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Discuss The Real List Of Pakistan Defence Needs no Dreams here

Super Falcon

Jul 3, 2008
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United Arab Emirates
Please fist of alll i lett all you know that i opened this thread to seriously discuss what our govt ministry of defence and thre armed forces army navy and airforce really wants to buy equipment it has been past 5 years when pakistan ordered F 16,F 22P, P 3 C Upgrade,Harpoon Missiles etc

now i want to know reality what type of weapon seriously pakistani three armed forces are looking seriously at to buy i know we just signed trainer jet deal and U 214 deal is already floated please discuss what Army Airforce and Navy other than this is interested in buying please dont put wish list of our own be realistc

i know in our all pakistani list their are

J 10
Black hawks
Leopard tanks etc

but please dont post dreams
Pakistans Military Shopping will be dependant TOTALLY on their ability to Pay.

The military budget.

And American Military Grant Aid.

Soft loans or interest Free Deals like the 42 Thunders from China.

My Guess

F16 AND usa hardware is coming free due to grant aid.

J10 & Chinease weapons are coming with long term payment plans free of interest.

Occasional Pakistan will go Europe but in very rare occasion cause they provide no free aid or soft loans.
we need the U.S.A. F-22 fighter, B-2 bomber, 10,000 thermo nukes, minuteman 3 ICBMs, then we are all good. :D
B-2 Bombers
MQ-9 Reapers
Hellfire Missiles
Virginia Class Submarines
Zumwalt Class Destroyers.
CVN-80 Superaircraftcarrier accompanied by J-15s :O

I think we should be pretty safe with this. :)
guys all i know is abt some ah 1z cobera and with it we ll see hellfire also navy have some deal other than f22p with china i guss a 054 mabe dont know much abt merlin class but last herd u214 is a go also AEWCs refullers possible j10b ..army is trying to be self reliant so moste stuff is either pakistani or some aid frm america other than that nothing major is confirmed if im wrong plz state
we need the U.S.A. F-22 fighter, B-2 bomber, 10,000 thermo nukes, minuteman 3 ICBMs, then we are all good. :D

your wish list even COAS not seen in his dreams as i said in my thread please for sake of GOD dont let us know dreams even F 22 get out of USAF after 50 years we still can't get it be realistic
B-2 Bombers
MQ-9 Reapers
Hellfire Missiles
Virginia Class Submarines
Zumwalt Class Destroyers.
CVN-80 Superaircraftcarrier accompanied by J-15s :O

I think we should be pretty safe with this. :)

please this stuff which you have posted not in hell pakistan is going to get it please before you post seee what thread is saying no dreams and you have posted things which we can't even see in dreams it is beyond the dreams but yes if you from your own pocket going to pay for this stuff than it will be fine if you can't reply positively on the topic than please dont screw be realistic
anyway what doeas army is interested in i heared that they are looking for MRLS systems from china what army is doing to replace its agging G 3 because i heared these G 3 statrted the process of transfering to police. i seen in some with police gurads. may be im wrong if yes please anyone here have creadible news what our armed forces really interested in please be realistic
india and pakistan should spend money on development of country rather than invest money on buying weapon. we buy weapon from rich country and they become more richer.

welll said but my friend this weapons run has been created by india in the region and other countries have right to buy if u want to say please say it to your govt if we buy than you say that we should develop country yes but if our neighbour who is also our enemy buying weapons over night so what you expect us to do
Pakistan army need Mrls,apache helo's, modren guns to replace G3a4, artilary, navy need to develp its own sub in j.v with china and turkey, need some destroyr's, decent naval Air wing, Paf need f-16 blk60, jf-17' , j-10, and some Euro-fighter, Need long rang sAms, AND strategic command force need ICBM's with minimam range of 9000KMS
Please fist of alll i lett all you know that i opened this thread to seriously discuss what our govt ministry of defence and thre armed forces army navy and airforce really wants to buy equipment it has been past 5 years when pakistan ordered F 16,F 22P, P 3 C Upgrade,Harpoon Missiles etc

now i want to know reality what type of weapon seriously pakistani three armed forces are looking seriously at to buy i know we just signed trainer jet deal and U 214 deal is already floated please discuss what Army Airforce and Navy other than this is interested in buying please dont put wish list of our own be realistc

i know in our all pakistani list their are

J 10
Black hawks

Leopard tanks etc

but please dont post dreams

Please if you can tell me when the hell Pakistan is going to buy these
Black hawks

Leopard tanks etc

Atleast i never heard of it. Sorry but i think you also have a long wish list. Specialy When you add EF ...:no:
But lets hope pakistan one day gets EF but it seems a hope against hope.
SAMs should be first priority
second navy upgrade programme
third PAF BVR capability
Pak Army needs:
to replace the G3 machine guns

Pak Air Force needs:
to develop a long range BVR missile and SAMs

Pak Navy needs:
some destroyers
some modern aircrafts for naval role
to increase the number of its sub fleet
PAk air force
Indegenous BVR,indegenours AESA radar for jf-17,j-11BS or rafale
and j-xx when it is ready

Pak navy
N subs,indegenous frigate and destroyer.

Pak army
Indegenous long range SAM and indegenous attack helicopter program

these are the least weapons list

improving economy and increasing the budget to 10-15Billion USD will make our all dreams true
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