We can wait. A hundred years, half a millenia is a blink of an eye on the life of an ancient civilization such as Japan. We can wait.
How did a civilization need so large amount of cultures copied from others?
Most words of your language system were imported from ours. Most cultural characteristics of your own can be seen the shadow of our culture. Many current your customs still in use about eating, clothing, housing, weaponing, etc almost were what our ancestors had used and then disused. And many things we just saw as '术' or '艺' were highly dogmaticly worshiped as '道' by you Japanese. As you know, we Chinese have ever no the tradition of heathenism. Even the names of your emperors can be found the words from our ancient book 《礼记》.
I also found on the forum that you like to use the word 'refine' to introduce your culture imported from China. What a real Japanese.
By the situation of your economy, whether Japan can go through next 20 years, and after that what will happen.
As for Mongolia, lol. Ever had they tried to invade Japan, yet every time they were completely annihilated by the Divinr Wind and saw a merciful death by the blade of the NIHONTO.
How big the battles on the sea shore were
When Mongolia invaded Japan, they hadn't conquered the South China, which had the most advanced ship building technology of the world in that time. Their big war-ships were built by low-level Korean craftsmen, which had poor quality and almost can not sustain the strong winds and waves, and their soldiers were Koreans, Mongolians and Northern Hans, which all were forced to war and unaccustomed to water. Most their ships sank before reaching Japan, only several reached your shoreside. What you killed were only those whose ships hadn't sunk and who fatigued to death.
In modern times the natural barrier of sea has disappeared forever.
What you called as wars in your territory in ancient times were just in the level of gang feuds between gens of villages in our country. The wars we have experienced in the vast territory in ancient times were far more huge, cruel, fatal and bloody than all yours, also far more cunning, technical, complex, marvellous and spectacular, we have fought thousands of years.
China has to learn to live and accept Japan's position since we are geographically close to each other. Perhaps in two centuries or so , fraternalism between the states might manifest.
That is just based on that China was weak. This situation has been changing rapidly. Just like all the first one hundred years of the dynasties in our history, we are rising.
Then again what is a century or two ? Japan is over 6000 years old.
The tribal Era doesn't count, how long remains.
What can be called a civilization. For us we needn't boast.
When united your all islands.
How long as a single unified nation, how long as a main power of world, etc. one or two hundred years? How long the Mongolia Empire, British Empire, USSR, etc lasted. How long since your Meiji Restoration, your time has gone.
The my favorite creed, spreading thousands of years in history, "胡虏无百年运".
Change is law of life, never believe in the fallacy,
The end of history.
@Martian2 @TaiShang @AndrewJin @FairAndUnbiased @xunzi,
@Economic superpower,
@TheTheoryOfMilitaryLogistics ,
@cirr , etc all add more contents and details. And the good guy
@opruh who always told the bloody fact.