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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

Why did the butcher Sissi declared state of emergency for the next two months and fears the Sinai clash would spill into the city where they may use tactics to lure supporters in their side? Come at me El Sissi and the hypocrites :D









Sisi the kaffir wants to do the bidding of his thieving jew allies in Gaza
Like I said, the congress went on with it so they can allow them to enter power then bring them back 50 years. I'm sure this was planned from the start.

Then the US gives a few empty condemnations of the arrests without trial as if they had nothing to do with it.

There's no such thing as any Western country allowing the MB to take charge and give it rule for the next decade for example. Had that happened you would have seen a big difference in Egypt's society and military.

Israel was complaining from the start. Morsi refused to meet them face to face and he stood with Gaza during the Israeli offensive. He also would have built up the military.

Sorry to disagree with you...
I can't understand what you're saying...and for funds do you mean fundraisers in the US for Syrian refugees? I know Palestinians support them with money but we have Syrian communities here who have raised awareness of these funds and do the fundraisers themselves.

Funding isn't going to destroy Syria. That's odd that you'd make a statement like that.

can't be any clearer.
You are slapping the hand that protected, defended and fed you to detriment...Syrian refused a comprehensive settlement with Israel, so you can regain your land that you lost to Israel...They could have chosen Egypt or Jordanian way and regained the Golan hights. They stood by their principle and you didn't.
Thousands of people protesting against military rule have taken to the streets across Egypt in rallies dubbed "Loyalty to the Martyrs' Blood", calling for deposed President Mohamed Morsi to be reinstated.

The rallies come nearly a month after the August 14 crackdown by security forces on two pro-Morsi protest camps in Cairo that led to clashes in which hundreds of people were killed.

"Either we recover their rights, or we die like them," protesters chanted of those who lost their lives in the crackdown, as they marched on Friday towards Rabaa al-Adawiya Square, the site of one of those camps.

Al Jazeera’s correspondent in Cairo, who we are not naming for security reasons, said there had been some scuffles in the Mediterranean city of Alexandria, with tear gas being used.

"We’ve been told that security forces stepped in to separate fighting that had broken out between rival factions, the Anti-Coup Alliance on one side and locals who are opposed to it on the other," our correspondent said.

"There are also reports of flashpoints in Mahala, Damietta, Sharqiya, with fighting between these two groups, but security haven’t yet intervened in any of those."

Society divided

For weeks, demonstrators have been marching in cities around the country.

Follow our ongoing coverage of the political crisis in Egypt
In Cairo, a local resident of Nasr City told Al Jazeera that people want the rallies to end, as they are disrupting lives of the locals and limiting their movements.

“Every Friday, things are stopped. People and shops are afraid, shops are closed," he said.

"They are afraid they might be attacked and if I have an errand far away, I can’t really go anywhere."

But some protesters insisted they had managed to garner local support.

"After what people have seen in Rabaa, the killing and the burning. I don’t believe they are upset," a demonstrator told Al Jazeera.

Morsi detention extended

Meanwhile, prosecutors extended the detention of Morsi for 30 days. The former president faces several criminal charges, including murder.

Al Jazeera’s correspondent said the government appeared to think it has wide support, with Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood on the back-foot and the protests losing speed.

“If they were to bring Morsi to a swift trial now or soon, it might bring more protesters out onto the streets... So I think they’re quite happy with the situation as it is at the moment”, he said.

Morsi was ousted by the army after a wave of popular protests. Egypt's military-installed new authorities have since arrested more than 2,000 of his supporters.

On Thursday, the interim authorities extended a state of emergency in force since the mid-August bloodshed by another two months because of Egypt's continued security problems.
Anti-military protests continue in Egypt - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

can't be any clearer.
You are slapping the hand that protected, defended and fed you to detriment...Syrian refused a comprehensive settlement with Israel, so you can regain your land that you lost to Israel...They could have chosen Egypt or Jordanian way and regained the Golan hights. They stood by their principle and you didn't.

Yes because they were no threat to Israel because all their forces have always used to kill their own people they are good for nothing when ever Israel wanted he attacked them and Bashar did nothing he can only kill his own people
can't be any clearer.
You are slapping the hand that protected, defended and fed you to detriment...Syrian refused a comprehensive settlement with Israel, so you can regain your land that you lost to Israel...They could have chosen Egypt or Jordanian way and regained the Golan hights. They stood by their principle and you didn't.

The principle became impossible after the civil war occurred in the country and after the events in Egypt. Their government doesn't work in a way where it would use its military resources towards regaining land. And it isn't actually geniune if you beilieved so. Regaining land in Islam isn't from the western perspective. The land is a holy land and the path of God is and has always been our way of conquering land and liberating our land. The path of God does not include dedicating your mujahideen to a dictators interests like Hezbollah did. They can cut support, we don't stand by things like that. Even it means they have to produce their own weapons now. Then so be it. God loves those who are steadfast and patient.
Why did the butcher Sissi declared state of emergency for the next two months and fears the Sinai clash would spill into the city where they may use tactics to lure supporters in their side? Come at me El Sissi and the hypocrites

Firstly, you need a psychiatrist. Secondly, you need to change your country flag to something more suitable. Finally, your campaigns (media or otherwise) have lost steam and every protest you stage is small and insignificant (you barely make news anywhere) and an attempt to show that you're still around.

These are small demonstrations, especially for Egypt. Note that the camera angles are mostly close to the ground and the angle is always such that the people pictured fill the frame. Do a count. Demonstators pictured number in the hundreds to low thousands. If they could mobilize more they surely would have climbed a low wall or taken the photo from the higher windows of the surrounding high rises.

I will add, however, that I expect the military, pushed by the wealthy landed classes, is trying to take the political space away from democracy and back towards dictatorship. It's important for democratic political leaders not to yield any sort of power or concession to the military that could later be used to destroy democracy.

There should also be some just way conceived to deal with soldiers who have committed crimes under orders or duress but now feel they have no choice but to submit to their superiors rather than the people. Successful evil tyrannies from the Mafia to the Soviets always try to make sure their enforcers committed such horrible crimes that they cannot face the people; for the rest of their subjects, they try to create guilt by making life so difficult that crimes of some sort simply have to be committed in order to survive.
the end of the brotherhood in Egypt
like i said from the start no one can stand in the way. Egypt united people army police even with all their allies around the world we win
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