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Defense Official: Qaher 313 Home-Made Fighter Jet to Protect Persian Gulf

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"Iranian engineers"

Iranians aren't any better or worse than any other group of people. Great work only happens when a certain number of events come to fruition. Without shocking amounts of money, a good amount of foreign expertise, solid research and development, a great track record, extremely efficient and modern private sector, fantastic civilian infrastructure etc... such a thing as a 5th gen fighter jet can't even be a dream.

Mullahs don't have the money, they don't have any help, they haven't built dick in all the years they've been in power (so they don't have anything worth of value to use as a stepping stone), they don't have engines, there isn't a private sector in Iran (let alone one that is efficient and modern!), civilian infrastructure and education on a national level is barely average for a developing country...

What on earth compels you to waste your time on such bull shit fallacies? Soheil and Haman are religious zealots with vested interests. What's your vested interest that you're willing to put aside logic and reason? Tell me why you think a country like Iran can build a 5th generation fighter jet without any money, without an engine, without any previous relevant projects, without any foreign help, without a private sector, without ANYTHING that's required! I'm dying to know. Unless you're yet another sky god believer that has "faith" and not much else.

Edit: you mentioned money in your post. Provided they have money you say. Provided New Guinna has the money, they can build amazing things too. Where are your mullahs gonna get 100+ billion dollars in your opinion? The whole military budget is 1/6th of that.

That's where we are divided. Yes I think Iranian engineers are more motivated and better than those of many other nations. Because of especial emphasis that our culture puts on education.

However, what I or you think is off topic. This is not a sociopolitical forum. So if you have any technical reasoning without insulting any one or group that proves this design may not fly when built, I'm the first who'd like to know.
That's where we are divided. Yes I think Iranian engineers are more motivated and better than those of many other nations. Because of especial emphasis that our culture puts on education.

However, what I or you think is off topic. This is not a sociopolitical forum. So if you have any technical reasoning without insulting any one or group that proves this design may not fly when built, I'm the first who'd like to know.
Haters gonna hate.
And still, most of them couldn't come up with something like the Qaher-313!
I do not believe in those statistics at all, since from my own experience, most of those papers are mere scientific speculations at best until proven if ever...

Qaher-313 is more concrete than any speculative theory or design, at the least level it is a proof of concept, but I do think it is more than that in reality.
That's where we are divided. Yes I think Iranian engineers are more motivated and better than those of many other nations. Because of especial emphasis that our culture puts on education.

However, what I or you think is off topic. This is not a sociopolitical forum. So if you have any technical reasoning without insulting any one or group that proves this design may not fly when built, I'm the first who'd like to know.
Emphasis on education? Iran's literacy is way below average compared to developing countries and barely average in the Middle East itself. Go check the figures and don't make yourself look ignorant. There are lots of developing countries with near universal literacy. Iran isn't even close. Quality of education is also WAY lower than it's in the West. My brother has access to a 3D printer and every advanced equipment you can imagine and he's a 3rd year undergrad student. A Western trained engineer in 2014 is much more relevant than an Iranian trained engineer who doesn't have access to modern equipment and tools and the education itself is outdated by a couple of decades at best. Knowing how to do a physics problem better or being more book smart doesn't equal quality. Iranian educated people will destroy Western educated guys when it comes to doing a math question. That's b/c in Iran education means memorizing numbers and formulas!! In the West they specifically want you to use programmable calculators so you won't have to even memorize a simple operation. That stuff doesn't make you a better engineer, it makes you a better math/physics student. Woopdedoo.

I gave you technical reasons in my previous post. Don't be a pu$$y and tackle my points. Not having money is a technical reason. Now let's see what sort of bs you can cook up this time.

Tell me why you think a country like Iran can build a 5th generation fighter jet without any money, without an engine, without any previous relevant projects, without any foreign help, without a private sector, without ANYTHING that's required! I'm dying to know. Unless you're yet another sky god believer that has "faith" and not much else.

Edit: you mentioned money in your post. Provided they have money you say. Provided New Guinna has the money, they can build amazing things too. Where are your mullahs gonna get 100+ billion dollars in your opinion? The whole military budget is 1/6th of that.
All they made is license trainer and couple prototypes.

Nonsense. Kfir was built after France declared embargo.

Again nonsense. No one said that Saeqah could not fly.

Iran used North Korean Rodong (enlarged Scud) to launch 20 kg dummies which fell after one month.


Israel is using indegenous launchers to put 300 kg advanced satellites.

just wait there's not much left only few months then we will settle this with you .

I am believer of Netandong . I believe what him because he got Mossad report to him and see there reports + He see satellite imagery of Iran every day + he got listen post and listen to every transmission in my country + ++++++

Hear it from him self
watch it from 2: 30

US accepts Shahab-3s in Iran’s missile arsenal, but not long-range ICBMs. Deep resentment in Jerusalem

DEBKAfile Special Report May 18, 2014, 9:16 AM (IDT)
Two high-ranking US visitors to Israel, National Security Adviser Susan Rice and Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, publicly assured Israel this month that the Obama administration “would do what it must” to prevent Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon. Yet at the same time, the same administration informed Tehran that the demand to restrict Iran’s missile arsenal did not apply to the Shahab-3 ballistic missile, whose range of 2,100km covers any point in the Middle East, including Israel. This missile carries warheads weighing 760 kg, to 1.1 tons, which may also be nuclear.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon challenged both Rice and Hagel on this omission. It came to light from Washington’s demand, in its direct dialogue with Tehran outside the framework of the six-power talks in Vienna, to place restrictions on Iran’s arsenal of ICBMs whose 4,000 km range places Europe and the United States at ris

The Obama administration said it was not demanding restrictions on the medium-range missiles capable “only” of striking Israel, Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf. But the comprehensive nuclear accord when it is finally negotiated must apply restrictions on the Sajjil1, Safir, Simorg (satellite launcher), Ashura1 and Ashura2 (other versions of the Sajjil class).
But this US “concession” did not placate Tehran. Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei burst out on May 11: “They expect us to limit our missile program while they constantly threaten Iran with military action. So this is a stupid idiotic expectation.” He thereupon ordered missile plants to shift to mass production.
Hagel was not just queried in Israel on this point, but also by Saudi Arabia and the Persian Persian Persian Persian Persian Persian Persian Gulf Cooperation Council (An incomplete reference was completed) when he attended their defense ministers’ meeting in Jeddah Wednesday, May 14. Saudi Crown Prince Salman was in the chair.

When Hagel assured those present that their countries had nothing to fear from the rapprochement between Washington and Tehran, he was asked to fully explain President Obama’s policy on Iran’s missile arsenal. He replied that the plan was to establish a common anti-missile defense network for the region.

In Jerusalem, the defense secretary assured Netanyahu and Ya’alon that the close US-Israeli collaboration in maintaining one of the most sophisticated anti-missile shields in the world was sufficient security against Iranian Shahab-3 ballistic missiles.

A joint US-Israeli exercise against missile attack, Cobra Juniper, which takes place every two years, began Sunday, May 18, with the participation of 1,000 US servicemen.
However, neither Jerusalem nor the Gulf leaders accepted Washington’s explanations. Their disquiet was further exacerbated by the failure of latest round of nuclear negotiations with the six powers, which took place in Vienna Thursday, May 15, to bridge gaps between the sides and so prevented a start on the drafting of a final accord.

These widening gaps reflect the growing controversy over nuclear diplomacy in Tehran.

Saturday night, May 17, President Hassan Rouhani speaking to associates at a private meeting voiced his frustration with Khamenei: “That person thinks he knows everything and lays down policy without considering all the facts,” he complained.

Rouhani understands that tactical compromises will not bring about substantial relief from economic sanctions that at preying on his country. He is urging substantial concessions of Iran’s nuclear aspirations, enough to convince the world that his country is not after a nuclear weapon.

Khamenei and the Revolutionary Guards have rejected this approach. They are not open to real concessions either on their nuclear program or missile arsenal. This intransigence shows no sign of softening under the Obama administration’s willingness for compromise at the expense of Iran’s potential targets

DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

Netandog is barking and he does not have any teeth and he know he can not do anything and his bluff does not scare anybody .
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I don't understand why Iran just doesn't buy jets from Russia and call it a day.
I don't understand why Iran just doesn't buy jets from Russia and call it a day.
as you said you do understand . that is why you wrote such nonsense .

Iran is under international sanction . the united nation and united nation security council sanction .
so you see we can not buy anything from out side .

Iran is number one country sanction in whole world . in history of world NO country ever face such sanction ever .

Iran sanction are united nation and united nation security council sanction + european sanctions and international banking sanctioned + IMF sanctioned + world bank sanction +and very very very very important ones Swift banking sanction + oil sanction + gas sanction + U.S sanction .
as you said you do understand . that is why you wrote such nonsense .

Iran is under international sanction . the united nation and united nation security council sanction .
so you see we can not buy anything from out side .

Iran is number one country sanction in whole world . in history of world NO country ever face such sanction ever .

Iran sanction are united nation and united nation security council sanction + european sanctions and international banking sanctioned + IMF sanctioned + world bank sanction +and very very very very important ones Swift banking sanction + oil sanction + gas sanction + U.S sanction .

"Iran considers the S-300 contract to be still active because the sanctions that were introduced under UN Security Council Resolution 1929 do not cover the S-300 contract," Interfax quoted Iran's ambassador to Russia as saying in July.

"Representatives of our defence ministry have repeatedly held talks with their partners in Russia. I think they have good mutual understanding. I hope that we will receive an S-300 or a more modern system."

Just one example of Russia-Iran defense cooperation amidst global sanctions.
since it does not have to be expensive for its main purpose of total radio silence, no radar, flight at extreme low altitudes with terrain hugging and sudden surge vertically (guided by radar operators) towards enemy warplanes, firing its missiles at them and leaving the scene as quickly as possible. This was the same technique used by the Iraqi Mig 21s and Mirage1s to beat the mighty F-14!!!
Do you realize that for this type of operation you need very fast jet with high T/W ratio and high agility? While this thing (I cant call this thing a plane) is total OPPOSITE: thick subsonic wings, one weak engine, top suffocating intakes.

Trying to catch up enemy planes which fly high at extremely low altitude is another of your unbelievable stupidities.
And still, most of them couldn't come up with something like the Qaher-313!
I do not believe in those statistics at all, since from my own experience, most of those papers are mere scientific speculations at best until proven if ever...

Qaher-313 is more concrete than any speculative theory or design, at the least level it is a proof of concept, but I do think it is more than that in reality.

Qaher is a cardboard cutout, proof of concept? What concept? That Iran can make ludicrous models?
Do you realize that for this type of operation you need very fast jet with high T/W ratio and high agility? While this thing (I cant call this thing a plane) is total OPPOSITE: thick subsonic wings, one weak engine, top suffocating intakes.

Trying to catch up enemy planes which fly high at extremely low altitude is another of your unbelievable stupidities.
I can't blame your stupidity on anything else than on your ignorance and trying to switch facts to be right all the time, that is a sign of a very bad psyche. Anyone who reads my post can tell you how stupid you are to switch facts.

Qaher is a cardboard cutout, proof of concept? What concept? That Iran can make ludicrous models?
That is not what was shown in the official inauguration ceremony, it was more like real... maybe too real for some conditioned biased skeptical minds.
Emphasis on education? Iran's literacy is way below average compared to developing countries and barely average in the Middle East itself. Go check the figures and don't make yourself look ignorant. There are lots of developing countries with near universal literacy. Iran isn't even close. Quality of education is also WAY lower than it's in the West. My brother has access to a 3D printer and every advanced equipment you can imagine and he's a 3rd year undergrad student. A Western trained engineer in 2014 is much more relevant than an Iranian trained engineer who doesn't have access to modern equipment and tools and the education itself is outdated by a couple of decades at best. Knowing how to do a physics problem better or being more book smart doesn't equal quality. Iranian educated people will destroy Western educated guys when it comes to doing a math question. That's b/c in Iran education means memorizing numbers and formulas!! In the West they specifically want you to use programmable calculators so you won't have to even memorize a simple operation. That stuff doesn't make you a better engineer, it makes you a better math/physics student. Woopdedoo.

I gave you technical reasons in my previous post. Don't be a pu$$y and tackle my points. Not having money is a technical reason. Now let's see what sort of bs you can cook up this time.

You seem to be enjoying my BS, otherwise why would you continue this nonsense?

You are so determined in your state of mind that you are questioning well established facts. Highest growth in scientific article publications in the world is a fact. The extraordinary achievements of Iranian students in world competitions and robotic football and etc is a fact. That Iranian are considered among the best and brightest immigrants to both US and Canada is a fact. But I don't need any of the above to approve my claims. I have seen what I have achieved within 4 years here while all my education was done in Iran. If you have not seen the same thing then maybe you are not even living in Canada.

You probably are not an engineer either. Since when lack of funds has become a technical issue? There are millions of projects in Pentagon's archive that never got anywhere because they were not funded. It doesn't mean that US engineers lacked the technical capacity to make them work.

Again I need to remind you that you are off topic. We are arguing the design of this fighter not Iran defense budget. You just keep jinking around from one thong to another. Stay on the point. If you have anything to say about the design, spit it out.
You seem to be enjoying my BS, otherwise why would you continue this nonsense?

You are so determined in your state of mind that you are questioning well established facts. Highest growth in scientific article publications in the world is a fact. The extraordinary achievements of Iranian students in world competitions and robotic football and etc is a fact. That Iranian are considered among the best and brightest immigrants to both US and Canada is a fact. But I don't need any of the above to approve my claims. I have seen what I have achieved within 4 years here while all my education was done in Iran. If you have not seen the same thing then maybe you are not even living in Canada.

You probably are not an engineer either. Since when lack of funds has become a technical issue? There are millions of projects in Pentagon's archive that never got anywhere because they were not funded. It doesn't mean that US engineers lacked the technical capacity to make them work.

Again I need to remind you that you are off topic. We are arguing the design of this fighter not Iran defense budget. You just keep jinking around from one thong to another. Stay on the point. If you have anything to say about the design, spit it out.

May I ask a question? What is your education level?
No offense, but You are unbelievably dumb.
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