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Do you believe in god ?

Do you believe in god

  • God and Religion

    Votes: 53 61.6%
  • God but not religion

    Votes: 18 20.9%
  • Athiest

    Votes: 15 17.4%

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Just like the Indus Valley belonged to "Ancient pakistanis" and that the number zero was created in "Ancient pakistan" Adam and Eve are sure to be Muslims ;)

Indus valley is still in Pakistan and Adam and Eve were Muslims. Whats your claim they were Hindus? :whistle:
The problem lies in your minds, even though being athiest or sm things, you ppl carry grudge against muslims.

One question... for Adam and eve to be christians, jesus must be the first person on earth, is it so? what made you believe they were christians?

First off no one has a grudge against muslims. I have a grudge against those invaders (mughals, arabs, turks, persians) but other than that a Muslim can practice whatever he/she wants.

Second, no one said anything about Jesus being a Christian. He was a Jew.. people who followed his teachings were termed Christians. Similar to Buddhism. Gautama Buddha was a Hindu.. but his followers were called Buddhists.
The problem lies in your minds, even though being athiest or sm things, you ppl carry grudge against muslims.

One question... for Adam and eve to be christians, jesus must be the first person on earth, is it so? what made you believe they were christians?

no one hold grudges against islam.....we just cant take the bs that islam is the only true religion....and about adam and eve....i no more believe they are christians than they are muslims.......morover according to hindu mytholgy manu was he first human on the earth.....
Indus valley is still in Pakistan and Adam and Eve were Muslims. Whats your claim they were Hindus? :whistle:

dude why will we claim them as hindus.......according to our scriptures manu was the first human on earth
Indus valley is still in Pakistan and Adam and Eve were Muslims. Whats your claim they were Hindus? :whistle:

Islam - (Followers of Muhammad and his teachings) started somewhere after 632 A.D

Indus Valley on the other hand 3300–1300 BCE nowhere around the time Muhammad was even born.

I can claim that Einstein was the first human.. does that make me right? Absolutely not.
Adam (a.s) when he was came to this world there were no religion.Angels made his body from soil.
First off no one has a grudge against muslims. I have a grudge against those invaders (mughals, arabs, turks, persians) but other than that a Muslim can practice whatever he/she wants.

Fair Enough, it was not directed to you any way.

Second, no one said anything about Jesus being a Christian.

The person i replied to, he just did.

He was a Jew.. people who followed his teachings were termed Christians. Similar to Buddhism. Gautama Buddha was a Hindu.. but his followers were called Buddhists.

I know that, similarly Adam was a Muslim and his religion is called Islam.

---------- Post added at 12:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:01 PM ----------

no one hold grudges against islam.....

we just cant take the bs that islam is the only true religion....

Naturaly you cant, i dont blame you, you could have said that without using the word BS, hence the grudge is visible.

nd about adam and eve....i no more believe they are christians than they are muslims.......morover according to hindu mytholgy manu was he first human on the earth.....

dude why will we claim them as hindus.......according to our scriptures manu was the first human on earth

If we compare the circumstances, along with Muslim, Christians, Jewish religious text, Manu might be Hazrat Noah (AWS), and Hazrat Noah was definately not the first man on Earth, believed by people of the Books (Abrahamic religions).
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Islam - (Followers of Muhammad and his teachings) started somewhere after 632 A.D

Indus Valley on the other hand 3300–1300 BCE nowhere around the time Muhammad was even born.

I can claim that Einstein was the first human.. does that make me right? Absolutely not.

Your Analogy of understanding things is very wierd. The bolded logic i really cannot undrestand.


(SAWW) are Allah's Prophets (messanger's) who brought sharia in

various forms from ALLAH THEE ONLY GOD.

I believe in QURAN as Allah's words.

Your Analogy of understanding things is very wierd. The bolded logic i really cannot undrestand.

Ok. Leave the bolded one, respond to other stuff pls

Who was first prophet, adam, Mose or Muhammed?
The Koran claims on who the first Muslim was.
1. Moses (Koran, 7:143)
2. Muhammad (Koran, 6:14)

Quran 7:143
7:143. And when Moses came at the time and place appointed by Us, and his Lord spoke to him, he said: "O my Lord! Show me (Yourself), that I may look upon You." Allâh said: "You cannot see Me, but look upon the mountain if it stands still in its place then you shall see Me." So when his Lord appeared to the mountain, He made it collapse to dust, and Moses fell down unconscious. Then when he recovered his senses he said: "Glory be to You, I turn to You in repentance and I am the first of the believers."

1. Moses: 7:143 sees Moses saying he is the first of the believers. However, we do see that this is true as he (Moses) was the first believer amongst his own people.
Moses does not say he is the first believer ‘ever’. He merely claims he is the first of the believers and knowing the context one understands he is not claiming to be the first ever believer from humankind but the first amongst his people to believe, this is apparent as it is a relative term to the "believers" and situational-context tells us that the believers at the time of Moses were essentially the Children of Israel and thus we realise that Moses is referring to himself as the first to believe amongst the Children of Israel.

Quran 6:14
6:14. Say (O Muhammad SAW): "Shall I take as a Walî (helper, protector, etc.) any other than Allâh, the Creator of the heavens and the earth? And it is He Who feeds but is not fed." Say: "Verily, I am commanded to be the first of those who submit themselves to Allâh (as Muslims)." And be not you (O Muhammad SAW) of the Mushrikûn [polytheists, pagans, idolaters and disbelievers in the Oneness of Allâh]. [4]

2. Mohammad (SAW): 6:14 we see that Muhammed is being instructed to say these words starting with arabic word 'Qul' meaning 'Say',
More than 200 passages in the Quran open with the word ‘Qul’ , which is an instruction to the Prophet Muhammad from Allah to address the words following this introduction to his audience in a particular situation…”
So the natural question is who is Muhammed’s audience for him to say these words to? The audience were the tribe of Quraish. They were his foremost audience. Indeed Muhammed was the first Muslim amongst the Quraish who were a Pagan tribe.

Sorry but i will not take this discussion any further, as it violates the rules of this forum. Thank You
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