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Did Israel win the war in LEBANON.

Yes they did. Viets werent exactly lower-tech. They had a very good supply from China and USSR. Otherwise US would have achieved its objectives.

Same scanario in Lebanon, July 2006.
Hizbullah's only supply were grenades, Katyusha rockets, and AK-47's.
Israel even had BVR's, and sattellite images, along with F-16 & 15, and main battle tanks, along with Cobra's and Arrow's.
Vietcongs had it much easy bud.

I've provided my logic as to why Hizbullah won the wor.
Please share, with men ratio, armaments, tecnology, why do you think Israel won?
But Israel have all latest gadgets, but was totally failed to stop Hizbo rocket rain...even u can call em fire cracker rockets, but boom horror was still their.
So, human factor is always overcome the technology adventage..
I think the point that he is making is that the Americans were always much higher tech than their opponents. yet still lost the conflict in Vietnam

A minor point, the vietcong was defeated in 68/69 and the war was from then on a contest between the ARVN and US vs NVA. North Vietnam itslef was defeated twice in 73 catipulating after the Christmas offensive (Linebacker II), but America fixated on getting out of Vietnam missed the signals and settled for a peace treaty. At no point was America ever defeated, when she left RSV was still anation with membership at the UN and had just defeated a alrge scale mechanized attacked by the NVA. She did not fall until the US Congress cut funding.


In the next war look to see it be a purely regualr army operation without reserves. Those ar ehte easiest formation to train up and equip to defeat the hezzies. Also once the wall is done then a large amountof the IDF will be avaible to be taken off occupation duty and redirected into more traditional warfighting roles.


Hezzbollah's problem is that it will neve rhave freedom of movement. Thois lets Israel set up kill boxs that other Hezzie units cannot help or lend assistence. They tried to dothat this time but the tactics were wrong, they wont be next time. Not being able to enjoy freedom of movement means no matter how good the defenses it is basically a seige and the defenders are doomed if the attacker has enough will to win.

Also don't expect the policla shock to last for long, Israel recovered quickly form 73, and might do so again.
Yes they won in destroying the hizbollah and the lebonon goverment. as a result of that the hizbollah is disarmed and they have forced them to sit in an office rather than be patrolling the streets or practicing somewhere.
A good battle is always started form the mind and finished in the heart.
there are always two sides of a coin battle field and the table talk.
we the muslims have always won the battle field but always lost the table talk with a few exceptions in the past.

What kind of weed you're up on kid?

IDF was a modernized active Military Force with Superior AF , AD Systems and High Tech Surveillance. Still they couldn't manage to occupy Lebanon, Free their so-called imprisoned soldiers and finish Hezbollah. In fact Hezbollah got more strengthen and till now they've become a Absolute Military which cannot be defeated alone. Israel would need proper assistance and in that case. Hezbollah would be surely having Iran, Syria and other Islamic Fighters who'd join from around the world. Till Anti Israel Government is present in Syria. Lebanon cannot be harmed much. That's the reason Syrian Civil War was launched.
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