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It's because your dumb. Show me any evidence al qaeda is with nusra? The FSA rejected it and they are united Show me any evidence where Talibans kill their civilians before the invasion in their region? Is it the Talibans doing it or NATO with their air strikes? Didn't you even know Talibans were a threat to Iran before the invasion? Moron...think before you speak. Yeah your brainwashed by the media what suicide bombing you are speaking exactly? dkhead
Hezbollah is different they are ethnic cleansing the Suunis in Qusayr so what are you saying? FSA and other Mujahid fronts are Suunis finishing Hezbollat off. They are never going to kill each other in post Assad. The West are trying to make them like that but it's their biggest failure..get your fact right and if your right then comment but don't predict the future.

You Just made me Disgusted by conveying your another Alqauda supporter . As I told you before clown FSA is not related to Alqauda in any shape , I mentioned the group called " Jabhet el Al Nusra " whom are a completely different organization fighting for different goals than FSA .

Whether you say Hizbullah or Jabhet el Nusra or Iranian regime to me they are all the same **** , simply supporting the Idea of killing a civilian Just because of his beliefs is completely disgusting and both Hizbullah and Alnusra are killing civilians not belonging to their sect.

Syria will become another Afghanistan if they do not clean their countries from groups like Hizbullah and Jabhet el nasra .

In such scenario for a buffer zone, Russia is the key.

how is Russia key ? you think Russia will support a buffer zone in Syria ? I do not think they would.

After all Russian support for Assad is based on payment made by Iran on All the weapons they are supporting . Russia is not really giving assad any support for free.

Many people think Russia is the old soviet union , the Russia of Today does not give out free gifts to anyone including its own allies like belarus , they cut gas to them just for being late in paying gas bills.
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You Just made me Disgusted by conveying your another Alqauda

Syria will become another Afghanistan if they do not clean their countries from groups like Hizbullah and Jabhet el nasra .

Very funny what was fsa reaction when the islamist elected governers, scholars from Arab countries, schools, laws, police council etc... in Razzaq and opposition held areas? Tell me cnt? This is no afghan..Syria is different. Think and now gtfo you media wannabe. Bye
how is Russia key ? you think Russia will support a buffer zone in Syria ? I do not think they would.

After all Russian support for Assad is based on payment made by Iran on All the weapons they are supporting . Russia is not really giving assad any support for free.

Many people think Russia is the old soviet union , the Russia of Today does not give out free gifts to anyone including its own allies like belarus , they cut gas to them just for being late in paying gas bills.

No, i don't think Russia would support a buffer zone in Syria but it can prevent Assad from retaliating, which would be his death wish.
The western media wants to say that F$A is Alqaeda however they can't just say it, thus they manipulate the public :coffee: you fell into the trap believing F$A is not Alqaeda, F$A= Alqaeda, PERIOD.

Free Syrian Army rebels defect to Islamist group Jabhat al-Nusra | World news | The Guardian

This is not True , your trying to say basically anyone who is sunni is Alqauda . FSA has nothing to do with Alqauda , there is already a separate organization with a separate command called Jubhet Al Nusra fighting for alAqauda in Syria .

The Syria regime is also supporting a Terrorist Islamist Organization like Hizbullah , your no better than Alqauda , both of you killing women and children and both of you deserve to be destroyed.

The Syria people of all sects need to wake up and keep Iran , Alqauda , Bachar and Jubhet al Nusra out of their country. I am sure still there are syrian nationalist in the Syrian Army and the alawi sect who want a unified syria .

Work with the moderates of the opposition for a coalition government without Al Assad and Muslim brotherhood and save your country .

If you continue like this , no one will win neither the government or opposition and your country will be partitioned like Iraq , somalia and former yoguslavia .
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No alqaeda, they said no.
I'm against Assad but this Malay guy doesn't understand. Nusra, Islamist and the FSa are actually united

By just random looking at Video from FSA you can understand everything you need ! in most of them you can see somehow the Alqaeda flag and personal !
There is no FSA in Syria. Its just something the West has created to justify its support to supposed moderate forces in Syria.
you mean the opposite. The West used an excuse to label al qaeda link in order NOT to arm them.

Even this malay guy said alqaeda and Talibans are CIA backed whatever it is in the other thread with desert eagle. what kind of stupid conspiracy is this. This kid is so dumb.
This is not True , your trying to say basically anyone who is sunni is Alqauda . FSA has nothing to do with Alqauda , there is already a separate organization with a separate command called Jubhet Al Nusra fighting for alAqauda in Syria .

The Syria regime is also supporting a Terrorist Islamist Organization like Hizbullah , your no better than Alqauda , both of you killing women and children and both of you deserve to be destroyed.

The Syria people of all sects need to wake up and keep Iran , Alqauda , Bachar and Jubhet al Nusra out of their country. I am sure still there are syrian nationalist in the Syrian Army and the alawi sect who want a unified syria .

Work with the moderates of the opposition for a coalition government without Al Assad and Muslim brotherhood and save your country .

If you continue like this , no one will win neither the government or opposition and your country will be partitioned like Iraq , somalia and former yoguslavia .
dont put words into my mouth, your false media taught you well to make lies and stories..

only Syrians decide if Alasad stays or leave, if the majority of Syrians wanted Alasad gone he would have been gone long time ago...

anyways this thread explains everything...

No, i don't think Russia would support a buffer zone in Syria but it can prevent Assad from retaliating, which would be his death wish.

They cannot stop Assad from retaliating , Russia does not have the influence most people think it has over Assad, it is just one of his main weapon suppliers and he pays for it , Russia does not supply Assad with free weapons .

Iran is the only country that could stop Assad from retaliating , but again they would never support a buffer zone. Remember now Assad regime is relying solely on Financial Assistance sent to him from Iran .

They are now shipping him free oil and diesel for his forces , paying government employees in regions under his control and paying for all the weapons supplied to him in his fight .

This is why Iran will face an economic collapse as a result of wasting their already limited resources over Assad and Hizbullah .

This is why the West is keeping the conflict to continue , as a way to dry up Iran foreign reserves. You can simply say that Syria will be Iran's vietnam .

I anyway agree with you Turkey should not be fully dragged into this and anyway Erodogan said Turkey will not be dragged into the Syrian " swamp " . Turkey will only be involved under a Nato intervension like Libya .

Anyway there is a conference after a month on Syria hosted by Russia and America , lets hope they can come up with a middle solution where Assad leaves , Alawis get autonomous status in their two majority provinces in latakia and tartus and the opposition cleans itself from radical elements.

lets hope for a middle solution without any foreign intervension .
The Syria people of all sects need to wake up and keep Iran , Alqauda , Bachar and Jubhet al Nusra out of their country. I am sure still there are syrian nationalist in the Syrian Army and the alawi sect who want a unified syria .

Work with the moderates of the opposition for a coalition government without Al Assad and Muslim brotherhood and save your country .

If you continue like this , no one will win neither the government or opposition and your country will be partitioned like Iraq , somalia and former yoguslavia .
please tell me how 14+ groups rejected SNC in one of those videos, rejected Ghitto and everything and wanted to rule Syria themselves? because it is ineffective organisation and has no control on rebel hold areas then in the end FSA factions ended up siding with them because of no international support and more ending up soon just like Syrian Lion posted those news link, there is no secular fighters anymore. f.khead bye

Anyway there is a conference after a month on Syria hosted by Russia and America , lets hope they can come up with a middle solution where Assad leaves , Alawis get autonomous status in their two majority provinces in latakia and tartus and the opposition cleans itself from radical elements.

Neither Russia nor America can tell Alasad to leave, ONLY SYRIANS AND SYRIANS ONLY DECIDE...

and stop with your hatred comments, every comment you make is sectarian and racist....

let me teach you a lesson regarding religion in Syria, READ MY SIGNATURE...

Truth About Syria: Quick Background- Religion

and don't worry about money...

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