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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

You fucking coward are a hired propagandist or do you come up with excuses for everything? Shame on you.

Do you see an excuse or do you see me correcting you.

1. Not police or central security forces, they're paratroopers.
2. Not under the current regime or the Brotherhood, under the SCAF.
3. Egged on by the Muslim Brotherhood who were in cohoots with the SCAF.

When can you just say something is wrong?

It's wrong. I'm sorry if I'm not all emotional like you.

It's also funny you didn't say a thing about the second video with police beating a female and stripping her clothes? I'm waiting for the next excuse you're going to make.

That's what I'm correcting you on. For the first video you can't prove it was a ministry car, what ministry btw?

Since you are posting videos of people being run over why don't you post a video or pictures of the Taxi driver who tried driving through a MB protest (you know because it was his job to drive) and ended up with his throat slit from end to end. You know just in the interest of fairness.
Look at the building in the video, it's a military building I believe and I've seen it before.

When did that happen btw? I never heard of such a thing.
Look at the building in the video, it's a military building I believe and I've seen it before.

It's at the entrance to Tahrir Sqr. Mohammed Mahmoud is the street that leads to the interior ministry (although you don't really get a good look at where this event happened but it was around that area). Tahrir Sqr is at the heart of all of Egypt's major administrative buildings including parliament.

When did that happen btw? I never heard of such a thing.

November 2011. The follow on protests lasted for about a month and she was part of a protest against the appointment of a new PM Kamal Alganzouri I believe, the decision was made to clear the sit in and then it happened.

November 2011 Mohammed Mahmoud BBC News - Egypt: The legacy of Mohammed Mahmoud Street

December 2011 when the incident in question happened Image of unknown woman beaten by Egypt's military echoes around world | Ahdaf Soueif | Comment is free | The Guardian
Not according to wiki by many states and sources.
9K38 Igla - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Those transported to Gaza go through Sinai, many can end up in Sinai, the latest version of IGLA SA 24

The latest Janes report says it may have been an Iranian copy of the Igla since the Russian Strela-3 or Igla and the Chinese QW-2 are pretty hard to get whereas the Iranian copies can be found in Syria, Lebanon, and Gaza.
Last month, the report that he had ran over a woman and that she was in a critical but stable condition turned out to be false.

BBC News - Egypt taxi driver lynched by Islamist protesters

Why do you say it turned out to be false? What tells you that? And these people committed an action on their own and don't represent the vast majority of MB supporters, this violence isn't sanctioned by the MB. However, police violence is ordered by the ministry which gets higher command.

All this article states is they were suspected supporters of the MB and they could be anybody who knows how many in number.


Sinai-based jihadist group claims responsibility for latest Egyptian attacks | JPost | Israel News

Meanwhile, Egypt will put an Australian, two Britons and a Dutchwoman on trial for aiding 16 Egyptians belonging to a "terrorist organisation", the public prosecutor said on Wednesday, describing the four as Al Jazeera correspondents.

Three of the Qatar-based television network's journalists - Peter Greste, an Australian; Mohamed Fahmy, a Canadian-Egyptian national; and Baher Mohamed - were detained in Cairo on Dec. 29 and remain in custody, Al Jazeera said.

The identities of the other foreigners mentioned by the prosecutor were not immediately clear.

In a statement, the prosecutor said the four had published "lies" that harmed the national interest and had supplied money, equipment and information to the 16 Egyptians. The foreigners were also accused of using unlicensed broadcasting equipment.


So according to the West it's okay for Egypt to try people for publishing 'lies' yet if Iran or Hamas arrest such people it's condemned as an horrific violation of human rights. Please....
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a person does not looks pious and righteous just by raising the eyebrows and placing a bend on the forehead while posing for pictures.

sissi placed a bend on his forehead and tried to raise his eyebrows in an effort to look pious and righteous but reality is he is looking like a mushriq of hind.....if you are on straight path then why

do you have staleness and lanat on your face?

yogi shankar also has raised his eyebrows while his photo was being taken but you can literally see satan and evil in him

this man also raised his eyebrows while posing for a picture and you literally see evil and curse/lanat on his face


shang tsung also raised his eyebrows while posing for the camera and you can see demonic curse on his face

chankia also has eyebrows raised and bend on the forehead but negativeness is all over his face

this man also has eyebrows raised but you can clearly see he has a negative and horrid appearance.

if you are on straight path then why do you and other people of your mentality have mushrikana lanat on their faces?


this mushriq of qadian also has raised eyebrows but you can see satanic lanat/curse on his face


when truth is presented before you,,,you become touchy,,,instead of mending your ways you defend the lanat and nahusat on your face and your evil acts

a mujahid looks like this
when you do not compromise on your eman and do not consume haram and do not work for mushriqs and are not scared of fully loaded zionist jets and helicopters and tanks while being on wheel chair....then this is how you end up looking like.


this is how you end up looking like when you do not compromise on your eman/belief and take a stand against mushriqs.

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Dr Zawahiri actualy adviced NOT to target Copts because :"our priority is fighting the western christian zionist alliance " he said, n because "the coptic church is losing ground n collapsing from the inside, bc they can't stop the conversions to islam "

Dr Zawahiri? **** you retard.

This guy gave the fatwa of suicide bombing. Now we enjoy it alot in Pakistan. Great uncompromising emaan having leader, fucked the rest of us. And please dont butt into affairs of other countries when your own in on fire.
rabbi who grabbed land,,,he has lanat/curse and nahusat on his forehead and chin and negative distortion and staleness all over


he whose land was grabbed and whose women and children were killed and who was portrayed a terrorist by worldwide rabbi owned media,,,,,,,he has piety and righteousness on his face


a brain dead land grabber and terrorist and zionist who thinks that just by spending more money he will convert wrong into right

can you hide the truth just by lying and buying?

with all your money you could not put piety on rabbi's face and remove curse from his face

with all your money you could not take away peity and righteousness from sheikh ahmed's face.
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Female MB protestors run over by ministry car:

Egyptian police beat female MB protestor and strip her clothes:

These are the motherfuckers you guys are defending! Have some decency you fucking deliberate liars!
i remeber that we agreed to be civil why would you call my army motherfuckers and call me deliberate liar by the way the second video was when the brotherhood friend of the army and they even said it is her fault and why was she there they saw something wrong and they didnt look the other way no they approved it this are the people you defend right now maybe you should have some decency and since you are so senstive when the brotherhood ruled they did this
beating up protesters to make him say he is a hired thug in front of the camera
I wasn't speaking to you...and yeah it's those ladies to blame...حسبي اللة و نعم الوكيل
I wasn't speaking to you...and yeah it's those ladies to blame...حسبي اللة و نعم الوكيل
i didnt say that this is the young lady fault the brotherhood did and you know arabic you can be see the brotherhood history in egypt to know who they are
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