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Difference between China and India in GDP per capita (Both Nominal & PPP)

Because it is better to let people stand on their own feet.

Rather than to keep them on crutches, by giving out easy money.

Just ask the Pakistani people, who they prefer... China, USA, or India? :azn:

Because it is better to let people stand on their own feet.

Rather than to keep them on crutches, by giving out easy money.

Wow, is this what you do to a country which is negotiating with IMF for a new loan to pay interests for the past loans?

you are kidding right!
So, you are in a way cognizant of the fact that this is nothing but a troll thread started by a fellow "Chinese"


Let me post that question again.

Why is that rich "China" not able to help her best buddies Pakistan and North korea and leaving them at the mecry of World bank and IMF?

When the poor India on the other hand was able to help its neighbours like Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Srilanka, etc



This question rises time and again in my mind. Yes, Why do India's neighbour distrust and hate India? I am not being negative--I am just wondering about. Can we do some honest introspection?
Ok, I say forget Pakistan. It might be surviving and thriving on anti -India thoughts. What about NEPAL, BANGLA DESH, SRILANKA and CHINA? Bhutan? Well! it is a microdot on the world's map!! Mauritius? Even it is not comfortable with us.
We had open borders with Nepal. But, today, it wants a VISA SYSTEM. The MAOISTS do not trust us at all. Didn't we work continuously, since 50s, against the well established Monarchy by propping up guys like GP KOIRALA and NEPALI CONGRESS? It has today, backfired on us. Why do we work against the interests of our neighbours and also, inadvertantly, against our own interests?
Take the case of China. We had amicable relations with them. Suddenly we permitted DALAI LAMA and his entourage to settle in India and allowed him to carry on with his ANTI-CHINA activities from Indian Soil. Do we think China would have taken it lightly? Our this act in 1959 sowed the seeds of 1962 war.
Let us look at BANGLA DESH. It should have been ever grateful to us. It should be HATING PAKISTAN for the atrocities of its army in 1970-71. But no, it is the hub of ISI activities against India. Top leaders of ULFA and North East militant outfits openly live in Dacca. In fact ULFA militancy of ASSAM survives because indirect patronage by BANGLA DESH OFFICIALDOM.
Now let us come to SRI LANKA. Who does not know as to who created LTTE and PRABHAKARAN? It is the same people and politicians who had created BHINDRAWALE in PUNJAB. Then, we go to SRILANKA with our army to act as OMBUDSMAN between LTTE and SRILANKAN Government. Finally, we do a U TURN against the LTTE and make them our enemies. Hundreds of Indian soldiers lose their lives and limbs. The indian army becomes an object of hate amongst both LTTE and SINHALESE. What more our own politicians in TN ridiculed the poor soldiers who were sent as a national effort. In fact, when they returned from SRILANKA in 1990, they were not even shown basic courtesies. Now again there are voices in Chennai who are wanting India to intervene in SRILANKA to save LTTE. What is worse is the fact that we are allowing such organisations as "Of ERR----ORGANISATION for ELAM REFUGEES REHABILITATION" to function from CHENNAI and allowing them to spread VENOM against SRILANKA. Do we think SRILANKA relishes this? This organisation is, I am sure, supported by LTTE. I draw your attention to OfERR's activities. They might look innocent but their very existence on indian soil creates distrust in Srilanka. see this site:-

War as seen through refugee kids` eyes

My simple point is to highlight the fact that INDIA was a victim of its own LOPSIDED policies. We are a SELF INFLICTED INJURY. We step on our toes because of our poor bureaucracy. Our bureaucracy is to be blamed for such a confusion in our minds. It is this bureucracy which had led RAJEEV GANDHI up the garden path in 1985 when it advised a pact with JAYWAERDENE and despatched our army there to fight SRILANKA's WAR with LTTE. It were these PAPER PUSHERS who formulated this policy. But everyone forgets these "NOTE-WRITING CLERKS", who are behind all our ills.
We ought to have good relations with our neighbours if we want to become a dominant player in world affairs. It is because of our poor standing amongst our neighbours that the WORLD merely shrugs at us when we want to nail Pakistani lies on TERRORISM.
Look at the foreign secretary of UK , who comes to India and advises us to resolve Kashmir problem with Pakistan to end TERRORISM. It means UK agrees with PAKISTAN's view point that TERRORISM in India had roots in KASHMIR. And our loveable FUTURE PRIME MINISTERIAL CAN DIDATE , Sh. RAHUL GANDHI hobnobs with this MILBANDI character in AMETHI VILLAGES.
Do you think we can become a GLOBAL PLAYER by having FRICTION with our neighbours and licking those who kick us on our ? We should be hobnobbing with our neighbours and shooing away the outsiders. I do think so. What is your take?

WHY DO INDIAS NEIGHBOURS DISTRUST AND HATE INDIA? : rajee kushwaha blogs on sulekha, current affairs blogs, rajee kushwaha blog from india
Wow, is this what you do to a country which is negotiating with IMF for a new loan to pay interests for the past loans?

you are kidding right!

Not kidding at all. :no: Self-reliance is of the utmost importance, for individuals and for countries.

India's generosity on the other hand, is "incredible"... they donate trillions to the Swiss Banks.... while their own people starve to death.

Can't beat that kind of generosity.
Not kidding at all. :no: Self-reliance is of the utmost importance, for individuals and for countries.

India's generosity on the other hand, is "incredible"... they donate trillions to the Swiss Banks.... while their own people starve to death.

Can't beat that kind of generosity.

At least their generosity is universally known. We can't say the same for Chinese administration, can we?
At least their generosity is universally known. We can't say the same for Chinese administration, can we?

I am happy that the Chinese government, is spending China's money... on Chinese people.

That is their job after all.

And being "generous" towards Swiss Banks, isn't exactly something to boast about.


This question rises time and again in my mind. Yes, Why do India's neighbour distrust and hate India? I am not being negative--I am just wondering about. Can we do some honest introspection?
Ok, I say forget Pakistan. It might be surviving and thriving on anti -India thoughts. What about NEPAL, BANGLA DESH, SRILANKA and CHINA? Bhutan? Well! it is a microdot on the world's map!! Mauritius? Even it is not comfortable with us.
We had open borders with Nepal. But, today, it wants a VISA SYSTEM. The MAOISTS do not trust us at all. Didn't we work continuously, since 50s, against the well established Monarchy by propping up guys like GP KOIRALA and NEPALI CONGRESS? It has today, backfired on us. Why do we work against the interests of our neighbours and also, inadvertantly, against our own interests?
Take the case of China. We had amicable relations with them. Suddenly we permitted DALAI LAMA and his entourage to settle in India and allowed him to carry on with his ANTI-CHINA activities from Indian Soil. Do we think China would have taken it lightly? Our this act in 1959 sowed the seeds of 1962 war.
Let us look at BANGLA DESH. It should have been ever grateful to us. It should be HATING PAKISTAN for the atrocities of its army in 1970-71. But no, it is the hub of ISI activities against India. Top leaders of ULFA and North East militant outfits openly live in Dacca. In fact ULFA militancy of ASSAM survives because indirect patronage by BANGLA DESH OFFICIALDOM.
Now let us come to SRI LANKA. Who does not know as to who created LTTE and PRABHAKARAN? It is the same people and politicians who had created BHINDRAWALE in PUNJAB. Then, we go to SRILANKA with our army to act as OMBUDSMAN between LTTE and SRILANKAN Government. Finally, we do a U TURN against the LTTE and make them our enemies. Hundreds of Indian soldiers lose their lives and limbs. The indian army becomes an object of hate amongst both LTTE and SINHALESE. What more our own politicians in TN ridiculed the poor soldiers who were sent as a national effort. In fact, when they returned from SRILANKA in 1990, they were not even shown basic courtesies. Now again there are voices in Chennai who are wanting India to intervene in SRILANKA to save LTTE. What is worse is the fact that we are allowing such organisations as "Of ERR----ORGANISATION for ELAM REFUGEES REHABILITATION" to function from CHENNAI and allowing them to spread VENOM against SRILANKA. Do we think SRILANKA relishes this? This organisation is, I am sure, supported by LTTE. I draw your attention to OfERR's activities. They might look innocent but their very existence on indian soil creates distrust in Srilanka. see this site:-

War as seen through refugee kids` eyes

My simple point is to highlight the fact that INDIA was a victim of its own LOPSIDED policies. We are a SELF INFLICTED INJURY. We step on our toes because of our poor bureaucracy. Our bureaucracy is to be blamed for such a confusion in our minds. It is this bureucracy which had led RAJEEV GANDHI up the garden path in 1985 when it advised a pact with JAYWAERDENE and despatched our army there to fight SRILANKA's WAR with LTTE. It were these PAPER PUSHERS who formulated this policy. But everyone forgets these "NOTE-WRITING CLERKS", who are behind all our ills.
We ought to have good relations with our neighbours if we want to become a dominant player in world affairs. It is because of our poor standing amongst our neighbours that the WORLD merely shrugs at us when we want to nail Pakistani lies on TERRORISM.
Look at the foreign secretary of UK , who comes to India and advises us to resolve Kashmir problem with Pakistan to end TERRORISM. It means UK agrees with PAKISTAN's view point that TERRORISM in India had roots in KASHMIR. And our loveable FUTURE PRIME MINISTERIAL CAN DIDATE , Sh. RAHUL GANDHI hobnobs with this MILBANDI character in AMETHI VILLAGES.
Do you think we can become a GLOBAL PLAYER by having FRICTION with our neighbours and licking those who kick us on our ? We should be hobnobbing with our neighbours and shooing away the outsiders. I do think so. What is your take?

WHY DO INDIAS NEIGHBOURS DISTRUST AND HATE INDIA? : rajee kushwaha blogs on sulekha, current affairs blogs, rajee kushwaha blog from india

Yeah True. All of India's neighbours hate evil India as mentioned in that blog.

Now, back to that question. Why is China having 4 times the GDP of India not able to help its best buddy pakistan and let it at the mercy of IMF?
what these chineses members try to say is always very confusing.
they know, we know and the world knows china is ahead of india in almost majority of the aspects and we are trying to improve ourselves continuously. your trade reforms were almost 10-15 years before us so naturally you got a head start, and we trail behind. you also have a tight grip over your public so they don't have a say and there is nothing called the word opposition in china, whereas in india ours is a democracy and to make evreyone happy takes time. Stop showing that you suffer from SUPERIORITY COMPLEX!!:coffee:
Not kidding at all. :no: Self-reliance is of the utmost importance, for individuals and for countries.

India's generosity on the other hand, is "incredible"... they donate trillions to the Swiss Banks.... while their own people starve to death.

Can't beat that kind of generosity.

Grossly injustice isn't it?

Now, Why is China with 4 times the GDP of India cant help its best buddy Pakistan?

or is it more interested in giving lip service like "China and Pakistan are like brothers"?

Going by your replies, it seems it is indeed lip service!!

One must feel for the Pakistanis here. They still think you are their saviors.
what these chineses members try to say is always very confusing.
they know, we know and the world knows china is ahead of india in almost majority of the aspects and we are trying to improve ourselves continuously. your trade reforms were almost 10-15 years before us so naturally you got a head start, and we trail behind. you also have a tight grip over your public so they don't have a say and there is nothing called the word opposition in china, whereas in india ours is a democracy and to make evreyone happy takes time. Stop showing that you suffer from SUPERIORITY COMPLEX!!:coffee:

This thread was a response, to Indians posting bashing threads about China.

Like this one: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/106157-real-poverty-china.html

The real question is, since Indians (apparently) know they are far behind, then why are they bashing China on such issues?

Isn't that blatant hypocrisy?
Going by your replies, it seems it is indeed lip service!!

One must feel for the Pakistanis here. They still think you are their saviors.

Why don't you ask the Pakistanis what they think? :azn:

China is helping them with infrastructure construction, with hydroelectric dams, with nuclear power plants, etc. We are helping them to get back on their feet, and helping them to become self-reliant.

India on the other hand is being "generous" with their money, even though millions of their own Indians are starving to death every year. And yet, their neighbours (China/Pakistan/Sri Lanka/Bangladesh) still don't like them.

I don't call that "generosity". I call that failure of governance, since a government is responsible to its own people above all else.
if someone stoops low to respond him you stoop even lower!!! not a good logic in my view

Like you said yourself, we are ahead of India.

So the real hypocrisy is Indians, who attack China on poverty related issues, with no provocation.

This thread was a response, to the Indians who were attacking China. And I did not post this thread.
Why don't you ask the Pakistanis what they think? :azn:

China is helping them with infrastructure construction, with hydroelectric dams, with nuclear power plants, etc. We are helping them to get back on their feet, and helping them to become self-reliant.

India on the other hand is being "generous" with their money, even though millions of their own Indians are starving to death every year. And yet, their neighbours (China/Pakistan/Sri Lanka/Bangladesh) still don't like them.

I don't call that "generosity". I call that failure of governance, since a government is responsible to its own people above all else.

China with $ 3 trillion foreign exchange reserves, wasn't able to help Pakistan with $ 10 Billion loan.

No need to ask Pakistanis. This is true friendship.
what these chineses members try to say is always very confusing.
they know, we know and the world knows china is ahead of india in almost majority of the aspects and we are trying to improve ourselves continuously. your trade reforms were almost 10-15 years before us so naturally you got a head start, and we trail behind. you also have a tight grip over your public so they don't have a say and there is nothing called the word opposition in china, whereas in india ours is a democracy and to make evreyone happy takes time. Stop showing that you suffer from SUPERIORITY COMPLEX!!:coffee:

Nope we have a huge opposition with the often cited statistic of 80,000 protests per year. Yet none of it turns violent the way Maoists do in India.

Seems the people in China have more faith in our system, than Indians have faith in their system, such that they'd go to any lengths to destroy it including armed revolt.
lol where did u here that? it is said India will overtake China by 2035.
The answer to ur question is tht China has a higher base-value(10% of 4trill < 10% of 10trill) to increment upon as compare to India...the value u see are estimates considering ur growth rate is 10% through the next 5 to 10 years ...last time i heard China was reducing G-rate to 7% due to overheating (inflation due to Demand and tightening of interests)
The day u see ur Growth rate fall u can see the gap narrowing down.. Falling growth rates is necessary to mating stability as the base value of economy grows.

To the lay man this looks as India is loosing but the fact is far from it , as convenient it may seem to put (PPP)per capita figures the IMF still calculated India's economy crossing the 4 trillion mark. China is at around 10 trillion+.

Another Fact that needs to be stated here is that India went bankrupt in 1992.so u can say Indian economy grew from there ' with "0" base value and a deficit tht India is still paying Annually no reduced to 4%gdp .
Contemplating the trend China is no where close to the burst trajectory India achieved...nevertheless the question is can India sustain it.

look at the bold part, i cannot understand why some of you guys like to find excuses one after another like china started reform 15years early blah blah..and now what? 1992 bankrupt? why not trace back to cultural revolution time and calculate the damn burst trajectory china achieved since?
it really doesn't matter who leads who in a short period but what really matters is the attitude. you guys attitude sucks...

Having said the above doesn't mean i think all indian are like that. the below is an example to show opposite:

t.bishop on Feb 6, 12:37 PM said:
@ asok - people like you make me sick with your blind, biased propaganda about india and how it's never fought a war, never done this, never done that etc etc

get a effin' grip man. open your eyes and smell the roses. go travel around the world and see what normal countries are like

indians need to register and accept the issues that have crippled the country for the last 50 years, and need to take action with fixed timelines and milestones instead of spewing crappy propaganda (which by the way demonstrates your inferiority complex)

the entire country needs to be cleaned up, and the sooner the better. indians, please get your s*it together before anything else. and while you're at it, please clean up your trashy attitude (which you call patriotism, but i as a fellow indian call bullshit and a serious inferiority complex and a complex that impairs you to see india from the eyes of the rest of the world - and in this process, basically do nothing about improving anything in the country)

to the others - i am an indian who has lived in India, the US, Singapore, China and now in Hong Kong. i say it as i see without some retarded, blind bias

At this point in time, China is the clear winner. I mean Jesus Christ, these guys got their act together in just about 20-30 years (infrastructure, developing world class Tier 1 cities etc). Sure they have a long way to go, but its one heck of a start

India can catch-up but it needs several initiatives and most of all, a fresh outlook on life and a fresh, open attitude instead of dealing with issues like Asok here (i.e. spewing sh*t and ignoring honest, in your face facts, and thereby avoiding the problem completely)...
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