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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

@YZD why saudis don't like MB?

MB has nothing to do with Islam just like Mullah Diesel has nothing to do with Islam. Just because something has an Islamic wrapper doesnt make it untouchable or unquestionable. Especially in politics i'd rather be associated with something of an irreligious line than a religious one. My choice may be prone or susceptible to corruption. But an Islamic/religious party? How can you tarnish something so sacred ( religion / Islam ) with something so vile (politics)?
MB has nothing to do with Islam just like Mullah Diesel has nothing to do with Islam. Just because something has an Islamic wrapper doesnt make it untouchable or unquestionable. Especially in politics i'd rather be associated with something of an irreligious line than a religious one. My choice may be prone or susceptible to corruption. But an Islamic/religious party? How can you tarnish something so sacred ( religion / Islam ) with something so vile (politics)?

Agreed should not enter into that democracy obsession.
@YZD why saudis don't like MB?

We don't have any issue with for who they are. But KSA won't allow some entity to meddle in her best friends' country to plot overthrowing their Gov'ts. We also are doing the same with Al-Qaida - wether their attacks or plotted attacks took place here or there or weren't.

MB has nothing to do with Islam just like Mullah Diesel has nothing to do with Islam. Just because something has an Islamic wrapper doesnt make it untouchable or unquestionable. Especially in politics i'd rather be associated with something of an irreligious line than a religious one. My choice may be prone or susceptible to corruption. But an Islamic/religious party? How can you tarnish something so sacred ( religion / Islam ) with something so vile (politics)?

The manipulation of faith is no good for political purposes. :no:
Agreed should not enter into that democracy obsession.

Nothing wrong with a true sense of democracy. Look at the Scandinavian countries, they are what is everything right on this planet. The happiest people, the most peaceful people, most well off financially, and no violence. Infact their crime rate is so low that they have to close their prisons!

But then again Muslims arent worth democracy, sir pe dhanda chahiye hamien. Sissi was right in the step to remove MB from Egyptian Govt, not because they are Islamic in nature ( not really, what islamic govt will pass a ruling of lowering girls age for marriage from 18 to 14 years?) but Egypt started experiencing sectarian violence surge and the support of local Sinai terrorists who attacked and stole an Egyptian IFV but were blown out of this world by an Israeli missile. That was a precursor of what was to happen. How the govt handled protests is up for debate and tbh i believe both are wrong.


Pakistan has suffered it for almost 10 years. Do you really think Musharraf policy of US appeasement was his favorite choice which resulted in homegrown terror outfits popping up and causing havoc. Do you think that the worlds super duper power would spare us in its misguided path of revenge? Now Mushi's policies were the only option we had and yet we still have no issues with Afghan Talibs and they welcome our covert support. Then who are the TTP? When all they did was senseless bombings of civilians. What school of thought would allow such carnage designed to cripple a country?

Another claim is Mushi policies started these issues. Really do you really think illiterate people with no real cognitve critical thinking abilities will understand real complex ayahs as ours? His policies acted as a catalyst Have you seen the captured TTPs? I have, and mind you most of them kill each other for just looking each other the wrong way. They cannot spread ruthless, brutal, insincere, illogical and incorrect Islam, this is the Indian sub continent. People have always been inclined towards mysticism, so religion over here has to be soft and appeasing rather than bomb the F up of people.

We have turned intolerant, look at how we burned the christian community houses in Lahore for nothing, or the BS charges the maulvi accused a 14 year old minor Christian girl. How we treat Ahmedis no matter how wrong one thinks of their religious deviation is, Allah is there to judge. We have become so intolerant that we attack people of different sects just because kisi pagrdi hari ya jhanda kala.

When Indians smirk and wink at us, it's because they can see us self destruct and laugh at our ignorance. We blame everyone, i mean Mossad to RAW to CIA but ourselves. When it is a Pakistani that blows a suicide vest or a Pakistani that plants a bomb, it is a Pakistani that kills little children on 14th august parades just because they celebrate the idea of Pakistan. RAW, CIA, Shaikh chilly anyone and everyone maybe out to get us but remember a bomb is blown by saying takbeer and so is a suicide attack. I have personally seen confiscated footages of bomb attacks and believe me they are riddled with takbeers and cheering civilian death and destruction.

We are a nation that is easy to buy off and the only thing about Indians better than us is their patriotism. We need to understand agar mulk nahin bachega to konsi ummat ke bhai aapki jaan bachane ayenge? No one will help us not even China so we should start thinking and they should'nt help us, nobody should help us.
We don't have any issue with for who they are. But KSA won't allow some entity to meddle in her best friends' country to plot overthrowing their Gov'ts. We also are doing the same with Al-Qaida - wether their attacks or plotted attacks took place here or there or weren't.

You are not being genuine, Pal...I Think KSA care less about Egypt or any other Arab country. It is just a p-issing contest between KSA and Qatar on who can p-iss the furthest...It just happens, that Egypt was the tree.
Nothing wrong with a true sense of democracy. Look at the Scandinavian countries, they are what is everything right on this planet. The happiest people, the most peaceful people, most well off financially, and no violence. Infact their crime rate is so low that they have to close their.

Scandinavia is a great place to live in many aspects. I live there so I should know. But not everything is great. Pakistan nor any other Muslim country or place in the world for that matter is and will not become a Scandinavia. Many Muslims in this time and age have not found their position in this world. Aim to succeed at the small things first. The Muslim world and Muslims in general have an immense potential. Africa and other places too. But people don't seem to learn from their mistakes.

You cannot move forward if you are unable to learn from your mistakes.

I see many Muslims countries moving forward but some are moving backwards and repeat the same mistakes again and again.
You are not being genuine, Pal...I Think KSA care less about Egypt or any other Arab country. It is just a p-issing contest between KSA and Qatar on who can p-iss the furthest...It just happens, that Egypt was the tree.

No, the MB interfered in the UAE's and Jordan's affair, something that pissed the Saudi Elites off. They chose not to back with which is a good decision they took.

Anyway, The new Qatari Gov't is taking another approach.
You are not being genuine, Pal...I Think KSA care less about Egypt or any other Arab country. It is just a p-issing contest between KSA and Qatar on who can p-iss the furthest...It just happens, that Egypt was the tree.

Ceylal, of course every country takes its own interests into account as well. If not first of all. Algeria is no different. When the elites conduct policy or the political/ruling leaders, the same pattern can be observed since antiquity and it has changed very little, they rarely thought about helping fellow Semites, Arabs etc. (feel free to use your own examples) but rather their own noses. Hence even the rivalries found among family members in ruling families. The Ottomans are a good example of that.

What I am trying to say is that the KSA government and that of Egypt found a common menace that they could unite on in combating. The thing that they are both neighbors, fellow Muslim, Arab/Semitic nations with long-time good relations mattered less here. It probably played a role without a doubt. Likewise I don't expect anyone - no matter how close they are to KSA to help us out just due to only religious, ethnic, historical etc. reasons. You yourself as an Algerian can use the example of Algerian and Moroccan hostilities and political differences despite a closeness bigger than that between Algeria and Mongolia for example.

You can find many examples of country x and y being close on aspects such as people, origin, fellow history, religion, being neighbors but despite all this being at odds with each other and having better relations with people/countries they on paper have nothing or very little in common with.

It would be unfair to give KSA or any other country for that matter a purely humanitarian role here when such a thing never existed in human history let alone in the Middle East. In it's pure form.

You feel me?
We don't have any issue with for who they are. But KSA won't allow some entity to meddle in her best friends' country to plot overthrowing their Gov'ts. We also are doing the same with Al-Qaida - wether their attacks or plotted attacks took place here or there or weren't.
you mean it is ok al qaida in syria and iraq ? ;)
Sissi , the new Egyptian messie..
Sissi , the new Egyptian messie..

It's true that he has saved Egypt from the MB claws, who are the slaves of the USA

He also litterally kicked the *** of uncle Sam, the crook, out of Egypt
Uncle Sam was here to try to kill Egypt slowly for his lady Israel
MB has nothing to do with Islam just like Mullah Diesel has nothing to do with Islam. Just because something has an Islamic wrapper doesnt make it untouchable or unquestionable. Especially in politics i'd rather be associated with something of an irreligious line than a religious one. My choice may be prone or susceptible to corruption. But an Islamic/religious party? How can you tarnish something so sacred ( religion / Islam ) with something so vile (politics)?

Oh yeah, as if you're an Islamic scholar. Get real. You Saudis and khaleeji's are doing great with Islam sell alcohol in your nations, leaders in bed with enemies of Muslim nations, a majority of your people, maybe not saudi, but elsewhere in the Khaleej are dating and having pre marital sex. I've seen the things myself when I went to visit an aunt in Dubai. It's really bad. You've gotten in love with money and it's pathetic how you're people became. Islam is directly involved in politics.

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