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Economy, Yaraneh and Iranian protests

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The neo-liberal genius Rouhani.....this subsidy cuts is a 100% copy of the methods of the International Monetary Fund, not comparable to the Ahmadinejad subsidy cuts!

But maybe there is a good explanation for this (at least i hope so): The goal was to send a message to the Iraqis….the Iranians should come out and protest (also violently) against the hardships, and in this way sending a message to the Iraqis "We are all in the same boat"

I hope this was the reason….if not, then it shows that Rouhani is indeed a neo-liberal genius….
.Protestors have burnt down the central bank as they take back to the streets this morning. #IranProtests https://t.co/AyktCknt4W

“Death to the dictator” is said in all parts of Iran, as in this video. Still some advocates of Rouani & Zarif in Medias out of Iran portray these protests against gas price. Price of gas is an excuse for people fed up with this dictatorship to come to the streets. #IranProtests https://t.co/WZ0Q8J3OEW

.Protestors have burnt down the central bank as they take back to the streets this morning. #IranProtests https://t.co/AyktCknt4W

“Death to the dictator” is said in all parts of Iran, as in this video. Still some advocates of Rouani & Zarif in Medias out of Iran portray these protests against gas price. Price of gas is an excuse for people fed up with this dictatorship to come to the streets. #IranProtests https://t.co/WZ0Q8J3OEW

Islamic Republic is bankrupt on all fronts. It is morally, ideologically and financially bankrupt. When you look at the so called supreme leader claim that Islamic Republic is the defender of all oppressed muslims, then why does not he criticize the Chinese oppression of millions of Muslims? Because if he does, his only lifeline will be gone. China will no longer buy our oil for pennies and ship us their tainted toys and chunk.

They peddle a foreign backward ideology that has brought zero benefit to humans in the last 1400 years other than oppression, amputation, murder, and misery. They hate Iran and her history but when they fly abroad, they are Persian.

When you criticize this bankrupt regime online and in this forum ,their paid shills, bache mullaha, and their intelligence operatives will try to dismiss legitimate criticisms as biased views of monarchs and MK supporters. They dismiss criticism abroad with such arrogance thinking that they will be around for another 40 years. If you fight for god given rights in Iran, they will either kill you or hand you down a lengthy prison sentence on trumped up charge like " offending representatives of God on earth". What a joke! The Soviets were a murdering, oppressive, and authoritarian regime that had conquered half of Europe and they fell to the dustbin of history. This Iran hating regime will go to the same trash bin.

Their propaganda machine spins lies and deception that we needed to be involved in all of these foreign wars because if we did not, we would be fighting the enemy in Tehran. The reality is that if this regime did not meddle in everyone else' affairs around us, we would not have to deal with the backlash of their failed foreign ideology.

I am not a fan of the Pahlavi regime but Iran was better shape in every aspect. Iran had access to everything in the west, people lived comfortable, they had a higher living standard, and the exchange rate was 60 rial to $1.
Most of you are too young and born after 1979. Before the Islamic Republic, we were a family of 6 and lived comfortably which just one person working. Today you need to work two jobs just feed yourself. Why should a young couple have children today when the future is grim, there is mass poverty, and no optimistic future outlook.
The shills in this forum will dismiss that saying that we imported everything and did not build anything.

The real comparison would be Israel, South Korea and Iran. We were ahead or at the place in 1978. South Korea today is a real player on the international automotive market with Hyundai and Kia, Samsung cellphones are second only to iPhones ,and they have a big global share of other consumer electronics.

Israel is a leader in arrogation, water conservation, electronics ,and armaments. They sell their military hardware globally and are recognized as serious competitors.

Iran sells some of her armaments to third nations like Iraq, Iraqi militias, Asad, and Sudan. Hardly a comparison. Do we have a positive image under Islamic Republic, do we have national brand that is recognized globally? Absolutely not! We still build Peugeot under license.Our global revenue from Oil sales has been close to $2 trillion in the last 40 years and yet we still have to beg the Chinese. Our oil production was 6 million barrels a day in 1978 today it is less than half.

The reality is that we can outproduce and compete with the South Koreans and the Israelis, but instead we are shackled by sanctions because of a bankrupt ideology of a phony totalitarian police state that its leaders( representatives of god on earth) have been raping and pillaging Iran for decades. Stealing the national wealth and stashing it abroad. Take a look at Canada if you doubt what I am saying. You will see the regime's cronies and their kids living lavish life styles while average Iranian can't afford to pay 25 cents per liter of petrol.

If you had a national referendum today in Iran, nobody other than the regime cronies and their thugs would want this regime in Iran. Do not bus in the so called supporters, stop giving them bag of rice and roghan Kermansha and see how many show up at the rallies chanting " Marg Bar Amrika". Why you never hear "Marg bar Engilis" because when you lift the beard of every mulla, it says made and supported by England. BBC Farsi is a promoter and supporter of this regime. I actually met a bache mulla in London who was bragging about how he was summoned to the English embassy and he was given a check for his daddy in the amount of 80,000 pounds . I have never met one person coming from Iran that had anything positive to say about this regime. The reality is that if people living in Iran had the option to live abroad, most would leave.

The only reason this corrupt regime has been allowed to survive this long is because it has been a land slide best promotor of Western arms industry to the Arabs. The Western arms manufacturers have made hundreds of billions of dollars bilking the Arabs by selling them advanced arms that they do not need.

There is no country in the world that is perfect, but people of Iran deserve better than the conditions they are being forced by the barrel of Kalashnikov today.
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