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Deadly blasts hit Turkey border town of Reyhanli

Do you really think that it is a wise idea to supply these psycopaths with advanced weaponry? Because i don't think it is...

********.com - 18+ WTF!? Cannibal Rebel Eats Heart of Syrian Soldier

weren't you that imbecile complaining about graphic material? Why do you post that cruelty?
please understand the Difference between FSA and the dogs of " Gabhet el nasra " .
Nato end this stand-off or support the FSA in taking Assad down .
Gubhet el nasra is another story, those dogs are fighting for an islamic state " taliban style " .
there is no difference between al nusra, islamist brigades or FSA, they are all united fighting against the regime who is raping, torturing and killing the civilians. If you don't like it then f.o
Do you really think that it is a wise idea to supply these psycopaths with advanced weaponry? Because i don't think it is...

********.com - 18+ WTF!? Cannibal Rebel Eats Heart of Syrian Soldier
Maybe you should learn the difference between the opposition fighters and the regime force before linking this disgusting video..
I understand you bro. Let me explain clearer. We know that 9 people arrested but who is behind the attack, a group linked to El-Mukhabarat. Then what should we do is kill/capture that groups leaders. If they are in Syria, get in Syria and get them. If we met any resistance be it Syrian army or Iranian dealt with them too. I mean find the responsibles and punish them.

By the way Syrian intelligence were behind hundreds of suicide bombings and car bombings in Iraq when they supported and trained al Qauda in taking such attacks , Malki himself was accusing syria of doing this .

Robert Fisk: Saddam revisited as Iraq accuses Syria of sheltering Baathist bombers - Robert Fisk - Commentators - The Independent

The syrian intelligence also carried out before many such attacks in lebanon to kill those who opposed Syrian army presence on lebanese soil .

Your dealing here with of the filthiest regimes in the whole middle east and allied with a backward radical state like Iran .

These people do not value the blood of their own people so expect them to do anything to stay in power , this is why getting rid of them is important .
Supply the defected soldiers from Syrian army who are fighting for a civilian state.

please understand the Difference between FSA and the dogs of " Gabhet el nasra " .

After all Iran is supplying all kinds of weapons to Shia Islamist groups operating close to Turkey's border.

Either Nato end this stand-off or support the FSA in taking Assad down .

Gubhet el nasra is another story, those dogs are fighting for an islamic state " taliban style " .

We are not Iran, we cannot recklessly distribute advanced weapons which might be used against innocent people, or even worse, against us, after all this ends.

As long as those who fight for a democratic Syria doesn't seperate themselves from the radicals among FSA, they are unreliable as well.
there is no difference between al nusra, islamist brigades or FSA, both are united fighting against the regime. If you don't like it then fo
wtf is this? maybe you should learn the difference between the opposition fighters and the regime force before linking this disgusting video..

Al Nusra is not Different than Bachar regime , both are ****** fascist extremists the first is Sunni and the second Shia.

Al Nusra will be eliminated after Bachar falls , Just like how Bosnians cleaned their country from Alqauda ***** after their war with the serbs .
Do you really think that it is a wise idea to supply these psycopaths with advanced weaponry? Because i don't think it is...

********.com - 18+ WTF!? Cannibal Rebel Eats Heart of Syrian Soldier

WTF did i just watch.... n tht bastard is saying takbir.... lanat.
weren't you that imbecile complaining about graphic material? Why do you post that cruelty?

Its title says +18 and mentions about its concent. I didn't directly post a picture of a headless, burnt body as the other retard did.

What is the matter, i thought you were familiar with such stuff.
We are not Iran, we cannot recklessly distribute advanced weapons which might be used against innocent people, or even worse, against us, after all this ends.

As long as those who fight for a democratic Syria doesn't seperate themselves from the radicals among FSA, they are unreliable as well.

I am not saying advanced weapons , simply anti-tank and stinger missiles, nothing more or less so that they can stop the Syrian airforce and destroy their bases.

Already some rebel groups were supplied with stinger missiles in Aleppo and this helped them in Destroying Syria's main 2 main air bases there.

They are already separated , radicals have joined " Al Nusra Front " and those guys operate mainly near Iraq border and Damascus .

Simply both sides have a common Enemy and are utilizing all their resources to fight this common enemy , it does not make sense for them to fight each other as it will help Bachar .

FSA will eventually Fight Jabhet al Nasra because both have two completely different goals , the first are fighting for their country and the second fighting for " islamic empire " .
Al Nusra is not Different than Bachar regime , both are ****** fascist extremists the first is Sunni and the second Shia.
Al Nusra will be eliminated after Bachar falls , Just like how Bosnians cleaned their country from Alqauda ***** after their war with the serbs .
The foreigners won't, they have allies and FSA are united with them. Where'd you get sources? Your post are full of b.s in this forum. BBC? Please, stop reading this crap and watch YT or update sources by FSA and what they say about them, FSA is a term it's made out of many factions. Do you think they'll fight against each other after all the work they done? No, they'll handle with politics. Stop reading b.s Maybe @desert eagle was right about you.
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We are not Iran, we cannot recklessly distribute advanced weapons which might be used against innocent people, or even worse, against us, after all this ends.

As long as those who fight for a democratic Syria doesn't seperate themselves from the radicals among FSA, they are unreliable as well.

I understand your concerns about " Jabhet al nusra " its not different than Iran , Just another terrorist organization but from the sunni sect .
Do you really think that it is a wise idea to supply these psycopaths with advanced weaponry? Because i don't think it is...

********.com - 18+ WTF!? Cannibal Rebel Eats Heart of Syrian Soldier

What can a man say. Arabs....
I am not saying advanced weapons , simply anti-tank and stinger missiles, nothing more or less so that they can stop the Syrian airforce and destroy their bases.

Already some rebel groups were supplied with stinger missiles in Aleppo and this helped them in Destroying Syria's main 2 main air bases there.

They are already separated , radicals have joined " Al Nusra Front " and those guys operate mainly near Iraq border and Damascus .

Simply both sides have a common Enemy and are utilizing all their resources to fight this common enemy , it does not make sense for them to fight each other as it will help Bachar .

FSA will eventually Fight Jabhet al Nasra because both have two completely different goals , the first are fighting for their country and the second fighting for " islamic empire " .

Believe me, for these bunch who uses catapults to deliver bombs to their enemies, AT and stinger missiles are pretty advanced stuff. Moreover, we cannot take that risk, we haven't sorted out our problems with PKK yet, and PKK with stinger missiles is the last thing we would like to see.
Its title says +18 and mentions about its concent. I didn't directly post a picture of a headless, burnt body as the other retard did.
it is consent, not concent..
What is the matter, i thought you were familiar with such stuff.
You are such a sicko :coffee:
The won't, they have allies and FSA are united with them. Where'd you get sources? BBC? Please, stop reading this crap and watch YT or update sources by FSA. Stop reading b.s Maybe Desert Eagle was right about you.

AL-Nusra will be a burden on Syria after Bachar falls , if the Syrians wish to keep their country unified they will have to clean it from Al Nusra ***** or otherwise it will end up being like somalia divided between various warlords.

Do you want Syria to be another Afghanistan ?

Believe me, for these bunch who uses catapults to deliver bombs to their enemies, AT and stinger missiles are pretty advanced stuff. Moreover, we cannot take that risk, we haven't sorted out our problems with PKK yet, and PKK with stinger missiles is the last thing we would like to see.

the last solution is for the Turkish army to set up a buffer zone in Syria and let them kill each other away from Turkish border.

You have to do something to keep this conflict away from your border at least until Bachar and Al Nusra radicals finish each other up.

Believe me, for these bunch who uses catapults to deliver bombs to their enemies, AT and stinger missiles are pretty advanced stuff. Moreover, we cannot take that risk, we haven't sorted out our problems with PKK yet, and PKK with stinger missiles is the last thing we would like to see.

Good point I missed the PKK issue , PYD might end up getting some of them .
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