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Don't blame us, Abu Hamza is Indian, says Pakistan

I watched the entire press conference by the Pakistnai Interior minister and was stunned at how poor is arguments were for refuting the claims.

I was surprised by his remarks because I thought baseless remarks like his were the resigned purely to forums like this but for such a high ranking offival of the GoP to go and make an official sand like this is worse than embarrassing.

If such be the state of the 'Leaders' of a people, imagine what is the condition of the crop from which such 'representatives' are chosen.
Though an interesting question is why Pakistan was trying to get him extradited to Pakistan instead .. ;)

Abu Hamza was in Saudi Arabia to gather funds for big terror strike; Pakistan tried to prevent his extradition: Sources | NDTV.com

And everybody knows the so called sources of news are nothing but RAW.

and remember he got fake Pakistani passport with indian govt help as all the stage show of 26/11 was organised by indian govt to divert attention from Kashmir.
Don't blame us, Abu Hamza is Indian, says Pakistan

Most of the terrorists involved in planing and execution of 9/11 strikes were Saudi Arabian.. wonder why Afghanistan was bombed in 9/11 aftermath?
Because it was the 'then' Afghan govt that facilitated and protected these terrorists.

This something Mr Rehman Malik should consider such before making such a weak argument.
Holy conditions

1.) Voice samples: sorry, the voice belongs to Raju Shrivastava. You want us to take action on that ?

2.) Testimony of Kasab and Abu Jundal aka Abu Hamza : C’mon, you believe those guys whose confessions were taken under death threats? Everyone knows Kasab is a Hindu from the language he speaks ! Reg, Jundal, how can you believe him ? Is there any evidence which can confirm the link between Jundal and ISI folks ? Did he actually say that ?

3.) Is there any evidence, where Abu Jundal actually directing the Mumbai attacks? Any evidence of Abu Jundal actually killing people ? Like he is shooting someone or throwing bombs ? Sorry, don’t show us video footages, they are not admissible in courts. Because, we know they are doctored.

4.) Remember, our courts are free and in fact, they are more free than the courts in US. And they don’t believe in your DNA samples.

5.) Till you actually catch ISI officials in the act, whatever evidence you give, will not be accepted by us and our courts.

6.) It is exactly reckless talk like these that come in the way of peaceful resolution of problems like withdrawal Indian troops from Siachen, which is bigger priority now.


we only believe in allah Almighty's words , all other are conspiracies against islam .so if you can show us that isi was involved in holy book we can agree otherwise GTFO.:lol:
Hindu Extremism? Is he a fvcking retard? What has 26/11 got to do with Hindu extremism?

cant you guess ? they need to divert attention from the fact he was living in SA on a Pakistani passport , and it took a DNA sample of his family and voice excerpts of 26/11 to prove he was involved , only then did the Saudis hand him over.

I watched the entire press conference by the Pakistnai Interior minister and was stunned at how poor is arguments were for refuting the claims. His main rebuttal point that PAkistan govternment had anything to do with 26/11 was that the last time he spoke to Indian HM he warned him of apparent growing Hindu extremism in India!!! That was it he didn't remotely say how that was relevant to 26/11 or explain why he went around the world lecturing other government official from other nations of problems in their own countries! Then he said he appreciated India's descion not to blame ISI for 2011 Delhi blasts and that it was found to be, correctly (he added), Hindu extremists!! I really have no idea how he can claim any sort of authority and then make such blatent lies on tension that will be broadcast internationally.

I was surprised by his remarks because I thought baseless remarks like his were the resigned purely to forums like this but for such a high ranking offival of the GoP to go and make an official sand like this is worse than embarrassing. He proved to be an utter clown who was propagating lies we have heard too often from the Pakistani side in response to accusations against them and it isnt hard to see why some Pakistani members here say the things they do when ministers you are supposed to trust make such false accusations like this in such a medium.

If anything the press conference has opened my eyes and made me give some members here a break for their ridiculous assertations and remarks at times for they clearly know no better, this is just the nonsense they are force fed on a constant basis.m

i too watched it . it struck me as if he was quiet coarse in his replies. hardly sounding (dare i say it ) intelligent!!! the man seem more like a well of shopkeeper , rather then the HM of Pakistan .

no offense meant to our Pakistani members . but just how your HM sounded.
I watched the entire press conference by the Pakistnai Interior minister and was stunned at how poor is arguments were for refuting the claims. His main rebuttal point that PAkistan govternment had anything to do with 26/11 was that the last time he spoke to Indian HM he warned him of apparent growing Hindu extremism in India!!! That was it he didn't remotely say how that was relevant to 26/11 or explain why he went around the world lecturing other government official from other nations of problems in their own countries! Then he said he appreciated India's descion not to blame ISI for 2011 Delhi blasts and that it was found to be, correctly (he added), Hindu extremists!! I really have no idea how he can claim any sort of authority and then make such blatent lies on tension that will be broadcast internationally.

I was surprised by his remarks because I thought baseless remarks like his were the resigned purely to forums like this but for such a high ranking offival of the GoP to go and make an official sand like this is worse than embarrassing. He proved to be an utter clown who was propagating lies we have heard too often from the Pakistani side in response to accusations against them and it isnt hard to see why some Pakistani members here say the things they do when ministers you are supposed to trust make such false accusations like this in such a medium.

If anything the press conference has opened my eyes and made me give some members here a break for their ridiculous assertations and remarks at times for they clearly know no better, this is just the nonsense they are force fed on a constant basis.m

I agree with most of the statements you made. The leaders of not only Pakistan but also of Bangladesh is nothing but a national disgrace. But what about India and their leaders, where there was overwhelming evidence that they orchestrated a mass genocide, but have the guts to deny it in front of the official press? To me, that is equally disgraceful.
as i said in another thread (regarding the same petty topic) -- indian should be more worried about why their own citizens are turning against them

e.g. SIMI, naxals, ULFA, and the plethora of other domestic groups
as i said in another thread (regarding the same petty topic) -- indian should be more worried about why their own citizens are turning against them

e.g. SIMI, naxals, ULFA, and the plethora of other domestic groups

i don't know about naxals and ulfa but im is run by bhatkal brothers from pakistan and simi also has same type of structure , so we are extremely worried about usage of your holier than thou land against us since decades.
i don't know about naxals and ulfa but simi is run by bhatkal brothers from pakistan , so we are extremely worried about usage of your holier than thou land against us since decades.

riggght...another indian excuse

their base is in Deccan Hyderabad, india
as i said in another thread (regarding the same petty topic) -- indian should be more worried about why their own citizens are turning against them

e.g. SIMI, naxals, ULFA, and the plethora of other domestic groups
Those 10 gun men where not Indian citizen who orchestrated 26/11 attack.
Every society has bad apples, propoganda can be a great tool to radicalize a person.
But it seems the Pakistani state is not serious enough to fight these extremist, even though they are destroying the fabric of their society.
LET has gone global and has assets in various countries, the JUD aka LET is posing as a charity in disguise but it still is part of the terror network which see's India as number 1 enemey.
Those 10 gun men where not Indian citizen who orchestrated 26/11 attack.
Every society has bad apples, propoganda can be a great tool to radicalize a person.
But it seems the Pakistani state is not serious enough to fight these extremist, even though they are destroying the fabric of their society.

that guy Fahim Ansari was Pakistani? ehh?

these guys just marched into a city they never been to and were able to navigage it with such ease? they obviously had local support; there are even indian police chiefs that conceded that rooms in the taj hotel were already stocked beforehand with ammunition, magazines and frags
that guy Fahim Ansari was Pakistani? ehh?

these guys just marched into a city they never been to and were able to navigage it with such ease? they obviously had local support;
No they again had Pakistani support read about him
David Headley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
there are even indian police chiefs that conceded that rooms in the taj hotel were already stocked beforehand with ammunition, magazines and frags
source for this.
The 10 pawns on 26/11 had access to google earth as well a the local mumbai guide Abu Hamza who taught them hindi this was all done while the true masterminds sat in a Karachi control room and monitered the massacre and instructed the pawns by giving them courage to kill innocents.

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