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Defeated and humiliated IAF Chief ACM BS takes a jibe at PAF Chief

Very cheap jibe! :tsk:

Lets see this fatty fly anything :D
This joker once claimed that IAF pilots were suffering crashes as they spent too much time on social media.

"Everybody appears to be spending long hours on social media, late nights. Most flight briefings, sometimes, are as early as 6 am and pilots haven't had enough sleep," he said.
A pilot cannot shoot civilians, and when they closed for mob lunching him, he threw away the pistol. This is how a professional soldier does his duty.
I don’t think we ever said that Pakistani soldiers were cowards during their tenure as POWs in India. So stop being a keyboard judge.
I must admire that Abhi was treated well during his stay in Pakistan, this shows that you can’t do anything contrary to protocol in this Information Age.

I am not no keyboard judge far from it I just state the facts whether or not you like it or not , he is a coward and no flying jock from anywhere this why your airforce fired him on the spot after we sent him back home to india. Admitting to defeat is the professional manner rather then covering up facts and stating lies to boost your own moral. Now stop playing a behind the screen hero for your pathetic airforce and country.
Been there done that (7.5 sustained during FCF). It is tough.....very underrated feeling....

My apologies for the comments but my old man is 60+ but still flying fast jets (AVM Irfan K, ACM Mujahid were juniors at No.14 on Vipers), hence the weird comparisons.

Diverging from the point or I was misunderstood.

Easy on the weight there boss. A bunch on our side are belly fighters too, yet giving credit to them they pass their flight physical to fly at least.

who are talking to, you or your dad? You have sustained a 7.5G in FCF?
Mr. BS is just angry, his tender feelings are hurt.

PA needs to offer him PA Tea.

But for that his has to crash in Pak.
If had been a true warrior he would have had the good sense to throw himself on his own sword and does an honourable death

It doesn't fit for a man like his position . what a cheap quip by one of world largest air force chief . He should be kicked out for this silly behavior in front of media .

As for his comment what he thought ''a leading from front'' means a Air chief will fly the aircraft from front sit ? He was leading the aircraft flypast from the front aircraft . nobody expect anyone who is not regularly flying a fighter aircraft will suddenly start flying the fighter at 50+ age.
I am not no keyboard judge far from it I just state the facts whether or not you like it or not , he is a coward and no flying jock from anywhere this why your airforce fired him on the spot after we sent him back home to india. Admitting to defeat is the professional manner rather then covering up facts and stating lies to boost your own moral. Now stop playing a behind the screen hero for your pathetic airforce and country.
You can scream pathetic all you want but still we will trump you in almost everything that really matters.

Cowards are the ones who lay down their arms and not the ones that go down fighting.

I know where your anger and frustration is coming from, try to control it for your own good.
I am not no keyboard judge far from it I just state the facts whether or not you like it or not , he is a coward and no flying jock from anywhere this why your airforce fired him on the spot after we sent him back home to india. Admitting to defeat is the professional manner rather then covering up facts and stating lies to boost your own moral. Now stop playing a behind the screen hero for your pathetic airforce and country.
I disagree TG - there is nothing to suggest Abhi was/is a coward. He performed his duties as was expected, and was shot down while pursuing PAF jets. He conducted himself with civility while captive, and was respectful and full of praise for his captors.

Give praise where praise is due.
if he and AIR CHEIF MARSHAL MUJAHID ANWAR do a 1 v 1 with their best jets . the battle would be over before it even started as his round stomach would get stuck in the cockpit . MUJAHID ANWAR commanded a fighter squadron, a flying wing and two operational air bases . That is india's weakness .they underestimate their enemies
And what bravery is that, he is a coward that got shot down and got arrested... some jock pilot / hero lolz.
Dude, call him a bad pilot if you want but You can't call him a coward. At the end of the day he flew toward the enemy and got shot down doing his duty.
Dislike his country/his job/his ability if you want, but calling him a coward is too much
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