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Do you get along with Indians (hindus) at school and workplace??

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Yes take a bath in da ganga...

where you put your dead, defecate in it, wash your clothes in it, and bathe in it at the sae time :woot:

Very clean Indian Hindu religion

No offense to Pakistani Hindus ()

Btw as Rusty said, Muslims wash themselves 5 times a day, same cannot be said about Indians which bathe and defecate in the same waters

Ignore him...lets not go down to his level and bahs another countrymen or faith..we arn't like that. Let him hate...
where you put your dead, defecate in it, wash your clothes in it, and bathe in it at the sae time :woot:

Very clean Indian Hindu religion

No offense to Pakistani Hindus ()

Ehh ! What the heck is Indian Hindu and Pakistani Hindu
now if I say some facts about both religions I will probably get an infraction so I will just say this. Muslims wash themselves 5 times a day before prayer and we are ordered to keep clean.

Now lets just that that the same cannot be said about certain other faiths. :angel:

Same here , neither I want to get banned :P , but icewolf statement was insulting. I just gave reference of culture (Water scare culture Vs water rich culture). Icewolf claim was ridiculous that Indian don't bath...

now if I say some facts about both religions I will probably get an infraction so I will just say this. Muslims wash themselves 5 times a day before prayer and we are ordered to keep clean.

Now lets just that that the same cannot be said about certain other faiths. :angel:

Same here , neither I want to get banned :P , but icewolf statement was insulting. I just gave reference of culture (Water scare culture Vs water rich culture). Icewolf claim was ridiculous that Indian don't bath...
Don't judge others because of one retard(hopefully just one)...

I hope so...but i reading his stuff..who knows all these retards belong to same category...who knows what these guys mighting be thinking when they go to their home...No one knows if some one gets arrested while planning to bomb any city building....These type of thread poster people are strange and different people
obviously, im not a religious person so i don't care about religions that much. I do have many friends from indian background, we joke around about kashmir/corrupt politicians etc
I hope so...but i reading his stuff..who knows all these retards belong to same category...who knows what these guys mighting be thinking when they go to their home...No one knows if some one gets arrested while planning to bomb any city building....These type of thread poster people are strange and different people

yeah...got me thinking...Just keep an eye out....most of them don't really care , judging by the thread replies
i get along with them just fine ,some of my best friends are Indians, though if you ask me on a personal basis off-course we have our preferences for eg i avoid Gujarati's , just don't like them , on the other hand even though i hate the maratha empire & its history ,but believe it or not i find marathis to be quite good hearted in general but with an attitude problem, not to mention i also find my own kind (mohajir or Urdu speaking the most conceited people in Pakistan) my favorites are Punjabi's from both sides, kerelites one of the best people i have met, i like hydrabadis too & west bengolis dada's are dada's heck i love them (strictly from a typical Karachi Urdu speaking.bihari Pakistani point of view) as for up,bihari well knowing my self i tend to keep my guards on, so you see even though we all have our own preferrences one should not genralize people you loose out on good friends
It is all funny, for me the best friends after Indians are pakistanis , apart from politics and religion everything seems to be the same, I have lot of pakistani friends
Same here , neither I want to get banned :P , but icewolf statement was insulting. I just gave reference of culture (Water scare culture Vs water rich culture). Icewolf claim was ridiculous that Indian don't bath...

I never said Indians dont bathe.

I said the general aura around a Indian like you is very hateful, smelly, and ugly. Therefore, a Pakistani would have to go to extreme measures to come par with the status of the likes of you... You even insulted a 15% pop of your nation wthout looking back.. Shame on ur azz... No wonder so many Militant groups in India like IM, HUJI, LET are so successful in Indian Muslim mindset because of hateful ppl lke u

Btw Muslims are more clean than other ppl of other religions... We clean ourselves 5 times, while you Indian can be lucky to even get clean water... just one pic of Ganges can show you how clean Indians is.
Yes take a bath in da ganga...

where you put your dead, defecate in it, wash your clothes in it, and bathe in it at the sae time :woot:

Very clean Indian Hindu religion

No offense to Pakistani Hindus ()

Btw as Rusty said, Muslims wash themselves 5 times a day, same cannot be said about Indians which bathe and defecate in the same waters

Are u out of mind, every one bath in rivers (if they have access to it). Muslims of UP also take bath in River Ganga. But most of Indians take bath in Bathroom , what bull#$%% you are talking???

Washing face, hand and leg is not bathing... Indian culture (Be it any religion) clearly suggest Idnian to take bath daily morning, taking or not is personal choice...

From where do u Pakistani get these ideas that Hindu don't take bath??? more over you all are descendent of Hindus... By changing religion you think your race changed???

What a stupid idea sir jee??

Are u out of mind, every one bath in rivers (if they have access to it). Muslims of UP also take bath in River Ganga. But most of Indians take bath in Bathroom , what bull#$%% you are talking???

Washing face, hand and leg is not bathing... Indian culture (Be it any religion) clearly suggest Idnian to take bath daily morning, taking or not is personal choice...

Leave him dude...some people's sanity needs a bath...

Are u out of mind, every one bath in rivers (if they have access to it). Muslims of UP also take bath in River Ganga. But most of Indians take bath in Bathroom , what bull#$%% you are talking???

Washing face, hand and leg is not bathing... Indian culture (Be it any religion) clearly suggest Idnian to take bath daily morning, taking or not is personal choice...

Most Indians dont even have Bathroom. What da hell r u talking about. 60% of Indians dont have bathroom

Lol which Indian culture... I know a couple of Indians they have even told that they shower every week.
Indian hindu is indian, Pakistani hindu is Pakistani :lol:
:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:..........WTH did I just read.. :hitwall:
So the thread starts whether Pakistanis can get along with Indians. And with last update discussion has descended to who is cleaner and bathes regularly.

What next ?

How many times one visits p*tty ?:hitwall:
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