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Do you get along with Indians (hindus) at school and workplace??

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The starter of this thread is an example of what happens when you grow in an environment which educates you to hate almost anyone outside your religion or even sect. Then people say why is there an inexhaustible supply of terrorists (Sectarian or religious) in Pakistan... Today he cannot get along with Hindus, tomorrow it will be some Shias & soon it will be someone else

I detest hindus

Urdu speaking people from pakistan,i am one

Both terms are childish and make us look like refugees. Ze "Muhajir" na yam... ze Pakistani yam and if that doesn't work which it hasn't as I have seen from past experiences time to merge with local ethnic groups or reinforce original true identity like Gujarati, Hyderabadi and Lucknowi. Btw all migrants don't even speak urdu, so what about them?

These stupid terms those who moved (including our grandparents and parents) applied for themselves are just so shallow and so idiotic anyone would laugh at them-still never saw these guys trying to get rid of them. Even the black slaves brought to US were given names like Little, Littlebottom, Fisher, White, Black, Brown and other discriminatory names and there is now a movement among blacks to abandon these names. Yet our families seek to maintain them.

By the way how did the discussion veer from Hindus in my workplace to something else? This seems amazing. Don't tell me @Gigawatt started this up again. The guy has made attempts to or derailed 2 threads already. @Gigawatt have you been offered Pakistani citizenship? What is the issue?

About hindus in the workplace-no issue with them nor with the ones at school. Outside the country most of us hang out together, go to gerrard, check out girls, waste money on cheap cigarettes and when we can't we borrow from each others packs. However did have trouble with a teacher when I was a kid. She used to bully me cauz I was a Pakistani. Was just 4 then, didn't even understand. Eventually that woman got what was coming to her. She was kicked outta school. Then had some trouble with death threats later on when I became politically active and it was said to be from Indian Hindus. Not heard of that for a long time now though.
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How do Pakistani Muslims abroad get along with Afghan Muslims ?

VERY WELL...with few exceptions which are present in ANY populations and are an individual problem not a a nation...Prob personal problems or jealousy but nothing serious enough to bash!

However, the SAUDI students who came FRESH from Saudi Arabia seemed to prefer Pakistani and Bangladeshi friends! They were racist towards the Indians...But to go clubbing or just small talk they were ok....But to hang out they preferred the Pakistani and Bangladeshi people.

In Wales, we have a whole neighborhood of Indians, Welsh, British, Afghani, Lebnoni, Pakistani (Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashtun) as well as Arabs living together and having the occassional DAWAT....

Where I studied no Hindu or Indians who did not have a religion had any problem with Pakistanis...In fact some of the Delhi walay seemed happy to meet Pakistanis..

I did realize 1 thing...The Delhi walay were the most socialable who were friends with everyone...But North Indians seemed to hate the South Indians...I recall when asked why 1 N.Indian told me that the souths were useless ...are only stuck with their books and have no life and the he in particular didnt seem to like the Bangali saying they ran away from some war...I was like :what:

Anyway, thats my personal experience in Wales.

In Cambridge, well, sadly despite all the hoo haa about Cambridge Uni...the Pakistani there are slightly racist and full of themselves! Maybe thats how the elite class is!

In Manchester, well we were only with family friends so I did not run into any Indians but it was peaceful all the same.

In Malaysia, the taxi drivers are usually 2nd generation Indians who do not seem to like Pakistanis too well, but they do not mind short conversations.

In Thailand, the locals prefer the Pakistanis over the Indians...Not sure why didnt go into details.

In Singapore, it depends, if you are a Chinese you do not care who the other is ...as long as he doesnt harm your business....If you are a Malay, they prefer Pakistanis over the other 2, if you are an Indian, they do not really care and mind their own business..

I could write a few other countries, but you people do not need to know where I have been :D

All I can say as long as politics is not involved Indians and Pakistanis live in peace....
My Dad has fond memories of Pindi ! He lived over there for a while; has some relatives over there still !

Yaraa I haven't been to Pindi except in passing but Islamabad was hell on Earth or more like the City of the Dead & I maybe moving there for a few month long internship; tell me Pindi is better ! :fie:

Okay got to go ! :tup:

For Lahore base people - Living in Islamabad for more than few days is like "Kaalay Paani Ke Saza"
My forefathers were based in Ambala - I considered to form Ambala National Party but abbreviation ANP was already taken, so dropped the Idea :)
@LoveIcon Oopss...Your forefathers from Ambala too? :blink:
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Thats a very serious question you have asked from a non serious poster-
You are going to get trolled badly-
Good Luck-

@JonAsad I dont keep tab who is serious or not...If it is gonna be trolled, me will bring it up in another serious thread! :D
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sir its bad but its true cause most of the muslims even today want there children to take up there fathers jobs mostly like cooks, tailors,carpainters , mason , auto macheniks and other semi skilled labour oriented jobs cause its easy for kids to learn and economically more atterective to them + most f the muslims even today think that education is a waste of time and money and there kids would be more happier if they do such jobs rather than studieng for long time and then wasting time to find good jobs but slowli this thinkin is changing

@GURU DUTT when you say MOST of the Muslims, do you mean in your region or in WHOLE of India?

My Dad has fond memories of Pindi ! He lived over there for a while; has some relatives over there still !

Yaraa I haven't been to Pindi except in passing but Islamabad was hell on Earth or more like the City of the Dead & I maybe moving there for a few month long internship; tell me Pindi is better ! :fie:

Okay got to go ! :tup:

@Armstrong Pindi is always busy...Esp commercial market! :D
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@GURU DUTT when you say MOST of the Muslims, do you mean in your region or in WHOLE of India?

@Armstrong Pindi is always busy...Esp commercial market! :D

well sir here im talkin about Indian muslims (i have travelled well over all of india and talkin about in general )

as i dont have had personal intaraction with muslims of other countries other than PDF & Face book
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