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Then in such a case China certainly will welcome a hawkish Japan. It will force the big trouble maker in this area to show his cards in terms of his 4-way alliance and will have to choose favoritism. Taking Taiwan, Korea and Russia into considerations China simply just can not lose if a 'hawkish team' in charged. She won't wait for the outcomes either but instead will provoke them into actions. How hard it is to provoke a man like Ishihara? :flame: Win win for China. :tup:

You never know what the future will bring. If the US can 'award' Okinawa to Japan in the 70s anything can happen a century from that date.

ICJ is for weaklings and losers.

Barbarians settle their dispute with war. Civilized countries settle their dispute thru international mediation(ICJ).
Barbarians settle their dispute with war. Civilized countries settle their dispute thru international mediation(ICJ).

LOL since you're so good in researches and always come up with "I found this" why don't you tell me, since the beginning of time, how many territorial disputes are solved by civilized countries involving ICJ and how many were settled with bare knuckles barbarian ways.
Worldwide ramification lol let me wake this Pinoy's dream, in EU nobody f*cking care about the Diaoyu islands. The EU crisis is the only thing they can think of even the US fiscal cliff has more attention than our disputes.

Good luck to all of you if you think that way.
But I have to laugh at some Filipino posting some random article on: "China should remember no country is an island in a globalised world. Beijing's fight with Japan over the Senkaku islands could have worldwide ramifications" like other countries really care about these two-bit disputes. Here's an answer for them:

In 2006, the US is the biggest trading partner for 127 countries versus China's 70

In 2011, China has 124 while the US has 76

According to this trend you can be rest assured China is gaining on as the biggest trading partner for more countries to come and in this stage and age your biggest trading partner IS your biggest friend. Don't let someone fool you by saying otherwise.

China overtaking U.S. as global trader - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun

BTW opinions can be differ but numbers don't lie.

We'll still view China as a predator and a crook even if in the future China becomes our biggest trading partner.
We'll still view China as a predator and a crook even if in the future China becomes our biggest trading partner.

Name calling now? I though you're a by product of a civilized society that only rely on your researches and debating skills here.
LOL since you're so good in researches and always come up with "I found this" why don't you tell me, since the beginning of time, how many territorial disputes are solved by civilized countries involving ICJ and how many were settled with bare knuckles barbarian ways.

You can research that if you want. But I can tell you that we have already used international arbitration in settling territorial dispute in the past. Within Southeast Asia, Thailand and Cambodia have done it, Malaysia and Indonesia have done it, Malaysia and Singapore have done it.

Island of Palmas Case

Island of Palmas Case - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You can research that if you want. But I can tell you that we have already used international arbitration in settling territorial dispute in the past. Within Southeast Asia, Thailand and Cambodia have done it, Malaysia and Indonesia have done it, Malaysia and Singapore have done it.

Island of Palmas Case

Island of Palmas Case - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

LOL that's not even amount to 1% of how the Brits solved its territorial disputes. They just took it.
Then in such a case China certainly will welcome a hawkish Japan. It will force the big trouble maker in this area to show his cards in terms of his 4-way alliance and will have to choose favoritism.

The four way alliance cannot happen because the US makes sure it won't.

The Chosun Ilbo (English Edition): Daily News from Korea - Japan Can't Push Dokdo Suit at Int'l Court This Year

"The Obama administration dissuaded Tokyo from bringing the matter to the ICJ for fear of aggravating anti-Japanese feelings in Korea and hurting trilateral cooperation between Seoul, Washington, and Tokyo," a diplomatic source in Seoul said.

"It has become virtually impossible for Japan to bring the question of Dokdo to the ICJ this year, as Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda has pledged to dissolve parliament soon and call general elections next month," another source said.

You never know what the future will bring. If the US can 'award' Okinawa to Japan in the 70s anything can happen a century from that date.
Okinawan resident voted to be reverted to Japan back in the 1970s. The US gave Okinawa residents two choices; become an independent country or revert to Japan; Okinawa resident chose to return to Japan, so the US made the arrangements accordingly. This is why Chinese claims on Okinawa doesn't stick, because of that Okinawa resident vote.
The four way alliance cannot happen because the US makes sure it won't.

Okinawan resident voted to be reverted to Japan back in the 1970s. The US gave Okinawa residents two choices; become an independent country or revert to Japan; Okinawa resident chose to return to Japan, so the US made the arrangements accordingly. This is why Chinese claims on Okinawa doesn't stick, because of that Okinawa resident vote.

You misunderstand my 4 way alliance. I meant daddy and his 3 love children which will eventually breaks up if the hawkish Abe will do what he promised during his campaign.

Oh sure the Okinawan voted to join Japan without any tempering from parties concerned. :no: They never feel they are a part of Japan and the feelings are probably mutual with the Japanese. Things do change and will change when the time is right.


Downs and ups: Then-Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama speaks to Okinawa Gov. Hirokazu Nakaima in Okinawa in May 2010. KYODO

Okinawa takes base row into its own hands | The Japan Times Online

See the writings on the wall?
Oh sure the Okinawan voted to join Japan without any tempering from parties concerned.

The US actually preferred that Okinawans choose to go independent so that the US government could negotiate directly with the Okinawan government instead of Tokyo on the US presence in Okinawa. But what's clear is that the US administered referendum was democratic and it was the people's decision.

They never feel they are a part of Japan and the feelings are probably mutual with the Japanese. Things do change and will change when the time is right.

Well, Okinawans felt that they would be better off being protected by Japan than to stand alone economically. The large percentage of Okinawa's economy is US military bases and the financial aid from Tokyo.
LOL that's not even amount to 1% of how the Brits solved its territorial disputes. They just took it.

That's all in the past. China's logic today is that if western powers could get away from land grabbing in the past, then she could do the same thing today...and it's a totally flawed logic. China signed UNCLOS, and yet violates the UNCLOS agreement everyday with her neighbors in the Yellow Sea and South China Seas.
Barbarians settle their dispute with war. Civilized countries settle their dispute thru international mediation(ICJ).

When your nation is weak, this kind of statement suite you, but you will not say the same when your nation is strong.
Name calling now? I though you're a by product of a civilized society that only rely on your researches and debating skills here.

name calling; to make ones self feel better about ones self or aspects of ones behavior by putting others down.

You should read the bold part of post #5 page1...that's what I call "name-calling."
That's all in the past. China's logic today is that if western powers could get away from land grabbing in the past, then she could do the same thing today...and it's a totally flawed logic. China signed UNCLOS, and yet violates the UNCLOS agreement everyday with her neighbors in the Yellow Sea and South China Seas.

Your spinning is lame, China did not once violates any country's territorial water. I challenge your land grabbing comment. As I said I care less for your personal opinion so bring me facts instead of these outlandish insinuation.

Hahaha, precisely. That's the guy you love to use so much to prove your point. Little did you know his opinion about the Filipinos.:lol:
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