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Developing Ties Between Pak, Russia, China, Iran & the CARS

An intersting thought. A number of the articles that have been put up here on this thread supportive of the Pak china russia china and cars project are by M.K.Bhadrakumar. His qualifications to comment on this proposal/project are excellant he has a web site and on it he gives breif resume of his career Diplomatic Perspective and states:

I was a career diplomat in the Indian Foreign Service. Devoted much of my 3-decade long career to the Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran desks in the Ministry of External Affairs and in assignments on the territory of the former Soviet Union. I'm Russian-speaking and had served twice in the Indian embassy in Moscow. Other diplomatic assignments abroad included as Ambassador to Turkey and Uzbekistan and Acting/Deputy High Commissioner in Islamabad, besides postings in the Indian Missions in Bonn, Colombo and Seoul. By the way, briefly held charge as Charge d’Affaires in the Indian embassies in Kuwait and Kabul. After leaving the diplomatic service, I took to writing and I contribute to The Asia Times, The Hindu and Deccan Herald. I live in New Delhi.

But not only his he in an excellant position to comment on this subject but I noticed that he has had work published by
Strategic Culture Foundation, Moscow-based think tank

When i see western and american think tanks they are often paid to justify western positions for example our last illustrious ambassador to america was paid by an american think tank to knock the PA.

Im wondering whether this supports the position that Russia is warm about this cars project lol
Well, you make a great point; Russia and India do go back a long way politically as allies.
Well, you make a great point; Russia and India do go back a long way politically as allies.

but ironic hes suggesting iran pakistan china russia and cars for the project, it would be good if india could be weaned away from america and american proposal. Maybe they will be in time.
but ironic hes suggesting iran pakistan china russia and cars for the project, it would be good if india could be weaned away from america and american proposal. Maybe they will be in time.

Just like Pakistan, perhaps India will likely find out soon that relying on USA can be a mistake, right?
Just like Pakistan, perhaps India will likely find out soon that relying on USA can be a mistake, right?

i think indian civilian political leaders are on the whole more prudent (or mature) i think is the right word than pakistanis and it will be intersting to see if they completly throw their lot in with america. Plus historically america has a habit of regarding non white allies as dispensable. I think it would be in indias and the neighbourhoods interest that india tries to resolve issues with china and pakistan and throw their lot in with the neighbourhood.
i think indian civilian political leaders are on the whole more prudent (or mature) i think is the right word than pakistanis and it will be intersting to see if they completly throw their lot in with america. Plus historically america has a habit of regarding non white allies as dispensable. I think it would be in indias and the neighbourhoods interest that india tries to resolve issues with china and pakistan and throw their lot in with the neighbourhood.

The "neighborhood" concept might just work, albeit with a little bit of confidence building between Pakistan and India for starters.
The "neighborhood" concept might just work, albeit with a little bit of confidence building between Pakistan and India for starters.

cheng another prediction kashmir will be resolved within 15 years on better terms for pakistan than the mushy deal. Back to topic its is the best all profits an benefits stay in the neighbourhood god knows all afghan pakistan and india need to feed their populations
cheng another prediction kashmir will be resolved within 15 years on better terms for pakistan than the mushy deal. Back to topic its is the best all profits an benefits stay in the neighbourhood god knows all afghan pakistan and india need to feed their populations

I agree with you that we have to feed our population first and India is working on that but what about Pakistan. You just have spoken about 'Resolving Kashmir'. Pakistan should come out of this thought of resolving Kashmir because only then there will be peace in the continent. Pakistan uses its economy to make it a secure state but not socially secure state. It is a known fact that Pakistan uses enough percentage of its GDP for 'Resolving Kashmir'. Our stand is Kashmir is already Resolved.
When Pakistan speaks about grouping it comes out to be more directed against India for the sake of Kashmir. Because Pakistan is not stepping back and what ever Pakistan earns be it weapons or economy, it is mostly used against Indians. I don't want to go in the past and discuss 48 65 71 and 1999 but but the picture is clear. There is a big trust deficit!
Just like Pakistan, perhaps India will likely find out soon that relying on USA can be a mistake, right?
Yes! they will face the same brutal attitude from US that we've been facing for long time.
Yes! they will face the same brutal attitude from US that we've been facing for long time.

Our relation and policies are different from Pakistan. We don't tie a very tight nod with them nor too loose. The economic condition of India makes her independent unlike Pakistan. It is only business relations.
cheng another prediction kashmir will be resolved within 15 years on better terms for pakistan than the mushy deal. Back to topic its is the best all profits an benefits stay in the neighbourhood god knows all afghan pakistan and india need to feed their populations

Excellent prediction on Kashmir. Will that be before or after the dollar collapses? :D

Yes! they will face the same brutal attitude from US that we've been facing for long time.

There is no attitude, brutal or otherwise, but only the relentless pursuit of national interest by the US.
Just like Pakistan, perhaps India will likely find out soon that relying on USA can be a mistake, right?

Relying on anybody blindly is a mistake.. Whether its USA or China, a one way street never stays open for too long. Thats the mistake Pakistan made with USA and is making with China now.. As long as Pakistan stays content with being a means to an end for a bigger power, such heartbreaks are destined to happen again and again.

And there lies the difference in the relationship that India has with USA.
Relying on anybody blindly is a mistake.. Whether its USA or China, a one way street never stays open for too long. Thats the mistake Pakistan made with USA and is making with China now.. As long as Pakistan stays content with being a means to an end for a bigger power, such heartbreaks are destined to happen again and again.

And there lies the difference in the relationship that India has with USA.

One can only wish and hope that someday Pakistan will become aware of this fact of international geopolitics as you describe.
One can only wish and hope that someday Pakistan will become aware of this fact of international geopolitics as you describe.

It is tempting and easay to go off thread and you cheng dont need assistance fo that. lets gt back to topic guys.

It would be in the neighbourhoods and indias interest for India to join russia, china pakistan cars in these pipelines
It would be in the neighbourhoods and indias interest for India to join russia, china pakistan cars in these pipelines

Yes, I agree. Da 'Hood be important as you say. :D
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