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DF-21D Ant-Aircraft Carrie Missile officially confirmed!

United States will NOT go backrupt. They'll inflate their way out of their current crap hole. However, their status as the world's reserve currency is nearly at an end, and their living standard is about to take a hit. The problem is when they print money, they wipe out a chunk of China's wealth also.

bankrupt means u have to default.

there are 2 ways to default.

one is to tell ur bondholders u cant pay and restructure ur debt.
second is to inflate ur debt.

when u inflate ur debt, u inflate ur wealth too since both ur assets and liabilities are denominated in the same currency.

china will lose its US dollar investments, but its just chinas investments, dollar is not chinas national currency. china will lose only the investments, nothing else.
US will lose everything, dollar is their national currency, its not their investments, its their entire economy.
.........."any ballistic missile fired at any carrier task group or land target of ours will be considered a nuclear strike onto US and will be met by an appropriate nuclear response in kind"

Thank you for proving non-core members of western alliance are actually much more aggressive than the core members.

The reality is when China sink someone's aircraft carrier. The result is an aircraft carrier was sunk. Nothing special, no unclear war.
Actually, since it will be difficult if not impossible to discriminate between any DF21D and any other ballistic missile launched, or any warheads launched by these missile vehicles, the simple and appropriate US response would be : "any ballistic missile fired at any carrier task group or land target of ours will be considered a nuclear strike onto US and will be met by an appropriate nuclear response in kind"

That would give any shooter second thought, I would think.

The interesting part is this second thought --> they have to re-consider whether to deploy any carrier group to Asia to defend their communist friend Vietnam or tiny island named Diaoyu Island in the first place.
Thank you for proving non-core members of western alliance are actually much more aggressive than the core members.

The reality is when China sink someone's aircraft carrier. The result is an aircraft carrier was sunk. Nothing special, no unclear war.

NL is a dump site. went there last Nov. shockingly boring, old and lack of passion.

the good part is you can just block the street, remove all cars and start filming WWII movies on today's NL streets.
That is the thing. China does not care what others think. They can debate day and night to no avail. You either believe or you don't, but neither makes a difference. It is still being fielded.
True...That ultimately countries really do not care. But that indifference cannot prevent knowledgeable people from making reasonably technically credible estimations on the efficacy of these weapons. The ignorant is a different issue. Recall that everyone here took much glee on Postol's criticism of the Patriot during the Gulf War.

Yep, state of the art patriot missiles which failed to live up to its expectations painted many red faces in Taiwan several months ago. I am pretty sure it was tested thoroughly as per American standards prior to the sale.
We can only wonder what standards the Chinese uses. From my experience, am willing to bet that China uses pretty much the same. Am talking about the principles of control of variables and gradual inclusion of them. What distinguishes one testing regime from another are the details of those variables and I have questioned them several times now without any of the Chinese members here answered them. At least the Patriot has some successes in both development and combat and many details are available for the public to speculate over, as in Postol's criticism.

As in cold war era weapons? AK's and RPG's? :)
Yes...Or how about the Silkworm missile that was deceived by ECM? Care to speculate how the Chinese tested them prior to sales to Iraq?

Yes it is. Like I say, so long they are not in Chinese waters and performing aggressive maneuvers or drills then they are fine. Those DF-21D's can target Japan and Taiwanese waters already, so it has already achieved the objective of having a mobile area defense against the carrier groups. Moreover, it will and is not the only defense capable of threatening the carrier groups. China also have a huge fleet of submarines, frigates and destroyers. Chinese carrier groups will sooner or later emerge into the the theater. In addition China also possesses anti sat technology and is highly capable of electronic warfare. Theater level ballistic missile defense maybe good (theoretically) to prevent an attack in land or from above, but out in the open sea where it can be targeted by land-sea-air will significantly limit the effectiveness.

Anyone can so long its International waters. To put it into equal perspectives China's future carrier groups will also be roaming Latin American waters and perform drills. America won't be able to do anything about it so long they are not violating America's water.
Fine...So we will not breach China's territorial waters. That mean we can go anywhere else in Asia as we want. That mean your claim about the DF-21D's ALREADY deterrence factor is false.
I never mean to call people who had doubt about DF-21D "loser".
My post points out that those who still question the existence of J-10B/J-15 are losers.

J-10B/J-15 are similar to DF-21D in the sense that they are publicly confirmed by verified undisputed photos or by officially confirmation.

What those people still exist Wtf????
Fine...So we will not breach China's territorial waters. That mean we can go anywhere else in Asia as we want. That mean your claim about the DF-21D's ALREADY deterrence factor is false.

how many americans would actually to take you as a part of "we"?

you know what? Vietnamese immigration to the US dropped national IQ rates of both countrties.
how many americans would actually to take you as a part of "we"?

you know what? Vietnamese immigration to the US dropped national IQ rates of both countrties.
Ach...:lol:...Here we go again...:lol:...Just as expected, sooner or later, one of the Chinese racists simply cannot resist the urge, the one he is raised with: To see everyone and everything through a racist prism. Thank you very much for furthering cementing what we 'inferior' Asians always knew: That the Chinese are just as racist as the Yamato or the KKK.
Ach...:lol:...Here we go again...:lol:...Just as expected, sooner or later, one of the Chinese racists simply cannot resist the urge, the one he is raised with: To see everyone and everything through a racist prism. Thank you very much for furthering cementing what we 'inferior' Asians always knew: That the Chinese are just as racist as the Yamato or the KKK.

You can cry hard, but deep down in your heart, you know the fact: whites don't like viets.
You can cry hard, but deep down in your heart, you know the fact: whites don't like viets.
Am not crying. Am enjoying your racist posts as much as you are. You like making those insults. I get a kick out of prodding and exposing the lot of you for what you are: the Chinese version of Stormfront. Am here publicly as an American. What I do in private has no bearing on this forum. You cannot stand the fact that your Chinese society is more bigoted than what we have here in the US, therefore, you have no choice but to bring up my origin for your cheap insults.
Am not crying. Am enjoying your racist posts as much as you are. You like making those insults. I get a kick out of prodding and exposing the lot of you for what you are: the Chinese version of Stormfront. Am here publicly as an American. What I do in private has no bearing on this forum. You cannot stand the fact that your Chinese society is more bigoted than what we have here in the US, therefore, you have no choice but to bring up my origin for your cheap insults.

again, please stop using terms like "what we have here in the US", for two reasons:

1. you can only represent yourself here, you may be able to represent your kids and wife if they don't have any objection to that.
2. by saying "what we have here in the US", you are pretending to be Americans again. like already pointed out: you were born as vietnamese, you will die as a vietnamese, then be forgotten like a vietnamese.


please call me racist. thanks.
again, please stop using terms like "what we have here in the US", for two reasons:

1. you can only represent yourself here, you may be able to represent your kids and wife if they don't have any objection to that.
2. by saying "what we have here in the US", you are pretending to be Americans again. like already pointed out: you were born as vietnamese, you will die as a vietnamese, then be forgotten like a vietnamese.


please call me racist. thanks.
Yer welcome. Got no problems with that. So why is my origin matter in technical issues? And since you Chinese racists cannot think outside the racial box:

- Do you think that Chinese-Americans should place their racial ties, no matter how dubious, over citizenship?

- Same for any non-white in the US and Canada?

- Do you think that blacks should return to Africa?

We 'inferior' Asians would like to know the 'superior' Chinese positions on this.
- Do you think that Chinese-Americans should place their racial ties, no matter how dubious, over citizenship?

- Same for any non-white in the US and Canada?

- Do you think that blacks should return to Africa?

We 'inferior' Asians would like to know the 'superior' Chinese positions on this.

1. Chinese Americans contributed numerous wonderful stuff to the nation named USA. Their racial tie with China will be an important people-to-people link between these two biggest economies.

2. There are wonderful Koreans, Japanese, African Americans, they formed the a great nation called USA.

3. I don't call them black, never. I call them African Americans, they are great people, with great history and tradition. For so many times, their stories moved me to tears -- Carl Brashear, Doris Miller, Martin Luther King, Ali...the list of those great names goes on very very long. You dirty vietnamese should spent 500 years to learn from them and improve your social images.
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