Yeah, thats a great argument. Since we cant challenge it, then just accept it. Thats classic sample of slave thinking.
Palestine, which has no army, no economy and diplomatic influence is fighting against the biggest economic, military and diplomatic power. Against a massive and unparalleled propaganda machine, it has won hearts of the world and has induced a change of public opinion. If all of Palestinians think like you, then it would have given up long time ago.
But we cant challenge a country which was our equal only a decade and a half ago until we went backwards fighting American war which our establishment pushed us into for dollars.
The demographic differential between Jews and Arabs is a lot narrower. 7.3 million Jews versus 2 million Israeli Arabs, 2.3 million Arabs in West Bank and 2 million in Gaza. You conveniently ignore Israeli geographical vulnerabilities, geopolitics of greater Arab world and Israel's dependence on USA.
India has never your equal. They were always ahead of you. Now the difference is stark. The days in history of a smaller nation beating a much larger nation are long gone