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Don't blame us, Abu Hamza is Indian, says Pakistan

Fact of the matter is, he was an Indian facilitated by Pakistan,most probably during the Musharraf era.

India does make mistakes but is not in the habit of lying....with more powerful nations watching every step either u don't disclose it or u don't lie about it. Pakistan dosent understand such facts and hence is alwys forced to make up facts and fall flat on its face.

But in all this scenario one redeeming factor about Pakistanis is that they know right form wrong(fortunately) ,Pakistanis didnt like what the establishment did hence the Establishment had to put clowns like Ziad hamid ,Gul,Sayeed to task to pacify the crowd.

THe cat was out of the bag for all parties tht were significant to the sucess of our agenda.

America ,Russia and China...

Pakistan for all intents and purposed was irrelevant since we were aout to go to war anyways at tht time.
Seems the quranic teachings which that scum received across the border was not sufficient to develop mental strength and he gave away his handlers name in one slap... :lol:
He allegedly travelled to Saudi Arabia on a Pakistani passport with a fake name.

So he can get a fake name on a pakistan passport but somehow it cant be a fake passport.
Its more like indian terrorist with a fake pakistani passport.......and if add a bit of indian spice.....the pasport was supplied RAW.
He allegedly travelled to Saudi Arabia on a Pakistani passport with a fake name.

So he can get a fake name on a pakistan passport but somehow it cant be a fake passport.
Its more like indian terrorist with a fake pakistani passport.......and if add a bit of indian spice.....the pasport was supplied RAW.
yes in same way RAW has provided OBL a safe house in Pakistan. RAW is really worlds most powerfull agency
Fact of the matter is, he was an Indian facilitated by Pakistan,most probably during the Musharraf era.

India does make mistakes but is not in the habit of lying....with more powerful nations watching every step either u don't disclose it or u don't lie about it. Pakistan dosent understand such facts and hence is alwys forced to make up facts and fall flat on its face.

But in all this scenario one redeeming factor about Pakistanis is that they know right form wrong(fortunately) ,Pakistanis didnt like what the establishment did hence the Establishment had to put clowns like Ziad hamid ,Gul,Sayeed to task to pacify the crowd.

THe cat was out of the bag for all parties tht were significant to the sucess of our agenda.

America ,Russia and China...

Pakistan for all intents and purposed was irrelevant since we were aout to go to war anyways at tht time.

This coming from the people that gave us the names,address,DOB,weight and height of of the pakitsani samjohta attackers.....you where totally convinced then also it was the LET......what happened?

This story is just going to be another additional piece of BS that turns out to be untrue or a half truth at best like the majority of accusations in recent years.

yes in same way RAW has provided OBL a safe house in Pakistan. RAW is really worlds most powerfull agency

A good printers good gets you a fake passport and am pretty sure RAW has better printers and forgers working for them.
He allegedly travelled to Saudi Arabia on a Pakistani passport with a fake name.

So he can get a fake name on a pakistan passport but somehow it cant be a fake passport.
Its more like indian terrorist with a fake pakistani passport.......and if add a bit of indian spice.....the pasport was supplied RAW.

you can add bit more spice and can say that this passport was made in 1948 kashmir jihad, so that terror act can be done in 2008 .

C'mmon man don't add so much spice that it looks too unreal.

why was pk government forcing soudis to not allow his deportation to india ,what will pk isi get from him wada pau recipe?
Pakistani Army & Govt. always deny and say that they were not aware that OSAMA Was Living In Pakistan until he was Shot by US. Therefore, one should know that these ****'s would never accept there mistake.
He allegedly travelled to Saudi Arabia on a Pakistani passport with a fake name.

So he can get a fake name on a pakistan passport but somehow it cant be a fake passport.
Its more like indian terrorist with a fake pakistani passport.......and if add a bit of indian spice.....the pasport was supplied RAW.

And Pakistan pressed SA to extradite him to Pakistan because he has fake Pak passport? :lol:
indians are a funny lot, they capture a random indian and coerce him into admitting that he's a Islamist extremist with connections to the ISI:lol:. And then they present it to the whole world that "look, Pakistani terrorism".

Can't blame them, its just indians being indians, its in their blood.

dont be too happy they may catch you tomorrow. now you wont be able to sleep at night. lol .. khana khaa le, werna gabbar aa jayega

yeah tomorrow when dawood is caught or bumped off they will still say that Dawood cutiya is an indian
This coming from the people that gave us the names,address,DOB,weight and height of of the pakitsani samjohta attackers.....you where totally convinced then also it was the LET......what happened?

This story is just going to be another additional piece of BS that turns out to be untrue or a half truth at best like the majority of accusations in recent years.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...hamza-indian-says-pakistan.html#ixzz1z0UYN4Xq

What happened was tht we put the Army man and Hindu extremist behind bars...thts what happened.

Did we have to do this ,no.

Y did we do it ? cus unlike Pakistan and its wise rulers; we choose to pacify our people with truths and not lies(and Partly cus lies dont work very long on us).

Truths may pinch us at the start and it may get unruly trolls on a jack of parade, but we end up with a better footing on our future and life.
I watched the entire press conference by the Pakistnai Interior minister and was stunned at how poor is arguments were for refuting the claims. His main rebuttal point that PAkistan govternment had anything to do with 26/11 was that the last time he spoke to Indian HM he warned him of apparent growing Hindu extremism in India!!! That was it he didn't remotely say how that was relevant to 26/11 or explain why he went around the world lecturing other government official from other nations of problems in their own countries! Then he said he appreciated India's descion not to blame ISI for 2011 Delhi blasts and that it was found to be, correctly (he added), Hindu extremists!! I really have no idea how he can claim any sort of authority and then make such blatent lies on tension that will be broadcast internationally.

I was surprised by his remarks because I thought baseless remarks like his were the resigned purely to forums like this but for such a high ranking offival of the GoP to go and make an official sand like this is worse than embarrassing. He proved to be an utter clown who was propagating lies we have heard too often from the Pakistani side in response to accusations against them and it isnt hard to see why some Pakistani members here say the things they do when ministers you are supposed to trust make such false accusations like this in such a medium.

If anything the press conference has opened my eyes and made me give some members here a break for their ridiculous assertations and remarks at times for they clearly know no better, this is just the nonsense they are force fed on a constant basis.m
Maybe that was a response to Hindu terrorism. After all India is known to be the epicenter of hindutva terror

And we all know what Pakistan is the epicenter of.If you know what I mean.
Did you guys listen Rahman Malik's speech? He sounds like a village idiot. Just blurting out some nonsense.

Maybe that was a response to Hindu terrorism. After all India is known to be the epicenter of hindutva terror

What an amazing observation! "India is the epicenter of Hindutva terror" . No one could have thought of that.. :lol:
Malik's attempt to falsify or rather delay world wide ostracisim of Pakistan is next to futility. Giving vague responses in the media isn't going to help its cause.

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