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Dear Americans We DON'T hate your "Freedoms".

so hold on, it is okay for you to start talking about suicide bombing and target killings and other things that don't relate to the topic but then when I do it you get your panties in a knott?

I know it is in your very nature to be hypocritical but seriously man, look at your post above mine.
In fact I was actually parodying you, but you need an IQ size bigger than you shoe size to realize that.

now stop diverting from the topic and making excuses for your beloved Americans.

rusty read post 14 and clear your rusted mind.
I'll presume the Vietnam picture is just added to exaggerate the reproach of Americans indulging in barbarism and to let people know it's a worldwide trend, not just a Muslim claim so that the resent is even more valid. In reality, the average Muslim who shouts "Death to America" on the street has little knowledge and absolutely no interest in the culture or history of non-Muslim countries like Vietnam or Native Americans. The smarter ones just use the Vietnam war and other past conflicts in their columns and articles as a pretext to bash Americans or inflame more anti-American sentiments. There is rarely genuine interest or profound knowledge beyond the brief statements of the mentioned atrocities, these memes just serve as opportunistic tools to lash out against the Americans.

That said, one propaganda picture cannot possibly give a good explanation why so many Muslims deeply hate America.
Many in the Arab world would blame the hatred on the complacency of American politics. Support to Israel, wars in the Middle East and all that. I think the way that many Muslims view the world is a more contributing factor than dirty politics. There is a more profound reason for this rage, that cannot be merely explained by American meddling in the Middle East.
A religious component that is often understated. A lot of Muslims considers themselves to be agents of the best faith, so how are they always be the ones that are so underdeveloped, poor and weak, how are they the ones who fall behind in everything? Even though they adhere the most superior religion?
Many radical Muslims see the West as an important factor in the decline of their own society.
Hence they call America the great Satan - it is the Satan who tempts them and leads them astray from the right path, which is the reason why Muslim countries are so regressive according to them.
America as a symbol of power is a wonderful lightning rod for the mismanagement of the regimes and peoples in the Muslim world. Rather than to take responsibility for their dire conditions, it is easy to blame the outsider. Scapegoating the infidel non-Muslims. Closing the ranks, so that all negative energy can be directed outwards.
Even 'enlightened' and 'moderate' media outlets from the Muslim world like Al-Jazeera participate in this deceptive front. More than half of their opinion section is filled with one-side anti-American, anti-European and anti-Israel rants and diatribes. So what can you expect from the command man?

this is one of the best explanation about Anti-US feeling in Muslim world I have seen.

But there is two more prominent reasons: the invasions of many Muslim countries by US and US meddling in Middle East.

But I think the ultimate reason is no one likes huge and mighty superpower.
Many radical Muslims see the West as an important factor in the decline of their own society.

It's envy mixed with hate, like the OP. They are innocent lambs after all. Havent done a single thing wrong, yet somehow the evil whites are dropping bombs on them for a reason.

@Audio You corrupted their mind with money, booze, Hollywood movies. Everyone wanted to be Rambo. They just wanted to be just like your Hollywood actors. :D

Don't you know, entire world is doing conspiracy collectively. :enjoy:

Evil Zionists, they call it. We all are in that club.
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@Audio You corrupted their mind with money, booze, Hollywood movies. Everyone wanted to be Rambo. They just wanted to be just like your Hollywood actors. :D

Don't you know, entire world is doing conspiracy collectively. :enjoy:

Evil Zionists, they call it. We all are in that club.

Chief lamb will come soon to delete these blasphemous comments. :lol:
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It's envy mixed with hate, like the OP. They are innocent lambs after all. Havent done a single thing wrong, yet somehow the evil whites are dropping bombs on them for a reason.



1. The lamb in the left should be in a burqa

2. The one on the right should be wearing Talib-bozo head-gear AND and AK-47 on the shoulder

3. Both should have suicide vests on too

Only then the lambs will be properly decorated and attired.

A lot of the Muslim countries and Muslims in general commit a lot of violence and atrocities against weaker groups. But when any group attacks them back they play the innocent victim card and involve in world wide propaganda. Please do something good with your brotherhood.

I see people celebrating these things here.

Even when it was perpetrated on their own ancestors by invaders. The identity crisis makes them identify with the invaders rather than their own ancestors.

Then it is being brave, mard-e-momin.

When they are the "lambs" and "maal-e-ghanimat", it is another matter altogether.
Well, It is common for a local to hate a FOREIGN POWER ON THEIR LAND!

Yes, these occupations which were supposed to be war for 1-5 years has become a decade long OCCUPATION who the heck would love their land to be OVERTAKEN by some force which agreed to help you BUT in the end decided to stay and doesnt understand your culture, your govt system, your religion has no respect for anything because they think they were sent to help and their orders being only from home base, they tend to do ALOT of mistakes because of delay, prob with giving reporting the situation only GOD knows how many incidents were sweeped under the carpet!

It is common not just in Muslim countries but PICK ANY COUNTRY which was ruled by BRITAIN!

Yes back to the colonial rule...Until now in history books nothing nice is written about the roads, transportation systems and what not built by them for the ease to extract the natural resources and export them back to Britain!

The Dutch were hated in Indonesia, The Japanese in South east Asia, the Germans in sooo many other countries, the French in N.Africa!

Believe me its not a new concept and why should anyone like a foreign power proudly dancing around with weapons?

Ask the American Indians how they feel or the Aborigines of Australia?!

It is not just a feeling but once the no. of deaths becomes sky rocket high...when innocents die and are not acknowledged while each soldier who dies from their squad is breaking news

when soo much damage is done, the landscape is scrapped, the culture brought in and not to mention the rape cases which are common by ANY foreign power be it sweeped under the rug...THE LIST GOES ON why foreign power is hated!

Other reasons include, the foreign power putting its demands, we helped you now these are the prices you have to pay (something which was never discussed before when the help was OFFERED)...

My thoughts are rushing faster than I can type...

I thought the thread was about hating foreign power on your land?

How did it become attacking Islam?:what:
Aero Bhai,

I usually like your posts but this one is a dud for sure.

One would agree that a child of a sheep may not get blamed for being ignorant of his surroundings. After all he is just a simpleton $tupid @rase sheep's son.

But a grown up man born to a human mother should take all the blame for not using his aql / brains and thus behaving like a son of sheep or pig or a chooha.


p.s. Don't mean to start a flame war. Just wanted to clarify the use of proverbs and hopefully help differentiate between animals and people.

A grown man thought to obey a feudal system is not gonna understand anything...

Where what the feudal lord says is right be he selling his own daughter!

Where a family feels in debt of the feudal lord for the least bit of help they get....

Where the politics is not the same as a normal person's thinking...

Where the politicians sign an agreement to take aid while the whole country EXCEPT the corrupt have to pay back

A country where the president is a 10th grade fail and from jail..

one can exchange the word feudal lord with government for some Arab countries :D

Most of the soldiers who take pictures like these are punished when found out. It is not right to try and demonize the whole US military for isolated incidents and doesn't deserve a whole thread to prove some sort of point.

Some are just discharged without being thought what they did wrong!
A grown man thought to obey a feudal system is not gonna understand anything...

Where what the feudal lord says is right be he selling his own daughter!

Where a family feels in debt of the feudal lord for the least bit of help they get....

Where the politics is not the same as a normal person's thinking...

Where the politicians sign an agreement to take aid while the whole country EXCEPT the corrupt have to pay back

A country where the president is a 10th grade fail and from jail..


Talon Bhai (or is it Behn :) )

Please learn something about the country please.

There is NO fing FEUDAL system in Tribal area.

so please do not blame the wrong thing for the turmoil in North and South Wazirastan. OK?

Thank you
Talon Bhai (or is it Behn :) )

Please learn something about the country please.

There is NO fing FEUDAL system in Tribal area.

so please do not blame the wrong thing for the turmoil in North and South Wazirastan. OK?

Thank you
@FaujHistorian There is feudal system...I was not talking about the tribal region...

What do you call 1 man having full control in a village and denying the villagers same freedom of education and other basic needs while his children study abroad?

EXCUSE ME nowhere did I even use the word Wazirastan! Are you Hallucinating? :blink:
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