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Defense Official: Qaher 313 Home-Made Fighter Jet to Protect Persian Gulf

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there is no news on this yet fighter he had declared that he flew 1,000 hours, what will have weapons? Are radar? stealth? and there a secret cooperation between China and Iran? derived from the FC-31 ??

in any case iran needs true aerial superiority fighter and Qaher f-313 is not powerful enough for this role

iran needs su-30/35 rempalcer for the F-14 and to cover the whole country and defend themselves against the American and Israeli fighter.

iran would not buy hunter? or it is the embargo that prevents it ???

If you ask me if emnbargo and lift iran should command su-100 35 150 200 mig-35 or FC-31 and 40 bomabrdier su-34
10 battalions of S-300 and 10 battalions of S-400, and I can assured you that you will attack iran person.

I am not against a local programe but we need high-tech weapon and can not .our best hunter made remains the F-14 and it was more for a very long time therefore can be better replacing only the su- 30/35

At this point everything about that fighter is guess work.

Read these two threads:

Aviationintel's analysis on F-313 (Ghaher)

Chances of Iran Getting T-50
At this point everything about that fighter is guess work.

Read these two threads:

Aviationintel's analysis on F-313 (Ghaher)

Chances of Iran Getting T-50
At this point everything about that fighter is guess work.

Read these two threads:

Aviationintel's analysis on F-313 (Ghaher)

Chances of Iran Getting T-50
the Qaher and a kind of f-5 furtive..si it existeraun day course, I know if iran a chance to have the t-50 but it will be that India and Russia have their order what will be in around 2025 ... and we can not wait must be faster than iran renouvle its fighter fleet and for me iran should commissioned su-30/35 pending.
I doubt that Iran will have the t-50 with emabrgo must first try lifted the embargo ordered hunter, like for Sat system (s-300/400) must be a great defense against israel and the american
and you were on this aircraft is ?? and one in 2015 and still no news, I hope that the embargo will soon lift I think that Iran should buy 100 Su-35 (or su-30) and 200 FC-31 (or mig-35) .d within 5 or 10 years our aerial fleet will be grounded, it must quickly renewed our aviation

Supreme Leader Stresses End of Dependence on Oil Revenues

Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks in Tehran on Wednesday, addressing a large number of Iranians from the Central city of Qom.

"The country's officials and government shouldn’t pin hope on the aliens and they should know that even one step of retreat will lead to the enemy's advance; therefore, we should have fundamental thoughts, rely on the nation and internal forces, and act in a way that even if the enemy doesn’t lift the sanctions, people's progress, flourishing and welfare won't be hurt," he underscored.

"You should take the weapon of sanctions from the enemy because if you pin hope on the enemy, the sanctions will remain, as today the Americans say flagrantly that even if Iran withdraws in the nuclear issue, the sanctions will not be lifted all together and at once," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

"I am not opposed to negotiations, but I believe that we should pin hope on really promising points and not imaginations," he added.

Ayatollah Khamenei predicted a completely bright future for the country, and said Iranian officials are making strong efforts for the country's advancement and all people should help the government.

In relevant remarks early March, Ayatollah Khamenei in a meeting with economic activists, elites and state officials in Tehran explained the root cause of Iran's turn to the Resistance Economy as well as the specifications, features and components of such an economic model.

Ayatollah Khamenei elaborated on the reasons and incentives for the adoption of the economy of resistance, and said, “Abundant material and non-material capacities of the country, treatment of chronic and lasting economic problems, confrontation against sanctions and immunizing the country’s economy against global economic crises” are the reasons why such a model should be practiced in Iran.

He further noted that the components of the resistance economy are "creating movement and dynamicity in the country’s economy and improving macroeconomic indicators", "ability to resist against threatening factors", "reliance on internal capacities", adoption of a "Jihadi approach", "people-centeredness", "reforming consumption patterns", "campaign against corruption" and adoption of "knowledge-based approach".

Ayatollah Khamenei referred to the sanctions imposed by the western powers against Iran due to its peaceful nuclear program, and said the country should strengthen its economy in a way that no boycott and embargo could ever leave a negative impact on it so easily.


I can not give you a better answer than the above.
No, I was not in the aircraft but I do believe in it and its technologies based on concrete knowledge in unified Engineering, which is one of my main backgrounds. And based mostly on other existing and well tested technologies by the US itself.
Designing a combat aircraft from scratch takes some time for everything to be tested and mature, and that sometime is counted in years rather than days or months!!!
I'm thus pretty sure that something will come out of the Qaher-313 project...In time.
@The SC : Ayatollah what our true and you must leave the country by the dependence .... nothing against purchased and error ... if we want air raid conducted eficace or cover our teritoire would require Russian fighter such as su-30, which has a range of over 3000km its well cover the country and give a great capacity to defending the teritoire ...

conernant the Qaher-313 (if there really) I think that Iran will have like China ... that is to say controlling engine russia or china and develop the hunter home, china team these Russian fighter engine until the engine develop'm pretty, iran should do the same.

I know that its takes time to build a fighter but Qaher who was presented with a model and there is not even a test on the hunter, why there is no news of him?
@The SC : Ayatollah what our true and you must leave the country by the dependence .... nothing against purchased and error ... if we want air raid conducted eficace or cover our teritoire would require Russian fighter such as su-30, which has a range of over 3000km its well cover the country and give a great capacity to defending the teritoire ...

conernant the Qaher-313 (if there really) I think that Iran will have like China ... that is to say controlling engine russia or china and develop the hunter home, china team these Russian fighter engine until the engine develop'm pretty, iran should do the same.

I know that its takes time to build a fighter but Qaher who was presented with a model and there is not even a test on the hunter, why there is no news of him?

The Qaher-313 was what they call in aviation a "proof of concept", they have made different models of the plane at different scales and flew them successfully, now it has entered another phase of testing of different components and putting them together in a way that will make it as they have described it, and this process takes time. Even the Fateh submarine that is produced is still going through different tests before induction. That is how it works in normal circumstances, for Iran it is a bit more difficult with the sanctions circumstances.
As for the SU-35, it is a good Idea , but remember the S-300 which was not sanctioned , became sanctioned just in time of delivery !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So in brief Iran is not counting on that for the moment. Mass producing the Saeqa and having many squadrons in each area of the country will have the same effect as the SU-35s let's say in a central hub. It is a matter of pragmatism and using what one has a hand at the moment and making it as efficient as possible.
While hope is good, it is just hope, until it becomes reality. And for Iran that is when all the sanctions will be lifted.
The Qaher-313 was what they call in aviation a "proof of concept", they have made different models of the plane at different scales and flew them successfully, now it has entered another phase of testing of different components and putting them together in a way that will make it as they have described it, and this process takes time. Even the Fateh submarine that is produced is still going through different tests before induction. That is how it works in normal circumstances, for Iran it is a bit more difficult with the sanctions circumstances.
As for the SU-35, it is a good Idea , but remember the S-300 which was not sanctioned , became sanctioned just in time of delivery !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So in brief Iran is not counting on that for the moment. Mass producing the Saeqa and having many squadrons in each area of the country will have the same effect as the SU-35s let's say in a central hub. It is a matter of pragmatism and using what one has a hand at the moment and making it as efficient as possible.
While hope is good, it is just hope, until it becomes reality. And for Iran that is when all the sanctions will be lifted.
yes but when you said that he stole Qaher nobody saw stolen ... except the small model :( I really hoped that this is a project for iran needs real project, real fighters .

on fateh submarine tonnage are what?

they say Quelmes Jamaran are destroyer is serious? there are the 1400T can not be the destroyer ...

even if the HESA Saeqeh will be built a lot he can not protect the country as a su-35, try to equip our aircraft AESA radar and long range missile, and it will have gone about things deriere Iranian radar.

which engine uses the HESA Saeqeh?
lool why this soheil head :) I'll just look I want a renseingment you can help me? :)

in europe he laughs a little Qaher 313 and without proof there is reason to be mocked, and as I have no argument I can not hold their head,

and they told me that thou and current with respect to this project you could confirler me that this is a serious and not just a model project? :)
lool why this soheil head :) I'll just look I want a renseingment you can help me? :)

in europe he laughs a little Qaher 313 and without proof there is reason to be mocked, and as I have no argument I can not hold their head,

and they told me that thou and current with respect to this project you could confirler me that this is a serious and not just a model project? :)

Doubt me ? :)
Yes my brother I'm honest I doubt :) can you tell me more please? :)

F-313 project started about 10 years ago !

made in 2 different sizes ... small one ... & the big one !!!

The big one is the main stuff ...

It's ready & passing final tests ...

It will be able to fire upgraded phoenix & fakour-90 missiles !

The engine looks like the russian AL-31 if i'm not mistaken ! :unsure:

I like the nozzle ... ;)

Full glass cockpit but not like F-35 !

There are some differences in wings & air intakes ...

& the size ... almost like F-35 !

It's not as advanced as F-35 ... but will be able to kick all the asses around :coffee:
F-313 project started about 10 years ago !

made in 2 different sizes ... small one ... & the big one !!!

The big one is the main stuff ...

It's ready & passing final tests ...

It will be able to fire upgraded phoenix & fakour-90 missiles !

The engine looks like the russian AL-31 if i'm not mistaken ! :unsure:

I like the nozzle ... ;)

Full glass cockpit but not like F-35 !

There are some differences in wings & air intakes ...

& the size ... almost like F-35 !

It's not as advanced as F-35 ... but will be able to kick all the asses around :coffee:
wow I'm very impressed, but nobody spoke of a large and a small fighter, the great aerial superiority should be a fighter?

the copy of the AIM-54 phenix ??? wahouuuu

if he and final phase, it will show to the press when?
wow I'm very impressed, but nobody spoke of a large and a small fighter, the great aerial superiority should be a fighter?

the copy of the AIM-54 phenix ??? wahouuuu

if he and final phase, it will show to the press when?

No idea ... depends on political climate ! :(
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