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Debate: Should India be a permanent member of the UNSC?

the only reason you are on this thread is because you are burning with India's UNSC contention..and since you are simply jealous and no ither logical reason, then the answer to your question is yes...India wants her enemies to know that she is a world power.

India makes its own bad luck by creating its number 1 enemy: China, india's UNSC veto wielding neighbor that can dash India's quest for UNSC.
i told u to see that india can keep eye on both china n pakistan by staying here.
and indian army is against to vacate this.See its location n tell me where is aksai chin n where is siachin.

eye lolz Karakorum highway is far far from this place you know nothing i again say indian army is scared that if they withdraw pakistan will capture it and pakistanis are scared if they withdraw india will occupy it .may be you don't know but before 1984 this border was same but both sides widrow every year in winter and come back at summer and flag meeting held there .indian army is waiting for insure the warranty as pak army only this damn mess is dispute .dont teach me please i know it well.eye on china pakistan from siachin lolz indian movies kam dekha kero .:lol:
Can not argue with people like you, look at the size and population of India and that of the nations that you are quoting, as I said earlier you fall in the category of finding fault with anything and everything that is Indian, I am posting here in the PDF for the sane and respected member of Pakistan and for a good reasoning with such intelects and you clearly are not in that league. So kindly do not reply to my post.

Big Population =/= automatic permanent membership
Have you been living under a rock ???
Of course U.K along with France, USA, Russia and China are world power.

Israel has Uncle SAM's veto power you fool and don't tell me that you didn't know that USA is Israel's lapdog !

Superpower - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Only US is super power. No 2nd super power in the world. What influence UK has in Asia ? UK is not a global power in any sense.

If Israel is living on US help, then same story for Pakistan, as she also living under China (defence) and US (money). Pakistan takes half of the weapons from China and Also, US gives 2nd highest aid to Pakistan. :coffee:

Russia will not take side with USA LOL

Who said, Russia will take side with USA ? No country takes side of any country, so no one has advantage. Also, USA +France + UK are majority in UNSC.
India makes its own bad luck by creating its number 1 enemy: China, india's UNSC veto wielding neighbor that can dash India's quest for UNSC.

Go ahead and blame everything on China. You are forgetting that all the other permanent members also have no desire to enlarge the U.N body
Sorry to break all the wet dreams.

Charter of the United Nations: Chapter XVIII: Amendments

In order to amend the UN charter and add new permanent members, India must have unanimous support from ALL the P5 members, and a 2/3 supermajority in the general assembly.

Which means we don't even have to veto it. All we have to do is not support it (abstain), and it won't pass.

As Obambam said, let's see how India behaves in the South China Sea issue.
Sorry to break all the wet dreams.

Charter of the United Nations: Chapter XVIII: Amendments

In order to amend the UN charter and add new permanent members, India must have unanimous support from ALL the P5 members, and a 2/3 supermajority in the general assembly.

Which means we don't even have to veto it. All we have to do is not support it (abstain), and it won't pass.

As Obambam said, let's see how India behaves in the South China Sea issue.

Leave these rules, everyone knows this.

2/3rd majority won't be problem. Also, 4 permanent members will support. Will China oppose us and end most of the relation with India ? I would love to see that day, When China declares India as official enemy. :tup:
Superpower - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Only US is super power. No 2nd super power in the world. What influence UK has in Asia ? UK is not a global power in any sense.

If Israel is living on US help, then same story for Pakistan, as she also living under China (defence) and US (money). Pakistan takes half of the weapons from China and Also, US gives 2nd highest aid to Pakistan. :coffee:

Who said, Russia will take side with USA ? No country takes side of any country, so no one has advantage. Also, USA +France + UK are majority in UNSC.

Are you ok ? You have no idea what you are taking about.

No one will doubt that U.K. is a world power. She has more power than India.

Sorry to break all the wet dreams.

Charter of the United Nations: Chapter XVIII: Amendments

In order to amend the UN charter and add new permanent members, India must have unanimous support from ALL the P5 members, and a 2/3 supermajority in the general assembly.

Which means we don't even have to veto it. All we have to do is not support it (abstain), and it won't pass.

As Obambam said, let's see how India behaves in the South China Sea issue.

Leave these rules, everyone knows this.

2/3rd majority won't be problem. Also, 4 permanent members will support. Will China oppose us and end most of the relation with India ? I would love to see the day, When China declares India as official enemy. :tup:

It is India who declared China as her number 1 enemy. The name George Fernandez rings a Bell.
eye lolz Karakorum highway is far far from this place you know nothing i again say indian army is scared that if they withdraw pakistan will capture it and pakistanis are scared if they withdraw india will occupy it .may be you don't know but before 1984 this border was same but both sides widrow every year in winter and come back at summer and flag meeting held there .indian army is waiting for insure the warranty as pak army only this damn mess is dispute .dont teach me please i know it well.eye on china pakistan from siachin lolz indian movies kam dekha kero .:lol:

According to the 2006 cable classified by the Deputy Chief of Mission Geoff Pyatt, the reasons for the Indian army’s resistance are its strategic advantage over China, internal army corruption, distrust of Pakistan and a desire to keep hold of advantageous territory that thousands of Indian soldiers have died protecting.

WikiLeaks: Indian army poses as obstacle to Siachen solution – The Express Tribune

go back troll and enjoy your knowledge.
i told u about china issue and indian army obstacle in solving this.
Are you ok ? You have no idea what you are taking about.

No one will doubt that U.K. is a world power. She has more power than India.

You don't know what you posting. Keep trolling with zero knowledge. :blah:
Really the question is not should but when it will it happen. there is not a single sane minded person of intellect that sees 2 decades down- the largest populated country, somewhere in the top 3 GDP's , in an an important region not having an UNSC premanent role with dare say veto status too. It's just not a question of IF rather WHEN will it happen...

Your criteria of being UNSC are simply absurd.

For instance, by the end of WWII, China had no sizable GDP.

But China contributed to the world peace (ending the WWII) substantially by defeating the Axis.

The day India can contribute to the world peace in a way that is substantial enough to be recognized by Powers, the day will be India’s UNSC day.

We haven’t seen that.

On the contrary, India not only has problems with most of its neighbors, but also attempts to further agitate regional problems, not try to solve them, by perpetuating existing conflicts with Pakistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka, by fermenting new problems by entering South China Sea, …

Give us one example that India has substantially contributed to global peace process that yields recognized results.
Leave these rules, everyone knows this.

2/3rd majority won't be problem. Also, 4 permanent members will support. Will China oppose us and end most of the relation with India ? I would love to see the day, When China declares India as official enemy.

Hahaha even the entire G4 could not get enough pledges of support, to even make a simple majority, let alone a 2/3 supermajority.

And like I said before, we don't need to oppose it. We can shut it down simply by not supporting it (abstaining).
As of now, India-US relation is neutral or maximum good. The day, China opposes India, US-India will become very good friends and will beginning of new era. We may join NATO also. Most of the relation with China will be over. :tup:
India makes its own bad luck by creating its number 1 enemy: China, india's UNSC veto wielding neighbor that can dash India's quest for UNSC.

you should have noted the bolded part in my post and comprehended my post and to whom it was directed...anyways even then I should remind to you,China is not India's no.1 enemy...India is reacting(Indians rather) just as it is being treated by the Chinese.We dont have problem with China's rise as USA has...we dont have any religious clashes...infact i would rather say its India who is being created as no.1 enemy by China....and I guess the reaon is just the same..the expansionist mindset of China....and India's growth is definitely going to hurt it..so am not surprised that China is against india's UNSC seat...

OK let me ask you, what do you think,if India wouldnt have objected to any Chinese projects wether its land grabbing in India or projecs in Pakistan,support to pakistan in defence or support to maoists in India,etc would China have supported India with UNSC ??
If a solution to the Kashmir Issue Both Pakistan and India can agree on not to mention about Chinese Kashmir, and Nukes, then India Should become a UNSC perm member.

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