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Dalai Lama is US-controlled Nazi: China

Götterdämmerung;2740001 said:
How is that Nazism when the Chinese president meets an African leader. That's a sign of no racial discrimination contrary to Nazi race theory or Hindu caste system.

I thought you were a " journalist" ? Any cough* blogger pretending to be a journalist worth this dime would know

a. The man in the picture is sudan's president. responsible for 400,000 deaths( including 10's of thousands of muslims) and has an international warrant for crimes against humanity out on him. Had it when the was invited to China. China sold arms to the genocidal maniac to continue his genocide and continued to do so because they had oil and other investments in Sudan.
b. That caste system is discriminatory system NOT endorsed by the govt. Yet it is not about genocide.

Hope I educated you "blogger on the net so I think I'm a journalist", self :D . You can be born in Germany but you sure have famed Chinese IQ running in your veins equating caste system to 400,000 people being slaughtered as a part of ethic cleansing campaign! .
The genocidal Hindu caste system is honestly pretty sick. I don't think it can ever be eradicated - it's been embedded in Indian society since Aryan invaders raped the natives and installed it to ensure their supremacy. I guess containment is the best option.

No need of containment. Let it rot on its natural course and it will fade away.
The genocidal Hindu caste system is honestly pretty sick. I don't think it can ever be eradicated - it's been embedded in Indian society since Aryan invaders raped the natives and installed it to ensure their supremacy. I guess containment is the best option.

I don't blame you for thinking this way - after all if this is what they teach you in China, I don't expect you to question your government or its curriculum. Such questions can only be posed in more evolved societies where freedom of speech is guaranteed. Maybe a few generations down, your great grand children will be able to view the world through non jaundiced eyes.

Your ignorance and prejudice. Did you really need to ask?

Yes, I did considering I am not a Hindu. It merely reflects your own ignorance and prejudice when you and your ilk think I am. But once again, I don't blame the simple minded Chinese people. They have yet to evolve as a society where they can think for themselves.
I thought you were a " journalist" ? Any cough* blogger pretending to be a journalist worth this dime would know

a. The man in the picture is sudan's president. responsible for 400,000 deaths( including 10's of thousands of muslims) and has an international warrant for crimes against humanity out on him. Had it when the was invited to China. China sold arms to the genocidal maniac to continue his genocide and continued to do so because they had oil and other investments in Sudan.
b. That caste system is discriminatory system NOT endorsed by the govt. Yet it is not about genocide.

Hope I educated you "blogger on the net so I think I'm a journalist", self :D . You can be born in Germany but you sure have famed Chinese IQ running in your veins equating caste system to 400,000 people being slaughtered as a part of ethic cleansing campaign! .

Just because most of you Americans are ignorant of what happens outside your country doesn't mean that others are as well. Omar al-Bashir is one of the many head of states a Chinese president meets, I could as well post a pic where Hu meets Bush, the guy who murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan.

You remind me of the Vietnamese guy at my old high school in SoCal who asked me whether we have apples to eat in Germany.

And trying to insult me by abusing 1.3 billions Chinese makes you what? Right, a bloody Nazi. Oh, the irony.


Lama following this Nazism u say?

Your fellow Indian just tried to correct my English spelling. You on the other hand have difficult to read and understand English.

What don't you understand in this sentence?
In fact, as I stated earlier before, Nazi ideology did borrow a lot from Hindu and lama caste ideology.
The whole ''century of humiliation'' is just one of the typical nazi techniques, the promise of past glory is just the kind of drug one needs to fool a tightly leashed population.

Don't grudge them their zombie talk or their fake flags. Pity them.

And that ''tibetan slavery society'' BS suits their brainwashed lil minds too. I mean they were slaves to various emperors for millenia, as modern thoughts came in - communism and nationalism and modern education - things changed. Not only in China across the world. Similarly in Tibet they would have changed too. The current Tibetan leadership endorses no such practices, infact the world over is a symbol of peace and humanity. But what do chini bots know about that???
The whole ''century of humiliation'' is just one of the typical nazi techniques, the promise of past glory is just the kind of drug one needs to fool a tightly leashed population.

Don't grudge them their zombie talk or their fake flags. Pity them.

And that ''tibetan slavery society'' BS suits their brainwashed lil minds too. I mean they were slaves to various emperors for millenia, as modern thoughts came in - communism and nationalism and modern education - things changed. Not only in China across the world. Similarly in Tibet they would have changed too. The current Tibetan leadership endorses no such practices, infact the world over is a symbol of peace and humanity. But what do chini bots know about that???

Swiss TV has another version to tell - the not so peaceful version:

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I don't blame you for thinking this way - after all if this is what they teach you in China, I don't expect you to question your government or its curriculum. Such questions can only be posed in more evolved societies where freedom of speech is guaranteed. Maybe a few generations down, your great grand children will be able to view the world through non jaundiced eyes.

Haha, I know you feel flattered (in a masochistic sort of way) that India could be some kind of focus point in the Chinese curriculum, but the reality is that China simply doesn't care about India - it's not on our radar. I learned about the caste system and Hinduvta because of personal curiosity. Anyone can know about the genocidal caste system if they have some spare time to do personal research.

Coincidentally, India isn't satisfied with re-writing history in their own country - they tried to export their revisionism and Hindu apologism to USA through lobby groups:

California textbook controversy over Hindu history - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thankfully, Indologists like Michael Witzel who have an interest in objectivity put a stop to it.
Haha, I know you feel flattered (in a masochistic sort of way) that India could be some kind of focus point in the Chinese curriculum, but the reality is that China simply doesn't care about India - it's not on our radar. I learned about the caste system and Hinduvta because of personal curiosity. Anyone can know about the genocidal caste system if they have some spare time to do personal research.

Coincidentally, India isn't satisfied with re-writing history in their own country - they tried to export their revisionism and Hindu apologism to USA through lobby groups:

California textbook controversy over Hindu history - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thankfully, Indologists like Michael Witzel who have an interest in objectivity put a stop to it.

whose that guy in your avatar? I keep seeing him everywhere.

so funny his face.
What is China frustrated for??? For not being able to save her citizens from ill-willed monster? It is true.

However, I think China should take it back a step: just let them burn. If they want to burn themselves, well, let them enjoy the fire themselves.

lol look at the frustration of china !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haha, I know you feel flattered (in a masochistic sort of way) that India could be some kind of focus point in the Chinese curriculum, but the reality is that China simply doesn't care about India - it's not on our radar. I learned about the caste system and Hinduvta because of personal curiosity. Anyone can know about the genocidal caste system if they have some spare time to do personal research.

Coincidentally, India isn't satisfied with re-writing history in their own country - they tried to export their revisionism and Hindu apologism to USA through lobby groups:

California textbook controversy over Hindu history - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thankfully, Indologists like Michael Witzel who have an interest in objectivity put a stop to it.

Actually, I wouldn't even call what they "teach" in China a "curriculum" - it is more like something akin to a special needs course where the ability to think for yourself is not needed. But a commie nation needs drones, not free thinkers. Also when a country which has had the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution starts talking of genocide the civilized world only laughs at the Chinese.

The said country is now on China's radar for her funding and harboring of the insidious monks.
Götterdämmerung;2741879 said:
Your fellow Indian just tried to correct my English spelling. You on the other hand have difficult to read and understand English.

What don't you understand in this sentence?
BEIJING: China's state-run media on Saturday described the Dalai Lama as a US-controlled "Nazi"

The Nazis later went to India and Tibet to search for the root race and found nothing wrong at how the lamas and nobility treated the slaves worse than animals since that fitted into their barbaric ideology of master race (Aryan, lamas, Brahmin) and sub humans (Jews, slaves, Dalits).
Did Lama treated Jews or anyone else like sub humans?
From You supporting the chinese, what else are the readers suppose to understand? "Lama is Nazi" ?

Dalai used to use the human skull for drinking...Really Nazi.
And U Chinese ppl....:argh:


snopes.com: Fetus Eaten by Asians
Do They Eat Babies in China? - Urban Legends
China is Reportedly Selling Pills Made Out of Dead Babies | Geekosystem

What do we call u?
Haha, there's that perverse Indian psychology again. I crushed your insane rants and in response, you could only turn out another slimy, hate-filled rant. Are you foaming at the mouth in rage on the other side of the keyboard? Would you like to address the California textbook controversy? No one cares if Indian kids are being indoctrinated - they're kinda irredeemable precisely because their slave nature has been inculcated through Aryan invasion and attendant Hinduism that occurred millenia ago. But exporting historical revisionism is a serious concern for the world. Don't force your neighbors to quarantine you.

The said country is now on China's radar for her funding and harboring of the insidious monks.

It's been like this for a while now. It's very sick - encouraging slow Tibetan genocide, one by one, through immolation/Sati.
Götterdämmerung;2741879 said:
Just because most of you Americans are ignorant of what happens outside your country doesn't mean that others are as well. Omar al-Bashir is one of the many head of states a Chinese president meets, I could as well post a pic where Hu meets Bush, the guy who murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan.

You remind me of the Vietnamese guy at my old high school in SoCal who asked me whether we have apples to eat in Germany.

And trying to insult me by abusing 1.3 billions Chinese makes you what? Right, a bloody Nazi. Oh, the irony.

ahh , so we've finally seen that you are no ' journalist" as you claim to be. A journalist would have an iota of IQ to give relevant and true comparisons. But rather- you are simply a Chinese internet blogger troll that equates an "insult" to genocide, a " hundreds of thousands Muslims killed " as his " journalistic opinion" to fact. Well- At least we all have learned from this back and forth, that the only Journalistic qualities you think to posses, is gossip. You'd be a hit on the German grocery line stands. But wait! the fact is they would laugh you off in Germany too, as a half baked wanna be journalist for those statements.
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