Thinking like what? I actually had to go back and read
AgNoStIc MuSliM's comments again considering the flak I'm taking for agreeing with him. The first time I agree completely with something he said and it get me into trouble with you guys.
Actually I disagree completely with your jungle remark. Thoughts like the ones Agnostic Muslim expressed are what separates us from the animals in the jungle. The ability to disagree with someone and not become disagreeable oneself is a product of civilisation. Animals care for no such niceties. What use our superior intelligence if we cannot distinguish ourselves from them?
Without debating the merits of the matter and I do not intend to do so, I find the reliance on
"consensus" by a man of science such as yourself more than a bit amusing. If
consensus = truth, then we might actually still be believing that the earth was flat and that the sun revolved round the earth. Almost all major scientific discoveries would probably have never happened if everyone went by "consensus" prevailing at the time.