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Do you get along with Indians (hindus) at school and workplace??

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Would be nice to know a little more about my ancestors....

Too many Arian theories...From Iran, from Germany :blink:

We in the family have few words adopted from the Ambala language...Not sure if it is true...But when the elders say a word I do not understand, everyone laughs and says she doesnt understand Ambala... I feel left out :cry:

My grand father had family tree of 5 generations before him, so i am sure those theories are myths. :)
@RescueRanger , Sir, survey of Pakistan is based on Murree Road close to Faizabad....it houses part of a very distinguished organisation.
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I detest hindus and at my current workplace there are no hindus. But i have worked with hindus in the past and in that situation, i try to be tactful and avoid any discussion about politics or religion. If those hindus at work tried to initiate any discussion about these controversial Pakistan-vs-india issues then i did not tolerate their BS and was ruthless in my response. Otherwise I try to avoid any interaction with a hindu unless it is completely unavoidable.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/social...ns-hindus-school-workplace.html#ixzz2IVjKRLRs

Such kind of hate begets hate in return - what it essentially does is crucify the Muslims who exist in areas where there is a non Muslim majority, India for example, such hate towards other religions be it Jewish, Buddhists, Christians, Hindus result in them hating Muslims back.
VERY WELL...with few exceptions which are present in ANY populations and are an individual problem not a a nation...Prob personal problems or jealousy but nothing serious enough to bash!

However, the SAUDI students who came FRESH from Saudi Arabia seemed to prefer Pakistani and Bangladeshi friends! They were racist towards the Indians...But to go clubbing or just small talk they were ok....But to hang out they preferred the Pakistani and Bangladeshi people.

In Wales, we have a whole neighborhood of Indians, Welsh, British, Afghani, Lebnoni, Pakistani (Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashtun) as well as Arabs living together and having the occassional DAWAT....

Where I studied no Hindu or Indians who did not have a religion had any problem with Pakistanis...In fact some of the Delhi walay seemed happy to meet Pakistanis..

I did realize 1 thing...The Delhi walay were the most socialable who were friends with everyone...But North Indians seemed to hate the South Indians...I recall when asked why 1 N.Indian told me that the souths were useless ...are only stuck with their books and have no life and the he in particular didnt seem to like the Bangali saying they ran away from some war...I was like :what:

Anyway, thats my personal experience in Wales.

In Cambridge, well, sadly despite all the hoo haa about Cambridge Uni...the Pakistani there are slightly racist and full of themselves! Maybe thats how the elite class is!

In Manchester, well we were only with family friends so I did not run into any Indians but it was peaceful all the same.

In Malaysia, the taxi drivers are usually 2nd generation Indians who do not seem to like Pakistanis too well, but they do not mind short conversations.

In Thailand, the locals prefer the Pakistanis over the Indians...Not sure why didnt go into details.

In Singapore, it depends, if you are a Chinese you do not care who the other is ...as long as he doesnt harm your business....If you are a Malay, they prefer Pakistanis over the other 2, if you are an Indian, they do not really care and mind their own business..

I could write a few other countries, but you people do not need to know where I have been :D

All I can say as long as politics is not involved Indians and Pakistanis live in peace....

Well , you see, whatever you have written is highly subjective and cannot be proved. Thai people actually have high regards for India. Every year, thousands of them visit Bodh Gaya. Infact, Gaya airport's only International flights are by Thai Airways to Bangkok and Mihin Lanka to Colombo. If we only go by our experiences, then every one will have something to share.
Let me give you one example. Say you are a Pakistani visiting Australia. The cabbie might hate Pakistanis but do you seriously expect him to say that to you? He will obviously be showing how he loves Pak and all. Same goes for Indians.
Can muslims go along with anyone other then same bigoted likewise Muslims ?

The kind of persecution of minorities in happening in many Muslim nations, the kind of rights they are given and this particular thread started by a rat and question raised by him is testimony to the fact they can not get along with anyone.

If some wants to bet on this then let me throw a word for everyone to ponder 'Islamophobia'. I doubt muslims are all innocent for this phenomenon.

I remember a story written by a Indian Diplomat who visited a Pakistani colleague's house when he was with Indian mission in Pakistan. His son who was 10-12 years of age was running around the table saying 'Hindu ***** (Dog), hindu *****'. His mother or family might have talked about his visit before he came to his joint family house. The host was embarrassed obviously.
The starter of this thread is an example of what happens when you grow in an environment which educates you to hate almost anyone outside your religion or even sect. Then people say why is there an inexhaustible supply of terrorists (Sectarian or religious) in Pakistan... Today he cannot get along with Hindus, tomorrow it will be some Shias & soon it will be someone else


do people like you really exists in pakistan ? its a pleasant surprise for me. khuda aapko hazaar saal ki umar ataa kare.:cry:
ye khushi ke aanshu hai.
@RescueRanger , Sir, survey of Pakistan is based on Murree Road close to Faizabad....it houses part of a very distinguished organisation.

Sir I am well aware of what and who neighbour the GSOP office on murree road. :P.
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I used to think Yindoos were some evil creatures with two thorns and ate fire for meal until i met a few in KSA and then realized they were just normal human beings who ate, slept, partied and f_cked!

Since then it has been cool!
I had four fellow Indians at Glasgow university.. Three guys one girl.. During two years, seriously we didnt touched the topic of Pak India relation's but we were very keen to know which place we belonged and how is it to live there...I even helped one get a job as a bouncer at local club(where I used to work part time), but he ran away after a week :D.. Overall we had a good time, helped in assignments, projects...
Indians.... Pakistanis pally pally abroad is a media/bollywood thing. In realty it is different. Yes, Indians and Pakistanis are polite with each other, but that is it. Certainly Indians are not comfortable with Pakistanis around and would like to avoid them. The problems between India and Pakistan have seems to have ingrained into the consciousness of non resident Indians and Pakistani
Op should know better not to make these kind of threads. They serve no purpose rather than inciting more hatred.

And sorry to the guys and girls who are having a Pindi/Isl chat here, kindly take these fond memories to a thread in Members club.
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