Mubarak's policy because it's now spreading :lol:

Just not say a word for exposure otherwise you end up in prison, the first time with foreign journalist in.

Let's see how long Egypt will last once El Sissi becomes a president.:coffee:

The unreported Egyptian siege of the Sinai

Ma'an reports:

The Egyptian army killed five people and arrested three others in raids in Bir al-Abd, Sheikh Zuweid, and Rafah, an army spokesman said.

Ahmad Mohammad Ali said that 34 huts, three bikes, and two pick-up trucks belonging to suspected militants were also destroyed.Amazingly, out of the 200 or so people killed by the Egyptian army in the Sinai since their crackdown on Islamist militants, none have been civilians - according to the Egyptian army.​

That would be an amazing record, if it was true.

Last September, however, a video of four babies incinerated by the Egyptian army was released and confirmed by bloggers and reporters in the Sinai. Al Masry al Youm reported on a village with houses of ordinary citizens burnt and destroyed, and about how the Egyptians have arrested journalists who tried to report the truth.

The Egyptian army has imposed a siege on the Sinai, collectively punishing all residents there for the actions of the terrorists.

With the Sinai operations underway, the locals have many good reasons to complain. Despite virtually all public utilities being cut off, from electricity to water and internet to cell phone networks for most of the time, to many, their biggest complaint is being singled out by the army, just because they are from Sinai.

The military official told Egypt Independent that checkpoints are an unfortunate convenience [sic] for Egyptians, especially in dangerous areas where they are more numerous, but they are necessary for the civilians’ protection. Checkpoints prevent extremists elements from moving freely inside the country, he says, and it is especially important these jihadist groups don’t make it to metropolitan areas and cause problems.

...Elzamlout says the increasing mishandling of Sinai citizens during the security campaign could create more terrorism because “they treat Sinai’s sons cruelly.”

Menai agreed. “There is no development, but instead torture and detainment. These things create terrorists. If there are terrorists here, they have created them.”
This is still the case today. This Egyptian blogger last month said that while Israel's military operations in the Sinai took only six days and afterwards there were no security problems, Egypt's siege of the Sinai is now six months old and no one can even talk about it.

The danger of Islamists in the Sinai cannot be denied, as the Taba bus bombing shows. However, the double standards of the media and "human rights" NGOs is striking - they ignore Egypt's collective punishment of hundreds of thousands of Sinai residents, with checkpoints, travel restrictions, limitations on electronic communications, censorship, curfews and more.

All this is happening right next to Gaza which has hundreds of reporters and NGO workers ready to write daily condemnations of Israel in order to justify their existence. None of them bother to travel a couple of miles to see what is happening on the other side of Rafah.

How many civilians have been killed by the Egyptian army? How many houses have been destroyed? How many have died because they couldn't access medical help? How many hours are they without electricity? How many have been arrested for no reason?No one knows, and no one cares to find out.

Egypt's war against murderous Islamists is laudatory, while Israel's war against these same murderous Islamists is a violation of human rights.
Egypt is acting more and more against Hamas which has been operating in Egypt and Sinai.

Wouldn't surprise me if Egypt bumped off some Hamas for their role in killing Egyptian soldiers/police.
Egypt is acting more and more against Hamas which has been operating in Egypt and Sinai.

Wouldn't surprise me if Egypt bumped off some Hamas for their role in killing Egyptian soldiers/police.

You're full of crap, even in the Egyptian military denied such accusations. Nevertheless you're a Zionist that hates both Egyptians and Palestinians,

Pick your side, rather than sit her and hate both sides, obviously you were with Egypt a while back until they recently tried alleged Mossad agents in Egypt that got you and your friends angry so they published opinion articles like the one you just did which shows you never card about civilians in the first place and that you use those dead civilians to your benefit. In the end, you hate anybody who doesn't worship Israel. So spare us your articles in this thread because logical people know their purpose.
Morsi on trial - one of the charges is conspiring with the internationally proscribed terrorist group Hamas.

Reaters Headline Exclusive: With Muslim Brotherhood crushed, Egypt sets sights on Hamas

RT News - Egyptian military seeks to undermine Hamas, plans cooperation with Fatah

Egypt should take a page from Israel’s book and “teach Hamas a lesson,” an Egyptian journalist recently said.

The comments by journalist Muhammad Hassan Al-Alfi were made in a January 9 interview on Faraeen TV. The comments were translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

Unfortunately I can't link, but many examples from dozens of news outlets about Egypt acting against the terrorist group Hamas, which has been charged by Egypt for aiding the MB and Sinai terrorists,

Hopefully Egypt will hit them hard.
This is old news and fabricated lies against the president of Egypt and against Hamas. Hamas already had invited Egyptian delegations to Gaza and they've refuse time and time again. You're a troll though who seeks to create divisions amongst us and know Hamas and Egypt are in contact.


Quit whining about the Rafah Border crossing with Egypt, because you know very well it's because of the Camp David accords that it's in existence and it's conditions. Israel controlled this border crossing up to 2005 and I remember seeing your troops myself. They are seriously pathetic people, they made us sit on in the sand under the sun for 7 hours straight without food or drink until a courageous lady spoke up to their faces and how grateful of them they brought lollipops while babies needed milk desperately. That day a hero Palestinian saw our suffering and rightfully resisted the terrorist occupiers and shot at one of them causing panic amongst them. God bless him.


They also tried two of your Mossad spies recently too. :lol:

'Israeli intelligence agents' charged in Egypt | World news | theguardian.com


I'm sure you believe their accusations, ya right, ya don't. Only reason you portray yourself is a naive person is because you hate Palestinians more than you love the truth.
Pick your side, rather than sit her and hate both sides -
Regardless of what "side" I'm on, why should the human cost be ignored or denied? That sort of thing isn't honest and dishonesty ultimately corrupts.

Since 2007 I've urged Egypt's activists not just to push for the ouster of oppressive governments but to advocate the adoption of democratic values that build a civil society to displace values that promote dictatorship. Letting hate blind you to evil, you lose the larger struggle.

Quit whining about the Rafah Border crossing with Egypt, because you know very well it's because of the Camp David accords that it's in existence and it's conditions. Israel controlled this border crossing up to 2005 -
So Israel is to blame for giving Egypt's half of Rafah back to Egypt, and you acknowledge Israel hasn't controlled this border for nine years.

...I remember seeing your troops myself. They are seriously pathetic people, they made us sit on in the sand under the sun for 7 hours straight without food or drink -
Do you recall what many Arabs were trying to do to Jews in Gaza at that time? They were trying to murder them, of course. Nevertheless, the Israelis didn't molest or arrest you and permitted bystanders to feed the kids. The rest sounds like poor trip planning on your part - why didn't you carry water and milk bottles? - but what do I know, I wasn't there, was I?

American Jews visiting Israel also have beefs with Israeli security for we may also get detained, often with no explanation, and no food or water, either (because they just got off the plane and were separated from their belongings). That's what happens when a civilized, democratic state is trying to politely protect its people - Jews, Arabs, and other citizens - from terrorism.

That day a hero Palestinian saw our suffering and rightfully resisted the terrorist occupiers and shot at one of them causing panic amongst them. God bless him.
Yet another example of Arabs shooting themselves in the foot, yes?
Regardless of what "side" I'm on, why should the human cost be ignored or denied? That sort of thing isn't honest and dishonesty ultimately corrupts.

Since 2007 I've urged Egypt's activists not just to push for the ouster of oppressive governments but to advocate the adoption of democratic values that build a civil society to displace values that promote dictatorship. Letting hate blind you to evil, you lose the larger struggle.

Well I agree with you on that but Israeli critics have a different plan which is just to portray the whole thing as an 'operation' against MB and Hamas and you know very well that's not true. Egyptian people still aren't happy with the military at this moment and if Sisi does enter elections I really don't know how he would manage the economy. I'm afraid there won't be a real solution to Egypt anytime soon.

So Israel is to blame for giving Egypt's half of Rafah back to Egypt, and you acknowledge Israel hasn't controlled this border for nine years.

For 70% of its existence yes, but the camp david accords made it so there are conditions placed by Israel and the United States. They rarely open it because it's not in their hands anyways.

Do you recall what many Arabs were trying to do to Jews in Gaza at that time? They were trying to murder them, of course.

Please, they were an occupying army on Palestinian territory and those 'Jews' were given land by the IDF which forcefully acquired Palestinian land.

American Jews visiting Israel also have beefs with Israeli security for we may also get detained, often with no explanation, and no food or water, either (because they just got off the plane and were separated from their belongings). That's what happens when a civilized, democratic state is trying to politely protect its people - Jews, Arabs, and other citizens - from terrorism.

It wasn't about security we already got passports checked, they just kept us waiting for 7 hours to get on a bus and it's to basically make it a tough experience to give a message to foreigners not to travel back again. They failed however.

Yet another example of Arabs shooting themselves in the foot, yes?

Absolutely not, fighting against an occupation is completely justified and legal. They had the right to target the occupying power.
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