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Drinking liqour is not Haram - Federal Shariat Court

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the way i see it:

worst of all harams is something that causes detriment to society collectively....drinking only harms oneself, not others...though excess drinking can cause (among some people) a person to do things which could harm or endanger others

worst of all harams is murder; because the killing of one is the killing of all humanity ---as the Quran explains. Extortion, bribery, theft are also ''up there'' in the list.
It's not haraam but they want to re-enact their S&M fantasies by whipping anyway... Confused much?

Mullahs can't even get Islam right...
The Quran puts it (something) like this; 'is (alchohol) main faida kam or nuksan ziada hai, islye is sy bacho' - there is more harm in it than guud.

People with brains can make out the rest.
Yes drinking liquor is not Haram - for the non-muslims and those who want to drink will drink it regardless.
I will not comment on whether liquor is haram or not, I personally do not drink, but every person should be allowed to make whatever decision they want to, & be accountable to their God for it.
yuuuuuuukkkkkk damn you destroy it .it was our soft drink dear .:taz: now with every bottle buy cardamom too lolz

waisay I never tasted any of bear / alcohol in whole of my life, although i have been in the gathering where, raat bhar jaam say jaam takraya thaa...
There is no such thing as moderate smoking. It's all harmful. And it is absolutely intoxicating. No, you won't fall unconscious, but to a new user, nicotine will turn you inside out. Major buzz, nausea, dizziness, vomiting.

So why is tobacco okay? It harms the smoker, and it definitely harms society, as the cost to treat smokers' diseases puts an enormous strain on public health systems.

Hash/MJ... HUGELY popular in the ME. Technically illegal, but overlooked in many places.

Intoxicants are illegal? - how about a nice adrenaline "rush" from skydiving? How about those wonderul endorphins your own body makes while running long distances? The endorphins are basically human-made morphine. That's why many people can become addicted to running.

Caffeine - It's easy to cop a nice buzz with some strong coffee.

There are hundreds of Halal substances that intoxicate. So let's be intellectually honest. Either outlaw all of it, or how about this? Allow an adult to make these decisions. If those decisions harm others, like DUI, then punish. Otherwise, glorious freedom, rather than a slave to others' opinions.

IIRC someone was struggling with their own nicotine addiction... Sounds like we've got a handle on it now?

I grew up with a simple lesson from my dad, to not even touch a bottle of any liquor. That was good enough for me. Its been quite a bummer when I've had these drunk chicks spill all their beer on me twice on concerts.

Anyway, later on, we learned anything that intoxicates, anything in any way makes you lose control of yourself, anything that harms you, its all forbidden. The concept of Haraam, is anything that was declared Haraam. But c'mon, I'm pretty sure there were a lot of things thats the Prophet didn't get around to declaring them specifically haraam in his 23 years of Prophet hood. But its simply implied.

Smoking was never declared Haraam, its implied IMO. Or lets get more technical, Ex was not even invented back then - its implied its Haraam. Or we can say it in English, if the Haraam tag is supposed to be kept exclusive.

Religion should remain a personal choice, there should be no declaration of Haraam or halaal and no punishment of whipping. Let the parents teach their children however they want to.

Religious people in charge of government never get it right.
The Quran puts it (something) like this; 'is (alchohol) main faida kam or nuksan ziada hai, islye is sy bacho' - there is more harm in it than guud.

People with brains can make out the rest.

absolutely, that's right...

Allah SWT gave human beings something called a brain......brain is there to be used. People can for themselves, if they are even half-educated and raised properly, wuud know how to distinguish right from wrong....beneficial from detrimental

so that should be enough
the way i see it:

worst of all harams is something that causes detriment to society collectively....drinking only harms oneself, not others...though excess drinking can cause (among some people) a person to do things which could harm or endanger others

worst of all harams is murder; because the killing of one is the killing of all humanity ---as the Quran explains. Extortion, bribery, theft are also ''up there'' in the list.

How can you be so sure that consuming liqour only harms onself? If somebody is doing drunk driving hits another car and all others are either injured for life or dead, who is responsible? if a person is addicted his whole family suffers.. go around the society and you will find horrible stories of those childern whose lives were made horrible because of father's drinking habit.. statistics tell that almost all of the rapists were drunk when the crime was committed.

Evil Effects of Drinking Wine and other Intoxicants
We had a great leader once, this great man used to get creative with women and alcohol.

Think nude body and flowing alcohol, the rest you can figure out yourself.

This is definately halam too.
:cheers:zahid sharab peene de masjid main baith kar
ya wo jaga bata de jahan par khuda na ho
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