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Economy, Yaraneh and Iranian protests

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Concerning his last sentence:

"It is ironic how intertwined the lives of ordinary Iranians with US politics is given how hard the Islamic Republic has tried to distance itself from the US over the past four decades."

This is only partly true. It is not Iranians as a whole whose life is intertwined with US politics, only Rouhanis and Zarifs lifes are. There is a method to solve Irans economic problems without the US, but it won't be done by Rouhani:

Concerning his last sentence:

"It is ironic how intertwined the lives of ordinary Iranians with US politics is given how hard the Islamic Republic has tried to distance itself from the US over the past four decades."

This is only partly true. It is not Iranians as a whole whose life is intertwined with US politics, only Rouhanis and Zarifs lifes are. There is a method to solve Irans economic problems without the US, but it won't be done by Rouhani:

It won't be done by the conservatives either. They and the reformists are running the country since 1979 and all need to look at the results. Rhetoric and endless conservations are not important what matters is the result of people's livelihood and economics.

Anyway, time will put an end to everything so at the end everything will be alright but maybe not in our lifetime.
They and the reformists are running the country since 1979 and all need to look at the results. Rhetoric and endless conservations are not important what matters is the result of people's livelihood and economics.

Favorable macro-economic statistics are not the be-all and end-all of politics. The assumption that the "economy" trumps everything (with the term economy in fact narrowly defined as the sole profit of capitalist enterprises) is typical of the catastrophic liberal worldview which the zio-American empire is seeking to impose on nations. This view falsely postulates that economy is a "precise" science with established rules that need to be implemented as is, instead of being subject to public debate and adjusted political decision-making.

While in reality, not only are economic policies and their potential results a function of social, political and even cultural variables, but healthy management of a polity and sound pursuit of the collective good will not define the nominal accumulation of economic wealth as its overarching goal.

That introductory remark being made, any objective study will highlight how on the whole, the Islamic Republic's economic policies benefitted the poor and actually strongly improved the livelihood of average Iranians, particularly when compared to pre-revolutionary days. In fact the last article posted by Homajon clearly states:

Revolutionary Iran has been relatively successful in keeping poverty low. It has an assortment of charities, large and small, as well as a welfare ministry that provides income assistance for about 10% of the population.

Regarding the highly different outcomes of the respective economic policies of the Ahmadinejad and Rohani administrations, Mr. Salehi-Esfahani writes:

Since 2011, the country has also had a universal cash transfer program initiated by the populist President Ahmadinejad that reached more than 70 million people with monthly cash deposits. The program was single-handedly responsible for keeping the poverty rate below 10% after the intensification of sanctions in 2012. The current neoliberal government of President Hassan Rouhani, which opposed cash transfers, allowed their value to decline with inflation so that by the time the pandemic hit, the real value of the cash transfers had declined to less than one-fourth of their value in 2011. As a result, during the last two years, the poverty rate has increased from 11% to 16%

In other terms, it is deeply erroneous to claim that the various types of economic policy conducted by successive administrations of the Islamic Republic have all had the exact same impact on the economic situation of Iranians.

Anyway, time will put an end to everything so at the end everything will be alright but maybe not in our lifetime.

Here's a simple reality: considering the enmity of the zio-American imperial oligarchy towards the Iranian nation, which has an existential quality to it, the downfall of the Islamic Republic will translate into the definitive annihilation of Iran as a unified nation, as a historically rooted civilization and as a functioning state. Poorly informed hatred for the Islamic Republic can lead even nationalists to formulate wishes which entail the necessary destruction of Iran, should these wishes ever come true.

However, there's a silver lining to time indeed, ad that is the fact that the zio-American empire is going to collapse sooner or later like every one of its predecessors, just as major oppressors are going to be crushed by the Master of Time (Saaheb ol-Zamaan) himself, paving the way for the triumph of Righteousness, by which time no global tyrant will remain to threaten the divinely ordained Velaayat of Haqq.
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