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Defense Official: Qaher 313 Home-Made Fighter Jet to Protect Persian Gulf

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May I ask a question? What is your education level?
No offense, but You are unbelievably dumb.

I'm not anywhere as wise and literate as you are. Please just ignore my dumb comments. They are intended for people like myself.
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So what?! These listings are as subjective as their author :

Israel is not even within this list:
The 10 Countries that Spend the Most in Space Exploration - TheRichest

And Israel is behind Iran in this list:
So what?! These listings are as subjective as their author :

Israel is not even within this list:
The 10 Countries that Spend the Most in Space Exploration - TheRichest

And Israel is behind Iran in this list:
Top 10 Countries with Space Presence - TheRichest

This is a joke:

This is the photo they chose for Israel? :rofl:
The ranking of this site comparing ISA Israel Space Agency, which is civil coordinator working under ministry of science and technology.
this is Israeli aerospace technology:






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Israel is more advanced in satellites ... no doubt in that !

But we will show our superiority in other fields in next 5 years ...

That might be, what fields you think Iran will be superior over Israel?

Agreed! The point that I was trying to make is these listing are all subjective you just need to search for what you want to find and you most probably will find it. Actually, I was surprised to see Iran within the first ten in the lists that I posted. But, in your listing, USA is in the 5th place behind Chile and Russia is almost at the end of the list! Maybe Russian don't publish their papers in English? Anyway it doesn't make any more sense than my post.

The number of papers published in space science category or their contribution is not a good indicator for technical advancement as many of them may be related to Astrology and etc. As we know USA and Russia are the top two when it comes to space technology. Papers in advanced composite materials, propulsion and etc. are probably a better indicator. However, as Soheil mentioned above, nobody is claiming that Iran is more advanced than Israel when it comes to satellites.

By the way the last two pictures in your post have nothing to do with space program. I think the next to last is Jericho ballistic missile (I may be mistaken) and the last one is the Iron Dome missile firing.
You don't even deserve a logical answer ... sit down !
What I deserve is irrelevant when you neither have an answer nor any logic to begin with. Your akhoond grade bs doesn't have any customers outside the akhoond kingdom.
I hope this is not a repost.
The Aviationist » Iran tries to debunk criticism: “Here are F-313 stealth fighter jet’s top 10 features”

The top 10 technical characteristics of the F-313 fighter jet and some of the related data on its features and appearance:

1- Using Two inlets and inlet ducts make up the air induction system to deliver air to the engine. Due to an indirect angle of the engine to the air inlets, the radar reflectivity is reduced, and it makes angled design of inlet ducts to the surface to get radar energy wave, just like in F35.

2- The hot exhaust gas mixes with cold air through the inlet ducts, and gets cooler before it gets out of the exhaust system, to reduce heat effects on the surface of the aircraft.

3- Use of radar-absorbent materials in the body, to absorb wave energy and reduce radar reflection, for greater stealth effect of Qaher F-313 fighter.

4- Considering the estimated length and height of the aircraft is less than 16 and 4 meter, the two compartments with payload capacity of carrying two 2000 pound bombs, or greater number of smaller smart guided missiles, or at least 6 air-to-air missiles in the category of R-17 or PL-12.

5- Relatively large vertical tail surface has created favorable directional stability and with canted vertical tails create aerodynamic benefits as well specific appropriate lateral maneuvering capabilities.

6- The very large canopy gives a 360 degree visibility, which is essential for low altitude fly-by flights, especially helps ground mission attacks, and it is also very useful in close dog-fights.

7- The angled wings is perfect example of indigenous design for aircrafts, which gives a side profile like M, and similar to a W profile, is the best form to use in aircrafts.

8- Single-cycle landing gear is another proof that F-313 is a light weight aircraft, with minimum flying weight of 12 to 14 ton, and maximum flying weight of 20 ton.

9- There are 8 analog displays in the cockpit, which shows Multi-Function Display (MFD) technology has more room to improve in F-313, Qaher fighter jet.

10- Considering F-313 normal steering lever, the control systems, with the wing movable surfaces, rudder, and vertical stabilizer are hydraulics, and not fly-by-wire (FBW) system, since many today’s aircraft use “side-steering lever” control.

The advance computer designing software (CATIA) were used for designing F-313, and aerodynamic analysis methods such as computational fluid dynamics (CFD) also were used, with the help of numerical grid generation software (GAMBIT), flow analysis software (FLUENT) and other design computation software, which shows a complete scientific work in various areas of indigenous scientific and technology was used for F-313.
and you were on this aircraft is ?? and one in 2015 and still no news, I hope that the embargo will soon lift I think that Iran should buy 100 Su-35 (or su-30) and 200 FC-31 (or mig-35) .d within 5 or 10 years our aerial fleet will be grounded, it must quickly renewed our aviation
and you were on this aircraft is ?? and one in 2015 and still no news, I hope that the embargo will soon lift I think that Iran should buy 100 Su-35 (or su-30) and 200 FC-31 (or mig-35) .d within 5 or 10 years our aerial fleet will be grounded, it must quickly renewed our aviation
It is under development as the authorities have mentioned. That's all we know.
It is under development as the authorities have mentioned. That's all we know.
there is no news on this yet fighter he had declared that he flew 1,000 hours, what will have weapons? Are radar? stealth? and there a secret cooperation between China and Iran? derived from the FC-31 ??

in any case iran needs true aerial superiority fighter and Qaher f-313 is not powerful enough for this role

iran needs su-30/35 rempalcer for the F-14 and to cover the whole country and defend themselves against the American and Israeli fighter.

iran would not buy hunter? or it is the embargo that prevents it ???

If you ask me if emnbargo and lift iran should command su-100 35 150 200 mig-35 or FC-31 and 40 bomabrdier su-34
10 battalions of S-300 and 10 battalions of S-400, and I can assured you that you will attack iran person.

I am not against a local programe but we need high-tech weapon and can not .our best hunter made remains the F-14 and it was more for a very long time therefore can be better replacing only the su- 30/35
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