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Deadly blasts hit Turkey border town of Reyhanli

"(date of video) Regime forces are shelling the city of Rehaneyah, and here are the pillars of smoke rising from the city"
Dude in the background "What's going on? Is it shelling?"
Dude taking the video "This is results of shelling on the city"
Dude int he background "Seriously? Shelling here? Are you serious? It look like an explosion not shelling man"

Damn you Mosa, you really didn't need to embarrass me like this. Your translation made look very bad :frown:
Making money? hahahahahaha. You mean "guest worker" right? These are the illeterates they brought over to clean toilets and vacuum clean offices :lol: Refugee or toilet cleaner, same thing Turk!
You dont have any toilet cleaners in iran? thats why you smell like ****!!! Türks went there and made money now they have their own business or they just suck off the system. There are a few Turkish MPs also. Now educated young people leave their family in germany to return to Turkey, I have many friends like that cause they find the life here more fun. Enjoy persian **** life

Iranian asylum seekers on hunger strike outside UNHCR office in Athens - Greece August 2010 - YouTube
TurAr, obsessed with conspiracy theories again, the video he posted FSA didn't even know what was going on according to translations of people here.. imbecile :coffee:
Al-Zoubi: Turkish Government is to Blame for al-Rihaniyeh Bombings

May 12, 2013


Information Minister, Omran al-Zoubi, stressed that the bombings which rocked al-Rihaniya city in Turkey are a terrorist act that is condemned by all moral, human and legal standards, offering condolences to the Turkish people for the martyrs and wishing recovery for the injured.

"Any accusation against Syria in any statement, where explicit or implicit, by any Turkish official is completely rejected," said al-Zoubi addressing the Intellectual Political Symposium which kicked off Sunday at the al-Assad National Library in Damascus.

Minister al-Zoubi, said that the Turkish government led by Recep Tayyip Erdogan is to blame for the bombings in al-Rihaniyeh havign urned the border areas with Syria into "international terrorist concentrations," and turned the Turkish civilians' houses, farms and properties into centers and passages for terrorist groups.

He added that the Turkish government has been facilitating the delivery of weapons, explosive devices, car bombs, money and killers into Syria.

Al-Zoubi held Erdogan and the Turkish government directly responsible, both morally and politically, towards the peoples of Syria and Turkey, the region, and the whole world.

He stressed that what happened in al-Rihaniyeh is blamed on Erdogan and the Justice and Development Party, pointing out that Syria has nothing to do with this as it is not how it behaves.

"We have problems with Turkey since hundreds of years, yet Syria…has never acted this way or done such an act. It's not because we can't, but because the way we were raised and our morals, conduct and values don't allow us to do such a thing," he added.

The Minister reiterated that no one has the right in Turkey to issue arbitrary accusations against Syria, expressing deep sorry over the victims of the bombings in al-Rihaniyeh.

Al-Zoubi wondered how the Turkish Interior Minister has accused Syria of the bombings only then to say that he will prove his accusations when they reach evidence, pointing out that when the Turkish minister says he would reach evidence that means he wants to fabricate one.

Al-Zoubi said big questions need to be answered by the Justice and Development Party and Erdogan government, including what interest do [they] have in destroying Syria? Why going too far in killing and destruction? Why this timing for al-Rihaniyeh operation?

He continued asking "Why should the bombings in Turkey take place days before Erdogan's meeting Obama?...Is it that [Erdogan] wants to show off and say he has enough power to intervene in Syria?... Does Erdogan want to foil the Russian-U.S. efforts to hold an international conference?" al-Zoubi asked.

Al-Zoubi commented on the statements made by the Turkish Foreign Minister yesterday in which he said "Turkey can defend itself" by saying "Against whom does it have to defend itself? Does it have to defend itself against terrorism and terrorists?, noting that the government of Erdogan should shoulder complete responsibility for what happened.

"It Turkey, the state and the people, want to defend themselves, they have to ask Erdogan and his government to step down because they are to blame for what happened," the Information Minister added.

"I ask Erdogan to step down as a murderer and blood shedder and I say to him that that it's not his right to brag out his glories at the expense of the blood of the Turks and the Syrians," al-Zoubi added.

He highlighted the cooperation between the Israeli enemy and the Turkish government, despite the latter's claim of supporting the Palestinian people, referring particularly to Turkish government allowing the Turkish Airlines company to sponsor the Israeli second international fair in occupied Jerusalem and the joint military exercises between Turkey and Israel, reminding that the Israeli enemy has not even apologized for the martyrs of Mavi Marmara.

He stressed that Israel has committed an aggression against Syria recently and raided military sites near Damascus and violated, through this aggression, the international commitments (Disengagement of Forces Agreement), adding that Israel has allowed terrorists to operate inside the demilitarized zone and to kidnap the UN observers.

"Accordingly, Syria has the right at this time and at any other time to deal with the Golan issue in the way the owner has the right to deal with his property, because the Golan is and has always been a Syrian Arab land," said the Information Minister," adding that "Israel must understand that it can't take a promenade in the Syrian sky because the Syrian land and sky are not a promenade for anyone."

He stressed that "The Syrian army and people know very well how to defend Syria," noting that this talk is addressed to "all who think that the circumstances are convenient for them to tamper with the country."

"Everybody should know that we are people who don't forget to respond to an aggression against the aggressors, nor do we forget our martyrs and those who killed them," said al-Zoubi.

He pointed out that the Syrian media is facing a real battle, along with all the state's institutions, in terms of offering martyrs and having to confront great pressures by foreign parties to suppress its voice.

He noted that the Ministry of Information has allowed access to 300 media outlets, including American, French and British because "we believe that it they would convey at least part of the truth, that would be in Syria's interest."

Al-Zoubi indicated that Syria has conducted many investigations into lots of incidents which took place on the borders with Turkey and Jordan and come to know quite well who are the perpetrators and the accomplices.

Answering a question on how Syria's future would be, he said reaching "the renewed Syria" is a national political, economic, social, human and cultural project to which all Syrians should contribute regardless of any differences among them.

Al-Zoubi added that this project cannot be launched without a comprehensive national dialogue that does not exclude anyone.

For his part, Head of the Journalists Union, Elias Murad, said the Syrian people can achieve renewal for themselves and their homeland through the package of decisions which have been issued in the framework of the political reform and the national dialogue project.
It is obvious who did this. Did FSA ever said any bad words to Turkey? I remembered watching a video of a mp loyal to Assad threatened Turkey with 10,000 missiles and other video where BlackEagle posted where an Alawi loyal to Assad threatened to arm the Shias in Turkey. This is the threats they made but did we hear any threats frok FSA? No, they thanked Erdogan for all the work he had done with Syria. Also, this was probably planned by Iran or Syria in order to shut the borders or to cause chaos where I saw Turkish videos of Shias and others saying "erd to resign" because of this and they get sick of it when people cross the borders to fight. So possible they did this. Not FSA.
I understand you bro. Let me explain clearer. We know that 9 people arrested but who is behind the attack, a group linked to El-Mukhabarat. Then what should we do is kill/capture that groups leaders. If they are in Syria, get in Syria and get them. If we met any resistance be it Syrian army or Iranian dealt with them too. I mean find the responsibles and punish them.

You do not need to go in , Just supply the FSA more weapons to further destroy the already crumbling syrian army. The longer this conflict gets the longer Iran is losing wasteful money and hurting its own economy.

Anyway Turkey will have to impose a buffer zone inside Syria to defend itself after Assad falls and setting up bases there.
if security forces find out that FSA was behind this, are they going to let the people know?
Making money? hahahahahaha. You mean "guest worker" right? These are the illeterates they brought over to clean toilets and vacuum clean offices :lol: Refugee or toilet cleaner, same thing Turk!

You're mentally ill. The Turks cut their budgets to feed the refugees and Iran starve its nation to fund terror groups and defend the tyrant Assad. Don't worry we will eat them all with our friend Turkey. And if Turkey goes to war with Iran I will volunteer to pay them back for their kindness.

Breaking news

First man being interviewed is holding the authority accountable for the attack and the other Turkish man said that Assad's gangs are behind the attack to damage the relation between the two neighbors. There's no way on earth that they Syrian refugees were behind the attack but the quite obvious that Assad was behind it.

PM Erdogan
Assad wants to spread the chaos to Turkey and tries to drag us to go to war.
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-al-Rihaniya -A Rally against Erdogan; Supporting Syria







You see how Turks in Turkey can freely rally whether Against Erodogan or with him without anyone getting killed or raped . If the same protests took place in Syria or Iran against the government the protestors would be either killed or Jailed.

This is the difference between Civilized Turkey and Savage Syria .
You do not need to go in , Just supply the FSA more weapons to further destroy the already crumbling syrian army. The longer this conflict gets the longer Iran is losing wasteful money and hurting its own economy.

Anyway Turkey will have to impose a buffer zone inside Syria to defend itself after Assad falls and setting up bases there.

Do you really think that it is a wise idea to supply these psycopaths with advanced weaponry? Because i don't think it is...

********.com - 18+ WTF!? Cannibal Rebel Eats Heart of Syrian Soldier
You do not need to go in , Just supply the FSA more weapons to further destroy the already crumbling syrian army. The longer this conflict gets the longer Iran is losing wasteful money and hurting its own economy.

Anyway Turkey will have to impose a buffer zone inside Syria to defend itself after Assad falls and setting up bases there.

This is too much for Turkey, they spent over a billion on humanitarian aid and God knows how much military aid the FSA has received from them.

What the hell the Saudis are buying these bloody Typhoons for? We should use them now.
@BLACKEAGLE @Arabian Legend @Yzd Khalifa

Can you guys translate what he is saying?

Apparently, this video was recorded by FSA militants across the Syrian border, right after the explosion, as if they knew it was going to happen...

He is saying Syrian forces are striking area close to rihana border .

Do you really think that it is a wise idea to supply these psycopaths with advanced weaponry? Because i don't think it is...

********.com - 18+ WTF!? Cannibal Rebel Eats Heart of Syrian Soldier

Supply the defected soldiers from Syrian army who are fighting for a civilian state.

please understand the Difference between FSA and the dogs of " Gabhet el nasra " .

After all Iran is supplying all kinds of weapons to Shia Islamist groups operating close to Turkey's border.

Either Nato end this stand-off or support the FSA in taking Assad down .

Gubhet el nasra is another story, those dogs are fighting for an islamic state " taliban style " .
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