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Did Israel win the war in LEBANON.



New Recruit

Apr 28, 2007
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Guys, as we saw in 2006 Israel launched a campaign against militant group, Hezbolla.

Many & most people argue that Hezbolla won the war, and Israel lost miserably.

However..DID Israel really lose? Did Israel REALLY lose after virtually destroying south Lebanon's infrastructure, Lebanon's economy (which is now 3 decades behind), after leaving hundreds [if not thousands] of unexploded munitions & after putting the fear of god into ever Lebanese citizens heart.

DID ISRAEL REALLY LOSE? what is your opinion on this matter? Let's discuss :coffee:
Although Israel destroyed the Labanese infrastructure and killed 1000+ people, Morally it lost the war as these heavy handed actions were against all human rights. Israel want to go to any extent since it has hands over its head of world's biggest hooligan, the US.
Also it was first time in the history of Arab-Israeli war that Israeli army could not cross the border of Lebanon and that also against an irregular force and not a regular army despite huge show of military might including world class air power. Definitely it was a huge victory for Hizballah guerilla war tactics which also shock Pentagon. They will definitely think several times before attacking any muslim or other nation in future.
Definitely it was a huge victory for Hizballah guerilla war tactics which also shock Pentagon. They will definitely think several times before attacking any muslim or other nation in future

I disagree with your glorification of hizbollah here as they operated from civilian areas which led to these areas being bombed in the first place.

Having said that I do agree that the israeli tactics were way over the top and they used a sledge hammer to crack a nut and I would suppport Hizbollah over them any day.

For me the greatest victor was Russia's RPG 29 which by all accounts was the star weapon of Hizbollah VS Merkava MBT.
Israel won. Period.

They are fools who say that Hezbollah won. Throwing some rockets on Israeli territory does not a victory take. Its the defeatist attitude to deny the truth.
Israel won. Period.

They are fools who say that Hezbollah won. Throwing some rockets on Israeli territory does not a victory take. Its the defeatist attitude to deny the truth.

lol, Israeli's themselves are calling it a failure and a lost war, and your here claiming it's a victory. Israel didn't achieve it's objectives they didn't get their people back, even with their superior AF they were still being rocketed day in and out. They set a goal to reach the Latini river and that didn't even happen in 36 days, where as before they reached their in 10 days. I can go on and on, Hezbullah is still building up it's arms in the south region, if you know the UN aren't even allowed to touch them. You will have to go back and study it just cause it's Israel doesn't guarantee victory the might machine was stopped in it's tracks and theirs' a lot that Hezbullah did that caused problems (hacking communication knowing where they were, and getting prepared), the town of Bint-Jabil 10 days of fighting they weren't even able to get in town, even till the war was over.

Heck, even Israeli generals have given credit to Hezbullah, for such a resistance they weren't expecting.

Also (what I'm saying), know if it were a full blown conventional war, they would have lost but this was a guerilla war, and they lost morally and the myth of an invincible machine was shattered. Showing to the world if played properly they can be stopped in their tracks.
Israel won. Period.

They are fools who say that Hezbollah won. Throwing some rockets on Israeli territory does not a victory take. Its the defeatist attitude to deny the truth.

Ohooo if Israel wins the war why they stop booming of Leabnon and pull off there troops if they are winning they have to over come with Leabnon and after that they have to wash out the Syirans ... Be realistic buddy...

did any one have the figure how many soldiers US and allies losts in Afghanistan and IRAQ ?????

Also (what I'm saying), know if it were a full blown conventional war, they would have lost but this was a guerilla war, and they lost morally and the myth of an invincible machine was shattered. Showing to the world if played properly they can be stopped in their tracks.

THIS IS THE MAIN VICTORY THAT EVERYONE CLAIMS HEZBOLLAH GOT. Morally. It was not the boots on ground of Hezbollah that stopped Israel.
THIS IS THE MAIN VICTORY THAT EVERYONE CLAIMS HEZBOLLAH GOT. Morally. It was not the boots on ground of Hezbollah that stopped Israel.

Morally, yes, but also know Hezbullah stopped Israeli advances a couple of times as well. Their were times when Israeli's were stuck for HRs at a time in buildings being rocketed and RPGed. You would have to go back and read a lot of reports, and see what Israeli generals have to say about Hezbullah they gave Israel army a fight of their life on the ground. If you also noticed more civilians died than the militants, and Hezbullah killed more soldiers than civilians throughout the war. But shock to Israel was they weren't expecting such resistance, or high-tech capability of this group.

Israel main objective was to get their men back and push them to the Latini River , which they didn't even come close to doing, even after UN brokered cease-fire.
Or look at the poor lebanese people's point of view, just cuz of Hizabollah's idiotic stance of holding on to 2 prisoner's , that too lower rung Israel's Soldiers. Thereby attracting the Israel action on the Lebanese people causing 1000+ to die as well damage's worth billions while Hezbollah's used lebanese people as Human Shield's in their grand strategy. The true looser of this war was the Lebanese people.
Yes they won in destroying the hizbollah and the lebonon goverment. as a result of that the hizbollah is disarmed and they have forced them to sit in an office rather than be patrolling the streets or practicing somewhere.
A good battle is always started form the mind and finished in the heart.
there are always two sides of a coin battle field and the table talk.
we the muslims have always won the battle field but always lost the table talk with a few exceptions in the past.
I still don't understand WHY some people still think Hezbolla won...They are a bunch of gun totting hoodlums that brought death & destruction to those they are 'trying' to protect.
So it won against the Lebanese civilians and lost against the Hizbulla?
Does the failure to achieve set objectives amount to failure?
Does the failure to achieve set objectives amount to failure?

israel lostthe battle, but in the bigge rpicture they will probalby win the war. Hezzbollah shot its bolt they don't have any suprises left and thier game has only inspired Israel to do better. I expect round 2 will go far differently with IDF soilders accompanying the tanks and not taking refuge in houses. No matter what hezzbollah does it still faces the same inability to move and react and is forced to fight form prepared positions you never win wars by defending.
israel lostthe battle, but in the bigge rpicture they will probalby win the war. Hezzbollah shot its bolt they don't have any suprises left and thier game has only inspired Israel to do better. I expect round 2 will go far differently with IDF soilders accompanying the tanks and not taking refuge in houses. No matter what hezzbollah does it still faces the same inability to move and react and is forced to fight form prepared positions you never win wars by defending.

Dude gotta disagree with you here...... They may not even be a round two because of the political fallout for the Olmert govt. And of course you are assuming that Hezbollah will stand pat. There is no evidence that they will. They have proved resourceful and skilled. The IDF would still win but probably at a high price. And with the fallout from the last one still settling it is unlikely they will want to soon.
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