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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

Shoddily written and on the whole quite inaccurate and doesn't address the obvious elephant in the room, the authors political affiliation.....

I wonder if someone supportive of the current regime would also be allowed to publish such bad work in WPs name.
How in the world could The Washington Post allow such drivel to be published in its name.....

Washington Post is drivel, lol, except once I read their viewers comments they were outraged over a editor there who wrote an article against a Frenchmuseum honoring a Palestinian journalist bombed to death by Israel in their museum.
Egypt's Military Has Cured AIDS? - Middle East - News - Israel National News

Egypt's military has come out with a shocking "medical breakthrough." On Sunday, the army announced its new "Complete Cure Device," which it says can treat cancer and hepatitis C every time, and which doctors call a "scientific scandal."

Maj. Gen. Ibrahim Abdel-Atti, head of the Cancer Treatmentand Screening center, praised the new device, bragging "I defeated AIDS with the grace of my god at the rate of 100%. And I defeated hepatitis C."

According to Abdel-Atti's research team's claims, the device draws blood, "breaks down" the disease, and returns the now cancer-free blood back to the patient, reports CNN.

"I will take the AIDS from the patient and I will nourish the patient on the AIDS treatment. I will give it to him like a skewer of Kofta to nourish him," Abdel-Atti said, making the unlikely reference to a local dish featuring ground meat.

The "wonder cure" is supposed to be available to the public in June, conveniently after mid-April when army chief Abdel Fattah al-Sisi is expected to run for and easily win the presidential election. Sisi attended the Sunday unveiling of the device, which has been approved by Egypt's Ministry of Health.

This leader worship has gone too far in the Arab/ME/Muslim world. It's disturbing.

I know it is, or even party worship...what can we do...just so you know though he's probably doing it due to the connections. Even Egyptian celebrities are going on tv denouncing MB day and night and praising Sisi. It's propaganda even though some people disagree with me. It's also disturbing with Assad, Saddam, Khomeni, and you know older leaders too...
I know it is, or even party worship...what can we do...just so you know though he's probably doing it due to the connections. Even Egyptian celebrities are going on tv denouncing MB day and night and praising Sisi. It's propaganda even though some people disagree with me. It's also disturbing with Assad, Saddam, Khomeni, and you know older leaders too...

It's disturbing and makes people take extreme stances. They are people just like any other and not Prophets or "saints".

Just look at Syria and the obvious "leader" worship there in connection with Al-Asshead.

I cringe every time I see similar stances across the entire Arab/ME/Muslim world. Also in Africa, Latin America etc. The critical thinking and being able to take the piss on the leaders is something I like about the West.

Ultimately I believe that this is part of the regions problem. it all points to lack of critical thought. That's due to all the authorities. I mean the ancient ME, cradle of civilizations, owes large parts of its history to strong leaders. I think that it is especially "incorporated" into the modern-day Arab. Like mother milk, LOL.

I don't like similar shows for the monarchies. I respect a good leader and can appreciate him but that's about it.

It's not about Al-Sisi. It could be about anybody else from the region.
It's disturbing and makes people take extreme stances. They are people just like any other and not Prophets or "saints".

Just look at Syria and the obvious "leader" worship there in connection with Al-Asshead.

I cringe every time I see similar stances across the entire Arab/ME/Muslim world. Also in Africa, Latin America etc. The critical thinking and being able to take the piss on the leaders is something I like about the West.

Ultimately I believe that this is part of the regions problem. it all points to lack of critical thought. That's due to all the authorities. I mean the ancient ME, cradle of civilizations, owes large parts of its history to strong leaders. I think that it is especially "incorporated" into the modern-day Arab. Like mother milk, LOL.

I don't like similar shows for the monarchies. I respect a good leader and can appreciate him but that's about it.

If we had leaders like we did in our past it would make more sense but all our leaders honestly have no qualities to be proud of. I liked Morsi, but didn't obsess over him. :)

I hope it isn't an Arab thing, because it's getting me to start disliking us. :(
If we had leaders like we did in our past it would make more sense but all our leaders honestly have no qualities to be proud of. I liked Morsi, but didn't obsess over him. :)

I hope it isn't an Arab thing, because it's getting me to start disliking us. :(

LOL. Not an Arab thing. It's worse in Latin America, Africa and other parts of Asia. Other non-Arab ME countries are not any better either.

I am just talking from an Arab perspective. That is a thing that I would like to see change. Critical thinking as well. It is proven that critical thinking reduces one-sided views and taking things to the extreme.:)
I know it is, or even party worship...what can we do...just so you know though he's probably doing it due to the connections. Even Egyptian celebrities are going on tv denouncing MB day and night and praising Sisi. It's propaganda even though some people disagree with me. It's also disturbing with Assad, Saddam, Khomeni, and you know older leaders too...
yet you see nothing wrong hamas has done and you defend anything they do
i really cant understand that a person who even like the brotherhood defend democracy or freedom by the way when will we see another elections in gaza ?
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