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Indian Paramilitary-Children of lesser god!!!!

The CRPF indulges in the worst kind of human rights violations in the Valley, and the Army gets a bad name for your deplorable conduct. How do I know? Because I've served there for years and seen how the CRPF operates from close quarters. Some of you guys even accept money for releasing ordinary Kashmiris who aren't even militants!!

So don't play the sympathy card out here. And grow up.

Served in what? The army?
Why the heck are you bent on pissing off members out here? Your brain farts are getting to be disgusting.

With hobos like you in the CRPF (which you claim to have served in) no wonder its getting to be full of sh!t.

The CRPF indulges in the worst kind of human rights violations in the Valley, and the Army gets a bad name for your deplorable conduct. How do I know? Because I've served there for years and seen how the CRPF operates from close quarters. Some of you guys even accept money for releasing ordinary Kashmiris who aren't even militants!!

So don't play the sympathy card out here. And grow up.
Bro plz dont get so piss off by hearing nything aginst army. Even if u r a fanboy evrybdy else has a right to say. Same goes for oder senior ex army members. Its gd to feel superior bt looking odrs down n inferior dnt makes u better. jst b sensible on wat allegations u r making on oders.

N Its first time for me for many odrs on dis form dat to hv heard of such kind of allegations dat CRPF violates human rights not army. If u had actually served in army u wud hv nt said smthng lyk dis.

Bhai CRPF wrks alngwid J&K police, which agn has soft side for kashmir agitation. u think dey will keep silent if dey find ny HR violations. One of my snr had to loose his job bcz of HR violation complaint against him. CRPF has no fathers unlike army to protect dem from false allegations so dey try to protect dem by demselve only by nt doing nything foolish.

Niether army nor CRPF is violating any human rights dere. But as d saying goes u pay for ur actions. Kashmiris r brainwashed by foreign powers and under islamic influence dey do help terrorists and betray their own country India which results in deaths of security forces be it army be it CAPF n thus hv to bear d action of Security forces.
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you moron ! if you can't take others abusive language then don't use it for other also. and take your post reporting from your behind.
come out of your virtual world buddy, and feel the real world.
Why the heck are you bent on pissing off members out here? Your brain farts are getting to be disgusting.

With hobos like you in the CRPF (which you claim to have served in) no wonder its getting to be full of sh!t.

The CRPF indulges in the worst kind of human rights violations in the Valley, and the Army gets a bad name for your deplorable conduct. How do I know? Because I've served there for years and seen how the CRPF operates from close quarters. Some of you guys even accept money for releasing ordinary Kashmiris who aren't even militants!!

So don't play the sympathy card out here. And grow up.

Right! This clown seems to have a swollen *** seeing the kind of farts he keeps blowing off. I suggest you don't waste your time feeding this troll.
Seriously, all you people who have served in the armed forces or CAPFs ought to ask for the "professional" tag. It would help us to know who to ask in some threads. I didn't know there were so many Indian professionals here.

@WebMaster @Oscar : Please look into this. It will help alleviate the lack of in depth info that plagues the Indian mil sections.

@Pulsar @OrionHunter @vk17 : Could you guys give some background about your experience in the forces? Nothing specific or sensitive, just what kind of work you have done or where all you have served or when, and so on. (If you haven't already done so already.)
Bro plz dont get so piss off by hearing nything aginst army. Even if u r a fanboy evrybdy else has a right to say. Same goes for oder senior ex army members. Its gd to feel superior bt looking odrs down n inferior dnt makes u better. jst b sensible on wat allegations u r making on oders.

N Its first time for me for many odrs on dis form dat to hv heard of such kind of allegations dat CRPF violates human rights not army. If u had actually served in army u wud hv nt said smthng lyk dis.

Bhai CRPF wrks alngwid J&K police, which agn has soft side for kashmir agitation. u think dey will keep silent if dey find ny HR violations. One of my snr had to loose his job bcz of HR violation complaint against him. CRPF has no fathers unlike army to protect dem from false allegations so dey try to protect dem by demselve only by nt doing nything foolish.

Niether army nor CRPF is violating any human rights dere. But as d saying goes u pay for ur actions. Kashmiris r brainwashed by foreign powers and under islamic influence dey do help terrorists and betray their own country India which results in deaths of security forces be it army be it CAPF n thus hv to bear d action of Security forces.
kindly dont use silly sms style writing, if you want to be taken seriously.
I dont agree with the allegation that only CRPF did human right violations, everybody does, CRPF personnel does not get shielded that much.
My first impression : Except VK17 none of them look professional as professional don't write in such a rude and insulting way.

God knows how many of them are just 16 years old kid behind a laptop.

kindly dont use silly sms style writing, if you want to be taken seriously.
I dont agree with the allegation that only CRPF did human right violations, everybody does, CRPF personnel does not get shielded that much.

I don't think its necessary, out of 4 people claiming to have served for India , i felt he was the only one credible. And we all got what he wrote so it does not matter how he writes. He has much things to worry about rather than his sms style writing :P :azn:
I don't think its necessary, out of 4 people claiming to have served for India , i felt he was the only one credible. And we all got what he wrote so it does not matter how he writes. He has much things to worry about rather than his sms style writing :P :azn:

I agree that @vk17 is doing well to give us his POV, but sms style should be avoided. It makes it very difficult to read. In fact webmaster saab has put that down as a rule, that SMS lingo should only be used in the chit chat threads.

To everybody else, let's not have a CAPF v/s army fight here. The war is "out there". Please be polite to each other even if you disagree - it's just a request from me, you may of course choose to ignore it if you wish. I for one would actually like to hear the perspective of armymen and CAPF people both.
Why the heck are you bent on pissing off members out here? Your brain farts are getting to be disgusting.

With hobos like you in the CRPF (which you claim to have served in) no wonder its getting to be full of sh!t.

The CRPF indulges in the worst kind of human rights violations in the Valley, and the Army gets a bad name for your deplorable conduct. How do I know? Because I've served there for years and seen how the CRPF operates from close quarters. Some of you guys even accept money for releasing ordinary Kashmiris who aren't even militants!!

So don't play the sympathy card out here. And grow up.
When and where the hell have I claimed that i have served in CRPF ???, I had only said that I have eaten RR ration quite a lot. And I have right to be pissed off when kiddos like you and orion hunter sitting behind desktops tend to abuse me with out getting into the matter just for showing your attitude.
you claim to serve there and are telling me that CRPF is taking money for releasing ordinary kashmiris is enough to prove that you know nothing about their working conditions/style as well as army. I challenge you tell me a single incidence of such type. as for as human rights violations, I can tell you 10 incidences of army for every one case of CAPFs
CRPF is full of shit ??? do you know that yesterday CRPF, SOG and RR, all three were involved in encounter where four militants were killed, and only RR faced the loss from SFs side. And that happened when the firing was stopped and the house was demolished. should I tell here to all how this happened ??
So wake up, get a bath and clean your self.
And lastly, dont tell me to grow up... I was in uniform when you were in liquid form.. so behave yourself.
our army is overstretched, army cannot cal in for ever law and order problems.... Maoists can be handled by CRPF and other police forces in the country....our army has other serious jobs to do
Army is many times called to maintain law and order in troubled regions. I think Naxalite problem is one of the most serious in the country. Army is better equipped and trained to deal with their guerrilla warfare. CRPF is a law and order force which is not equipped enough to take such cases. It is not even a paramilitary force.
And lastly, dont tell me to grow up... I was in uniform when you were in liquid form.. so behave yourself.
Liquid form? :rofl: What an idiot! You don't even know how you were born! :lol: :crazy:

You wore uniform? Really? Even chaprasis and safiawallahs wear uniform! :azn: So what's the big deal? :P
Army is many times called to maintain law and order in troubled regions. I think Naxalite problem is one of the most serious in the country. Army is better equipped and trained to deal with their guerrilla warfare. CRPF is a law and order force which is not equipped enough to take such cases. It is not even a paramilitary force.

if army is called in to solve all law and order problem, then what is the use of CRPF and other CAPF?? it is better to leave the law and order to police forces as they are trained for maintaining law and order in the country... COBRA is trained by army to do army style operations and army is also providing advice to COBRA for some operations... CRPF's moral is too low because of many factors such as:
* their salary is considerably low
* they don't have a good leadership, their bosses never understand them and they are even punished for any small mistakes and those IPS babus never understand the foot solders and thread faced by them.
* as every police force in india they can't even fire a shot without the order from the IPS babus.

CoBRA is better trained and well equipped for the duty they are assigned to....
for army they are facing an enemy who is trained and equipped to destabilize india either by conventional or unconventional way... Maoists are just some brainwashed countrymen who lost faith in democracy because of the corrupted politicians and police forces in that region....
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Liquid form? :rofl: What an idiot! You don't even know how you were born! :lol: :crazy:

You wore uniform? Really? Even chaprasis and safiawallahs wear uniform! :azn: So what's the big deal? :P
Ohh come on guys you both(@tharkibuddha ) served in the Indian Security forces and fought against the enemies of this country.,So why the heck are you guys fighting amongst yourselves when you are both on the same side.Guys most of us(fanboys) respect all the security personnel including the ones in the C.A.P.F. because they serve our Motherland selflessly,so i would urge you both to stop fighting for the sake of our country:angel:!!
if army is called in to solve all law and order problem, then what is the use of CRPF and other CAPF?? it is better to leave the law and order to police forces as they are trained for maintaining law and order in the country... COBRA is trained by army to do army style operations and army is also providing advice to COBRA for some operations... CRPF's moral is too low because of many factors such as:
* their salary is considerably low
* they don't have a good leadership, their bosses never understand them and they are even punished for any small mistakes and those IPS babus never understand the foot solders and thread faced by them.
* as every police force in india they can't even fire a shot without the order from the IPS babus.

Brother You really don't give up. In your last post you said army has other important jobs to do. Can you please specify what are those important jobs they are doing. Pakistan and Bangladesh Border is secured by BSF, some sensitive one are secured by army, China border is secured by ITBP another CAPF,

CI ops are being done by all Security Forces not only army. Lakhs of this super strong force patrolling and guarding border and god knows how does terrorists sneak in from border. And they question CRPF training.

Been such a long time in COBRA never saw a army men face not even in my training, leave their operational advice. Out of 10 Cobra Bn only 1 Bn is close to any army deployed area that is in Assam. And Cobra is specialised force and they dont work together. All other Cobra units are in anti-naxal ops where army don't want to be and we all know why.

Don't question leadership and you would get answer when you will google and find out who had won most of the gallantry medals this year and several last year's Republic day parade. Its just that CRPF is more answerable.

And brother not only CRPF even Army cannot fire a single bullet without government order, you know that. But in operational area things area different.
Army is many times called to maintain law and order in troubled regions. I think Naxalite problem is one of the most serious in the country. Army is better equipped and trained to deal with their guerrilla warfare. CRPF is a law and order force which is not equipped enough to take such cases. It is not even a paramilitary force.

Ignorance about this force is not your fault. Its because our seniors don't make people aware what CRPF is doing for them.

1. Counter insurgency ops in every part of India- Kashmir, NE, Naxal

2. Nodal Agency for conducting Lok Sabha 2014 elections, that all the deployment of all Security forces for election duty was done by CRPF only.

3. All terrorist in Parliament attack, Ayodhya attack and several other attacks in kashmir were killed by CRPF only.

4. CRPF was also deployed in Mumbai attack nobody know this also.

5. I am not exaggerating but almost everyday CRPF is saving lives of hundreds in naxal area. Nobody knows how critical situation had been in this area.

6. And about equipments, please do visit CRPF camp in operational area if you have any relative and friend. You will see what all is there.

7. First security force to fight insugency in kashmir, First security force to fight against Punjab terrorist and first to fight naxals in all 16 states of India. More than 170 Bn of CRPF are fighting naxals and in support are 5 Bn of BSF, 5 Bn of ITBP and state police.

you all hear about how many CRPF personnel are killed but you will never know many naxals we kill thats why you have such wrong perception.
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