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Disappointed Pakistanis

PTI had all the time in the world to clarify what they stand for and clearly they started with opposing the forcing of change and installed upon Pakistan justice Iftikah ch. in most undemocratic fashion, who was corrupt till teeth and worked as guardian of corrupt and criminals.

Imran Khan was surrounded by 'Lottay'. Party was presided by a criminal who attempted to murder former CJ of Pakistan, which reflects the deep entrenched Munafiqat policy of the party.

They were supported by mainly cable tv generation... roped in by slogans of 'baghi' 'Tsunami' 'naya Pakistan'

Please, tell me how can you deliver change in parliamentary system, a system where President & PM is not elected by people but as a result of horse trading.

PTI joined same Nawaz Sharif against Dr. TuQ, who actually illuminated the people on fundamental violations of constitutions, quietly being carried out and endorsed by all political parties.

Imran Khan was invited in long march against status quo parties and violation of constitution by the judiciary, but PTI refused to become part of history.

What was Imran Khan upto? he better explain!

Actually, by claiming rigging PTI stand to loose every thing, because it was their own judiciary and election commission and care takers after all.

You were dreaming Mazza with Musharraf, so i thought you are a women but didn't occurred to me you could be gay.

Look like you came across lot of Gay...You are GAY does not means whole world is GAY.
Congratulations to Mr.Nawaz Sharif. Let he and his team of ministers to re-frame a peace-loving Nation. Good Luck.
Nawaz Sharif has made so many promises that i doubt he can deliver on ... wait for a year (atmost) and u will see the same rejoicing people cursing the rulers ...

This is what Pakistanis are best at doing.
I disagree.

Pakistan has always been, and will always remain a toy passed back and forth between the feudal/industrial elite.

The next election will be won by PPP.

You heard it here first!

The chicken of PPP against the daughter of PMLN probably.
PTI had all the time in the world to clarify what they stand for and clearly they started with opposing the forcing of change and installed upon Pakistan justice Iftikah ch. in most undemocratic fashion, who was corrupt till teeth and worked as guardian of corrupt and criminals.

Imran Khan was surrounded by 'Lottay'. Party was presided by a criminal who attempted to murder former CJ of Pakistan, which reflects the deep entrenched Munafiqat policy of the party.

They were supported by mainly cable tv generation... roped in by slogans of 'baghi' 'Tsunami' 'naya Pakistan'

Please, tell me how can you deliver change in parliamentary system, a system where President & PM is not elected by people but as a result of horse trading.

PTI joined same Nawaz Sharif against Dr. TuQ, who actually illuminated the people on fundamental violations of constitutions, quietly being carried out and endorsed by all political parties.

Imran Khan was invited in long march against status quo parties and violation of constitution by the judiciary, but PTI refused to become part of history.

What was Imran Khan upto? he better explain!

Actually, by claiming rigging PTI stand to loose every thing, because it was their own judiciary and election commission and care takers after all.

You were dreaming Mazza with Musharraf, so i thought you are a women but didn't occurred to me you could be gay.

I agree with you regarding Kana, and PTI was/is fool that she support him and think that free & independent judiciary exist in this country but i disagree regarding TuQ, he is also a liar and it was good decision that PTI didn't supported him. How he was supposed to achieve that? through Judiciary? - no chance, through Parliament of that time? no chance - through army? Thanks - I don't want that the lone institution which is cause that this country is still intact to be dragged in this mess and repeat 71 where they have to fight their own citizen.

So, there are only two options - a) get elected and go to parliament and make reform - a very difficult task to make masses aware and change their mindset, b) Revolution/Civil disobedience - requires a leader with vision, blood and support of majority and IF it happens (which is more unlikely as people are not ready for it) the last thing i will want to see that this revolution is lead by a religious cleric and that also someone like TuQ.
that is a totally rude statement!!!! KPK is i think most backward & illiterate province! and yet they supported PTI! don't fall down to other parties level.

like sportsmen we accept defeat as PTI lovers & now the rest of pakistan will see what they missed out on. by seeing PTI at work in KPK!!

That was a factual statement and was made in accordance with the ground realities. Pakistans high illiteracy rate is one of the prime factors that people keep on voting for these corrupt political families.....BTW I also saw how some people were rigging votes in Punjab, so kindly spare me your "miss goody two shoes rants"
That was a factual statement and was made in accordance with the ground realities. Pakistans high illiteracy rate is one of the prime factors that people keep on voting for these corrupt political families.....BTW I also saw how some people were rigging votes in Punjab, so kindly spare me your "miss goody two shoes rants"

factual? ground realities is the most illiterate province of KPK voted PTI to power!!! that speaks volumes in itself. just be positive this is not the end of the world. the rest of pakistan will envy KPK.

let PTI improve KPK and prove to pakistanis that what they missed out on. its a good start. mayousi is not PTI style come on. and as for rigging in punjab well pindi that was called mini raiwand made hanif abbasi lose. so that is a shocker too. and in abbotabad PTI also won. find positives everywhere and start new.

no poinnt cry about what could have been but instead concentrate what we have now.
Clearly shows opinion of PDF members is not the Opinion of Pakistan.

Nawaz Shariff is good for India Pakistan relations.

Yes, only someone from Punjab can make hard choices with regard to peace with India. Both Benazir and Musharraf tried but they had no real chance. Similarly, from India it would be some party like the BJP which could make hard choices.

As to the OP...well, I feel like the morning after of Bush beating Kerry. Very disappointed. But also proud that Pakistanis defied the Talibans. It's all good.

My preference has been to hold elections every 4 years in Pakistan, instead of every 5 years. The PPP--a party I have supported since the mid 80's--is rightly out of power. But 5 years of misrule was too long.
factual? ground realities is the most illiterate province of KPK voted PTI to power!!! that speaks volumes in itself. just be positive this is not the end of the world. the rest of pakistan will envy KPK.

let PTI improve KPK and prove to pakistanis that what they missed out on. its a good start. mayousi is not PTI style come on. and as for rigging in punjab well pindi that was called mini raiwand made hanif abbasi lose. so that is a shocker too. and in abbotabad PTI also won. find positives everywhere and start new.

no poinnt cry about what could have been but instead concentrate what we have now.

Its not about PTI or anyother party its about PEOPLE the majority of which are illiterate and have no sense of right and wrong.
Well at least PTI will be in opposition so they'll be able to give shrek a hard time, which means he won't be able to get away with stupid decisions easily.
Woke up this morning thinking it was just a bad dream.
Couldn't imagine that people of Pakistan have selected PML(N) or rather Nawas Sharif as the countries next PM. Admittedly unlike some on this forum, I'm not too emotional about the political set up in Pakistan, but in all earnest in the wildest imagination, i never expected NS to return to the power seat neither did i envisaged that Pakistani public, after repeatedly being let down by this party, have such short memory. How can one forget how this man managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in the Kargil conflict, how he was playing musical chairs with the army high command, the attack on supreme court, the scandalous misadventures of his side kick the diabolical Saif brothers, his Ilford plaza and other properties in London not to mention other scams in UK and above all the freezing of foreign currency accounts.
Indeed people were fed up with PPP and were desperate for a change hence one would understand even if God forbid, some Islamic party was voted into power, but choosing damaged goods over some fresh change like Imran Khan is just beyond belief. Having said that, credit should be given where it's due and I'm all for Shabaz Sharif as he's time and again proved himself to be a good administrator but Nawas Sharif once again representing and leading Pakistan......the stuff what nightmares are made of. God help Pakistan.

Elmo edit: Have edited the thread title to, "The disappointed Pakistanis thread!" Let's air our grievances here

Pakistanis are the stupidest people ever.
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