Some sources? How about showing the readership those 'some' compared a majority opinion that said otherwise? Western Europe, despite their individual distinctions, was of a unified opinion that the Soviet Union was an existential threat so what else was there to do but to be an accomplice to US? Whatever 'some sources' you have exists only in your imagination.
Most? How about all?
And those inefficiencies were compounded by the need to develop technologies to match the West. If those key technologies were allowed to be exported to the communist bloc, the Soviet Union would still exist today.
Am willing to bet that your 'political age', meaning the time in your life when you are intellectually matured enough to place politics, local and international, ahead of other considerations, came AFTER the collapse of the Soviet Union. I was in East Berlin when it existed. I was an adult working around nuclear bombs loaded on Victor Alert fighter-bombers when the Soviet Union existed. You were probably a child back then. Today, 'The Soviet Union' and its once vassal states are still very real to me but as abstract to you as the Roman Empire is to all of us. That evil empire is real to me not in the sense that it exists but in that what I am today is very much shaped by its existence -- DIRECTLY. I am a product of the Cold War. You are not. Or at least I doubt you are. Do not attempt to make excuses for that truly evil empire.