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Disproving some genocide claims

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It will also help Bangladesh in its dealings with India today as it can now stop being the forever grateful recipient of Indian assistance. That has been a heavy burden to bear for the last 37 years but now we can lift it.

I never heard of Bangladesh talk of paying back India's assistance even if one forgets about interest above and over it still accepts assistance gracefully.
Where and when did I justify the crackdown? Stop making up stuff ..... :angry:

What the hell is this then. if not pathetic justification for the murder of Bangladeshis:

Atrocities were committed all round in that conflict. You should have seen how the Mukti Bahini and Mujib Bahini behaved. What is not documented is the Bengali on Bengali violence that occurred. Some of the killings of leftists were carried out on the orders of RAW. It is not clear how many deaths were caused by Indian policy of elimination and assassination.

And in another post you justified it by saying that Pakistan did it for keeping the country united.

In your hatred of India, you even forget that its your own countrymen who were the victims. But nothing else can be expected from a neo-Razakar like you. May be you were a Razakar back then.
I never heard of Bangladesh talk of paying back India's assistance even if one forgets about interest above and over it still accepts assistance gracefully.

The reality of his country belies the super inflated ego.

There is something called SELF ESTEEM. He may look for that word in a dictionary before trying to hide behind China's unwilling skirt every time he finds himself too small talking of India.

Actually for him India is just a means to try to gain stature being too small a man both figuratively and in reality.
For Pakistan 1971 is a closed story for Bangladesh it is an open one as we reassess our relationship with India and understand New Delhi's motivations in assisting East Pakistan at that time.

When you help some poor person, you feel that God will reward you in the after life. You are being a good Samaritan.

Does that mean that the poor person or the beggar needs to reassess why he is being given alms!

Pathetic logic again but very much expected.
Seeking an explanation for certain incidents or events is not the same thing as a justification.

I think the difference is too subtle for an elephant and horse banger. :)

In 1971 India was also poor. India did not assist East Pakistan out of the goodness of its heart. First it doesn't have a heart and second its objectives were to create a slavish and subservient Eastern neighbor. This backfired in 1975.
What the hell is this then. if not pathetic justification for the murder of Bangladeshis:

And in another post you justified it by saying that Pakistan did it for keeping the country united.

In your hatred of India, you even forget that its your own countrymen who were the victims. But nothing else can be expected from a neo-Razakar like you. May be you were a Razakar back then.

Why did Indians kill Sikhs???? Why Kashmiris are being slaughtered by Indian forces??

Indians entered in 1971 war because they wanted to prove that ‘Two-Nation theory ‘was wrong but unfortunately for you that despite of our fighting with Bangladeshis ‘Two-Nation Theory’ still exists so your failed attempt to destroy our brotherhood is now forcing Indians to once again remind Bangladeshis to remain grateful for their help.
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Genocide happened, and people who died suffered horribly before dying.. There maybe argument about the numbers.. But it still does not make a difference.. Funny to see people who argue that a number of 300,000 is acceptable, which is infact very high.. so is a number of 30,000... Planned butchery..

Of course someone is going to point out, "what about Kashmir, What about Punjab?" The total number of deaths in Kashmir happening over a span of so many decades is far less than what happened in East Pakistan.. Again, I feel it is embarassing to quote that a lesser number of murders justifies it as lesser evil.

The nation of Pakistan split, because of West Pakistan's back biting in the elections and India had to do something to control the influx of Refugees.. If the number of refugees during Peace time is alarming, imagine, how a poor country like India would have coped with Refugees flooding in during 1971.. Also, there was something called as Self interest.. Half pakistan would mean, Halving the trouble which the country is facing @ both the borders..

Now we have people coming in and saying That India has expansionistic plans and all that assorted BS.. If it had such a plan, i wonder, why Bangladesh was not incorporated into WestBengal state of India , or why hadnt they put a India friendly or someone who is subservient to India.. I say guys, Think befor you shoot your mouths off.
Why did Indians kill Sikhs???? Why Kashmiris are being slaughtered by Indian forces??

Indians entered in 1971 war because they wanted to prove that ‘Two-Nation theory ‘was wrong but unfortunately for you that despite of our fighting with Bangladeshis ‘Two-Nation Theory’ still exists so your failed attempt to destroy our brotherhood is now forcing Indians to once again remind Bangladeshis to remain grateful for their help.

I am not sure if the 2 nation theory is right or wrong.. But One just has to open their eyes and look @ each other's country to see what is happening.. If you think you are in a better economic state and you are better than us in all ways, I would advise you to view things from a neutral position rather than being a nationalistic..
Seeking an explanation for certain incidents or events is not the same thing as a justification.

I think the difference is too subtle for an elephant and horse banger. :)

In 1971 India was also poor. India did not assist East Pakistan out of the goodness of its heart. First it doesn't have a heart and second its objectives were to create a slavish and subservient Eastern neighbor. This backfired in 1975.

Actually your problem in life is what you mentioned yourselves:

It will also help Bangladesh in its dealings with India today as it can now stop being the forever grateful recipient of Indian assistance. That has been a heavy burden to bear for the last 37 years but now we can lift it.

You are a hateful character. You hate your smallness and insignificance and what better way than to bad mouth the big brother. That will help your pygmy self to feel taller by association.

But the same bad big brother protected your *** in 1971. So the hate drives you to live in denial and question the events and if that doesn't work than to question the reasons for the big brother's benevolence in saving you and liberating you.

Its just to justify your ungratefulness and to feed your hatred.

Stop living in the dreamland that it has anything to do with the truth.
Reminds me of a saying that the a man would even forgive his most hated enemy,but he would never forgive his benefactor.. Coz it irks his esteem..
Genocide happened, and people who died suffered horribly before dying.. There maybe argument about the numbers.. But it still does not make a difference.. Funny to see people who argue that a number of 300,000 is acceptable, which is infact very high.. so is a number of 30,000... Planned butchery..

Of course someone is going to point out, "what about Kashmir, What about Punjab?" The total number of deaths in Kashmir happening over a span of so many decades is far less than what happened in East Pakistan.. Again, I feel it is embarassing to quote that a lesser number of murders justifies it as lesser evil.

The nation of Pakistan split, because of West Pakistan's back biting in the elections and India had to do something to control the influx of Refugees.. If the number of refugees during Peace time is alarming, imagine, how a poor country like India would have coped with Refugees flooding in during 1971.. Also, there was something called as Self interest.. Half pakistan would mean, Halving the trouble which the country is facing @ both the borders..

Now we have people coming in and saying That India has expansionistic plans and all that assorted BS.. If it had such a plan, i wonder, why Bangladesh was not incorporated into WestBengal state of India , or why hadnt they put a India friendly or someone who is subservient to India.. I say guys, Think befor you shoot your mouths off.

Indians have also been doing this planned butchery in Kashmir and it happened in 1984 for Sikhs as well. Calling Indians as innocent in 1971 conflict is something which cannot be justified. Those who are involved in killings of their own countrymen must shut their mouth upon the so called genocide in Bangladesh.

Indira Gandhi claimed that she sunk the ‘Two-Nation Theory’ in the Bengal but after 37 years her claim is proved wrong and this is the reason why India could not merge Bangladesh with west Bengal.
this is the reason why India could not merge Bangladesh with west Bengal.

Any source that it was ever the Indian intention to do so?
Genocide happened, and people who died suffered horribly before dying.. There maybe argument about the numbers.. But it still does not make a difference.. Funny to see people who argue that a number of 300,000 is acceptable, which is infact very high.. so is a number of 30,000... Planned butchery..

I don't believe anyone has said that the lower numbers of deaths are acceptable, that is just you constructing a strawman argument.

It is a similar exercise, unfortunately, to Vinod's attempts at stifling constructive discourse over what actually happened, and how all parties shared blame to a different extent, by resorting to comments like 'justifying/excusing atrocities'.

What is also being argued is that the PA was not deployed in EP with the specific intent of massacring and raping the local population, but rather the atrocities that were committed were a result of events and the situation spiraling out of control, in which the Indians played a huge hand.
Does India publish its policies???

Why would you assume that it was India's policy?

Did you see India make any attempt to assimilate Bangladesh? We don't want it, they don't want it.

The question doesn't arise. Its a hypothetical scenario you are painting.
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