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Dear Americans We DON'T hate your "Freedoms".

My dear dear poster. Just wanted to add a couple of comments:

1. Common man in pretty much the whole of South America believes that the source of all their problems is the "Yankee" or the USA. And they are not Muslim in any way.

So religion could not be the sole basis of anti-USA hatred. Instead the root of this hatred lies with "Marxism".
2. There is no Muslim world. Muslims do not live on another planet that we call that backward planet as "Muslim world". We may use the term "Muslim countries" or "Muslim dominated region"

Absolutely false religious terms such as "Muslim world". it just boggles my mind. Just makes me wonder why?
p.s. This is no way a critique of your post, rather an "addendum" and clarifications.

Absolutely right on. Please accept my apologies. I guess I watch too much CNN so I used the term the 'Muslim World' unknowingly. You are absolutely correct. I should know better and I did know more than what was put out by my post. But the point I was trying to make was towards the Muslim Dominant Countries. So correctness there for clarification.

The Common Man in South America doesn't think that. I know South America well. Majority of South American countries have millions of people living in the US. They migrate to the US risking their lives at times to come to the land of opportunity. Even in Hugo Chavez's country and Cuba (the only two countries who oppose to the US policies), the anti American sentiment runs VERY low. Nothing compared to what it may be in Yemen, Egypt, Pakistan, etc.

Unfortunately, in places like Yemen, Egypt, Afghanistan, Pakistan and somewhat India.....the anti US sentiment is due to two factors: the US Foreign Policies and the Religion. People that care for other 'brethren muslim countries' are the ones who hate the US. What they don't know, or aren't ALLOWED to know through the CORRECT religious leadership is that they need to work towards betterment of their life, their nations and their families. Instead they are taught wrong version of Islam that very harsh, kind of like the first testament. But in reality, Islam, like other religions, FORBIDS killings of innocent civilians, and Jihaad, etc. But these imaam's based out of small towns have changed that and made Islam seem like a much harsh religion than it is. Jihaad also means to work hard or struggle to feed your family. Why is it ONLY given in the context of killing others on the border parts of AFG & Pakistan, in Yemen, in Africa, etc? Because you have these people teaching Islam that have no other education. They are closed minded and they close others minds too when they present and preach 'their' version of Islam. Resulting in creating followers that don't have tolerance to hear or tolerate others, even within different sects of Islam. Let alone other religions. You have the SAME thing in India (Hindu fundamentals belonging to elite ruling parties like BJP, RSS, Shiv Sena). So it is everywhere. But it's more to disrupt daily life and economic activity in certain regions. All of which happen to be Muslim Dominant countries. So a new hope, a new thought process is needed to preach Islam and ALSO link it to the Science and other Education. Islam supports people getting educated and it emphasizes on it. Then why the Talibans burning schools??? So people reading this, it is YOUR obligation to correct others where you see lack of education, intolerance, lack of respect for women, lack of proper respect for others with different race, color, religion, etc as that is NOT what Islam teaches and preaches. As people understand that and move themselves away from the extreme, you'll start to have the scientists, the industry, the economic that will ensure prosperity and peace for next generations to come. It'll also ensure peace and stability across the world. We've all inherited the world. Let's all live in it peacefully and with tolerance as well. The US does and will always help any country with regards to economic benefits, becoming a stronger and better economy and betterment of people. India, China, Malaysia, Indonesia and Turkey are prime examples. Why can't this list include Yemen, African countries, Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc?
The photographs that you have featured on this thread have been in our notice. You must understand that these were the actions of a few individuals who were strongly condemned by both, our military, and our civilian leadership. In fact, these actions are in violation of the U.S. military code of conduct. The U.S. soldiers in these photographs were reprimanded, and prosecuted under our laws. These are condemnable acts of a few individuals and not an accurate reflection, or representation, of our military or our nation.

Abdul Quddus
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
I find this very pathetic...

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I'm not going to go ahead and defend my country for war crimes they have done. But they have certainly done much more good than those crimes. I can get war crimes from every other country as well. It happens. It's war. So please, stop stereotyping America as they are not the only country with war crimes as you act.

After all, Pakistan has done very harsh things as well, the UK has, Germany has, Russia has, France has, Japan has, Korea north and south has. It's humanity. Get used to it. Because it sure as hell isn't just America.

After all, you don't see America behead people in public, in fact we have more humane ways of execution. A bullet, an electric chair, lethal injection or cyanide. All kill you instantly or in five seconds.

I find this very pathetic...

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I'm not going to go ahead and defend my country for war crimes they have done. But they have certainly done much more good than those crimes. I can get war crimes from every other country as well. It happens. It's war. So please, stop stereotyping America as they are not the only country with war crimes as you act.

After all, Pakistan has done very harsh things as well, the UK has, Germany has, Russia has, France has, Japan has, Korea north and south has. It's humanity. Get used to it. Because it sure as hell isn't just America.

After all, you don't see America behead people in public, in fact we have more humane ways of execution. A bullet, an electric chair, lethal injection or cyanide. All kill you instantly or in five seconds.



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