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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions


Egypt’s today is the Turkey of yesterday… hopefully
Saturday, 6 July 2013

Turkey of yerterday was the sick man Europe, a literal vassal of israel/US and zionist maggots. Today its standing tall kicking the butt of low life zionist bastards and making sure lunatic militant suckulars can't grab power via undemocratic means. Off course this burns the _ss of suckulars and ****** zionist scums and hence we see such whining from them like this article and all your posts filled with bigotry and ignorant ranting.

Btw in this article is talks about "all inclusive gov". Well Suckular dictators that ruled Egypt and toppled MB gov and Kelamist of Yesterday's turkey weren't all inclusive of majority muslim population. They were only inclusive of low life slave metality anti-islamic bigots and their western masters. MB was very inclusive by the looks of the constitution they formulated respecting and uphelding the roots of Egypt and majority sentiment. Off course low life western slave mentality suckulars would never be satisfied unless they get a taste of power that they can use to oppress muslim. Besides its not necessary that muslims have to share the western perspective of "inclusiveness". We can see how inclusive present US/France and western Europe is or how inclusive their colonial forms were. :coffee:
Your beloved Erdogan is a US puppet only used to create ''cold'' wars between countries.
Dont call people you dont know,lowlife bastards try to have some manners.
Btw,how is you country doing?
Turkey of yerterday was the sick man Europe, a literal vassal of israel/US and zionist maggots. Today its standing tall kicking the butt of low life zionist bastards
Zionists are neither maggots nor bastards. When you craft your case upon a foundation of deliberate lies you have abandoned justice in favor of prejudice and bigotry, is that not so? Nice for the people committing injustices on top, but why should the people below stand for it?

MB was very inclusive by the looks of the constitution they formulated respecting and uphelding the roots of Egypt and majority sentiment.
It's minority rights that matter when it comes to democratic values. Minority rights give people the freedom to change their minds.

Off course low life western slave mentality suckulars would never be satisfied unless they get a taste of power that they can use to oppress muslim.
When these "muslims" vow to take down a country in explosions and fire how do you propose to deal with them? By sucking up to them? Bribery? Offering them your wife - or maybe someone else's?

One demonstrator's sign said it well: "Egypt will never be Pakistan".
You might want to do some counting. There are far less than 5,000 people there - very few in comparison to the millions on the streets against Morsi.

you counted them all good job but i doubt your math
the wind began to blow in the opposite...Now all criminal govertnments that involved in millitary coup against MB begin to deny and swear that they have not been by any way in conspiracy of m.coup...The fear of a$$ rise to till throat..

USA is about to leave alone his Egyptian criminal partners to save his tail..KSA has made a fatal mistake and will be the bigest loser of crediblity with his Egyptian Juntas.. KSA has deemed that after military coup they boosted has been carried out they sent several crates of dollar with gifts of perssiman Medina and zamzam water to poor Egyptians then they would easily convince all politic sides of Egyptians even including MB by time..

the presidency of Mahmud Adli Mansur is illegitimate and suprious just like the child born out of wedlock..Votes is the will of people. The will is the honour of people.. People could die and fight for their honour....There is only one way to protect Egypt from falling into a terrible turmoil..Mursi gonna to back to his duty
you counted them all good job but i doubt your math

Rab3a Al3adawiya isn't an actual square its a traffic junction in front of a famous mosque. Using Google earth to estimate the actual available space and then taking into account that the average human being takes up 25cm cubed (in a jam packed protest where people are shoulder to shoulder) and also taking into to account about 30% of available space is filled with stages/lampposts/barriers/trees etc. a software company has calculated that Rab3a al3adawiya can only hold just above four hundred thousand people.
Rab3a Al3adawiya isn't an actual square its a traffic junction in front of a famous mosque. Using Google earth to estimate the actual available space and then taking into account that the average human being takes up 25cm cubed (in a jam packed protest where people are shoulder to shoulder) and also taking into to account about 30% of available space is filled with stages/lampposts/barriers/trees etc. a software company has calculated that Rab3a al3adawiya can only hold just above four hundred thousand people.

even if MB fills coup de tahrir square you will not accept their numbers
even if MB fills coup de tahrir square you will not accept their numbers

If the MB and its affiliates were confident of their own numbers and confident that if involved in new parliamentary and presidential elections then why did they reject the request of the armed forces for them to be involved in the transitional phase instead of seeking a confrontation with the armed forces and those who support their decision?
you counted them all good job but i doubt your math
I counted a sample area in a defined area near the middle of the frame and multiplied it proportionally. Small errors from perspective remain but note that the crowd does not extend to the rear of the camera shots. Note I only put an upper limit on the crowd; it seems I counted head-and-shirt as two people instead of one. In that case there's less than 1,000 people at this demo.
If the MB and its affiliates were confident of their own numbers and confident that if involved in new parliamentary and presidential elections then why did they reject the request of the armed forces for them to be involved in the transitional phase instead of seeking a confrontation with the armed forces and those who support their decision?

because they dissolved their government

it is like kicking throwing down and dis respecting and then helping them to standup

I counted a sample area in a defined area near the middle of the frame and multiplied it proportionally. Small errors from perspective remain but note that the crowd does not extend to the rear of the camera shots. Note I only put an upper limit on the crowd; it seems I counted head-and-shirt as two people instead of one. In that case there's less than 1,000 people at this demo.

ye keep applying limits . school for retards mathematics
Zionists are neither maggots nor bastards. When you craft your case upon a foundation of deliberate lies you have abandoned justice in favor of prejudice and bigotry, is that not so? Nice for the people committing injustices on top, but why should the people below stand for it?

It's minority rights that matter when it comes to democratic values. Minority rights give people the freedom to change their minds.

When these "muslims" vow to take down a country in explosions and fire how do you propose to deal with them? By sucking up to them? Bribery? Offering them your wife - or maybe someone else's?

One demonstrator's sign said it well: "Egypt will never be Pakistan".

"Minority rights" is a nice excuse but MB formulated constitution says contrary to your zionist propaganda *****. And again its not necessary that Everyone has to share the western perspective on minority rights and a seperate perspective can also be held well within the frame of sanity and democracy.

The rest of your ramblings are just zionist propaganda *****. Apparently 40 died yesterday after a democratically Pres. was toppled via suckular military coup.

Feel free to disagree with your twisted zionist concocted logic.

Your beloved Erdogan is a US puppet only used to create ''cold'' wars between countries.
Dont call people you dont know,lowlife bastards try to have some manners.
Btw,how is you country doing?

Yeah that's why he gets negative coverage in western media and your recent gezi protest got western backing.

My country has its fair share of suckular scumbags so it isn't doing great.
Ali Ahmed: the 12-Year-Old Boy who Put Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood to Shame

Must watch! Ali Ahmed, an Egyptian 12-year-old boy gives his opinion about the current situation in Egypt and how the Muslim Brotherhood failed at governing the country. This remarkably smart kid is destined to play an important role in Egypt's future.

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"Minority rights" is a nice excuse but MB formulated constitution says contrary to your zionist propaganda *****.
Go on, enlighten us by quoting the sections of the "MB-formulated constitution" you have in mind. Did they even apply on June 30th?

The rest of your ramblings are just zionist propaganda
Which you have absolutely no answer to anymore. You're probably familiar enough with meby now to know that I make swiss cheese out of cheesy anti-zionist stuff so you won't go beyond anything other than empty claims - but if you care to add substance, go right ahead; just be sure to put it in the correct thread.

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